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Y/n= Your name

Warning: Mentions of Alcohol Use, Slight Violence, Swearing & Unprotected Sex

"Andrew, you're hurting me!" You shouted. You and Andrew went at a pub to drink and dance with his friends/bandmates. Everyone was drinking and dancing, having a good time. When your favorite song began to played, you pulled to whoever was near you and it was Wayne. You two were very close friends, practically like brothers and sisters. He always took care of you whenever Andrew wasn't around. Hell, Wayne would confront any "bastard" (like he would say), to back off if they were bothering you.

Once you pulled Wayne to the dance floor, you two began to danced and laughed. Enjoying that moment. The others cheered and laughed as well, the atmosphere being enjoyable. Except Andrew, he was fuming. Fuming that you were dancing with another guy, especially to the guy he doesn't get along with and isn't fond of him. Same goes for Wayne. One day, thinking you were alone at the studio. You were grabbing your stuff when Wayne said he needed to talk to you. You told him what was the matter and he said the following; "Look, I'm not trying to sound a total asshole here. But, what the hell do you see in him?" Referring to Andrew.

You sigh annoyingly and crossed your arms. "Wayne, we've talked about this before. I know you don't like him because you think he's an egoistic or whatever, but I love him. He truly makes me happy, he's the only guy who has treated me with respect and isn't an asshole." Though, Wayne says otherwise. That's when Andrew barged in the studio room and aggressively walked towards Wayne. "Listen here, you can insult me, bother me or whatever you want to do with me. With Y/n, you leave her the hell alone. Who in the bloody you think you are, mate?!"

Before anything could happened, you stand between them. Forcing Andrew to let go from Wayne's shirt and pushed him out from the room. You told Wayne to go home and practically dragged Andrew out from the building to inside the car. After arriving home, Andrew angrily shouted to stop hanging out with Wayne, but you refused. Saying to not listen to him and he's just being jerk. "He'll come around." You said. "Yeah right, it's not a secret I despised him and he too despises me. Frankly, I don't care. He needs to stay to his place and leave us alone. If he crossed the line again, Y/n. I'm beating him up, end of discussion!"

He walked upstairs and slams the bedroom shut. You cringed hearing how hard he slammed the door and sigh. You do hope nothing like this ever happens again. Oh you're prayers wasn't heard, dammit! Andrew opens the bedroom's door and drags you inside. He lets go of you and locks the door. "Andrew, what has gotten into you?!" You asked angrily. "You were manhandling me, you've never treated me this way. What the hell is wrong with you?!" Andrew walked towards you and with one arm, he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close to him.

You chest touching his. "You're mine." He growl. You were taken back from the sudden behavior. You tried removing his grip but he didn't budge. You were about to slapped him, until he grabbed your wrist using his other hand. "Let go, you're hurting me." You lied. "You know that's a lie. The only that will be hurting is what's between your legs." He whispered huskily. "W-what?" You choked. That's when Andrew pushed you towards the bed, pining both of your arms. You tried getting out but he was too strong. He smirked and whisper;

"Wayne is being too fucking touching with you, I don't like that. I don't like sharing what's mine. You're mine, Y/n. You're my pretty lady!" Andrew pulls your dress up and rips your panties. You gasp, you've never seen Andrew being this aggressive. You couldn't deny that his aggression and jealousy was turning you on. "That's my favorite panties!" You whined. "I'll buy you a new one!" He snarled. He began to removed his leather pants leaving with his shirt and boxers on. Andrew pulled his cock out from his boxers and grins.

Your eyes widen from seeing his member hard, precum on his tip, veins popping. Sure, you and him have sex before, but this was something new. It scared you, but you were excited. Andrew forcefully spread your legs and spread your wetness using his tip. You squirmed beneath him and you began breathing hard. "So fucking wet, such a pretty view." He pulled your breasts out from your dress and began sucking on one of them. You groan and panted enjoying the new pleasure he's giving you. "Hmph, Andrew. S-stop that." You said. Trying to sound as if you weren't enjoying it.

Andrew stopped his actions and looked at you. He removed his shades and you could of sworn you would have exploded right there. His cold eyes lookin at you as you were a prey. "Do you really want that? Okay, say it. Say that you don't want me to fuck you." You swallow dryly, knowing that you wanted him to. "Come on, now. You're a big girl, say it. Say that you don't want me inside you and giving the pleasure that I know you want." Andrew said rather cocky. "Fuck!" You said to yourself. He won. "I- I want you to fuck me. Please Andrew, I want you inside me!"

Andrew couldn't help it but chuckle darkly. Again, he spreads your legs. Without warning, he slams inside you. Causing you to gasp loudly. He moved his hips violently as you dig your nails on his shoulders. "Ah Andrew, p- please, slo- slow down!" You moaned. He wrapped a hand around your neck. Holy fuck this man really is aggressive tonight. "Take it, take it like a big girl." He groans. Feeling your insides all hot and warm is a pleasure to him. "Ah!" You moaned. Andrew grips one of your breasts as it bounces from his aggressive movements.

You can feel the familiar knot forming in your stomach. You were close in cumming. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him deeper inside you. That was your way on telling him you were close. He lets go of your neck and smashes his lips to yours. You kissed him back and wrapped your arms around his neck. Kissing just as hard he is. "You're mine, Y/n. Fucking mine, no one can replace me. Not even to that bastard, Hussey!" He snarled. "Oh fuck, I'm going to cum!" You announced.

"Say it, Y/n. You belong to me, say that you're fucking mine!" He demanded. The pleasure was too intense. "Argh, oh Andrew. I'm yours, all yours. I belong to you!" You cried. "Say that no man can ever pleasure you like I am!" "Oh, no man can ever pleasure me like you do. Oh Andrew, I love you!" With one, final, hard thrust. Your body tremble and you came. He too came inside you and hold you as he did. He wanted to make sure he was filling you up with his cum. Making sure no bits of droplets were falling out to your thighs. After a while, he slowly pulls out.

Causing you to whine from the sudden feeling and a tiny of Andrew's cum fell on your thighs. Andrew grabbed some napkins that were on the nightstand and cleans you up. You hissed from how sensitive your pussy was. Andrew head to the bathroom where was inside of the bedroom and prepare a bath for you and him. You weren't sure if you can even get up. You were too sore. He notices it and carries you in a bridal style. Slowly and carefully, he puts you inside the bathtub.

You sigh, relax from feeling the warm water touching your body. Andrew gets in and sits behind you. He wraps his arms around you and kisses your cheek. "I'm sorry for getting angry. It just pisses me off that he thinks I'm not good enough for you. Mothefucker needs to go out more, probably be lucky enough to find a girl." You couldn't help but giggled at his words. "It's okay, love. I forgive you, don't worry about, Wayne. Surely he needs to come around."

This made Andrew scoffed and began applying shampoo on your hair. "Yeah right, he hates my guts. I hate his too, that's one thing we have on common. Probably the only thing-" "Andrew, honey. Forget about him, let's just enjoy tonight." You interrupted him. He sigh and nods. "You're right, I'm sorry, pretty lady. I didn't hurt you, right?" You smiled; "No, you didn't. I loved it." He grins and you kissed his nose. "I love you." You said lovingly. "I love you too, my pretty lady."

Andrew Eldritch Oneshots/Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now