Letting Go

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Y/n/n= Your nickname

Warning: Violence?

"Why did you bring me here?" You asked. Earlier throughout the day, Andrew knocked on your door which you answered. Upon answering, he didn't even said hello and made his snarky but jokingly remarks. Instead, he said; "Get your coat, we're going out." It caught you by surprised and you wasted no time in doing that. Thirty minutes later, you two arrive your destination. Which, you're confused on the place you two are at. "Stop asking question, put on the gear." You put on a protective jumpsuit, protective gloves, shoes as well. Lastly, a helmet with safety goggles.

You felt quite ridiculous and before you said anything, Andrew handed you a bat. You took it and honestly you thought he lost his mind. "Now, go in there and have fun." He simply said. He pushes you inside the room where there was nice looking cabinets, tv and such. "Uh, what am I supposed to do?" You asked. "What do you do with a bat, Y/n/n?" "Hit the baseball." You replied un-surely. "Well then, do you have a baseball to hit?" You hear him asked through a microphone. "No. Wait am I...?" "Bingo, wow, you're smart for once." He half joked.

You slightly groan and look at the items you were about to smash. Bam! You began hitting the cabinets breaking it quickly. This made Andrew eyes slightly widen but observe on your frustrations. That wasn't the only thing you were feeling. You felt anger, hurt, and pure sadness. As you complete smashed the cabinets, you looked at the tv and your breathing became thin and grunted when you began smashing it. You felt tears building in your eyes and couldn't help but let those tears go. Andrew saw this and slightly smile. Not because he enjoy seeing you cry, he's happy you're letting all those negative emotions go.

Once you realize you have smashed everything, you observe the now chaotic mess and dropped the bat. You removed your helmet and goggles and threw it aside. You fell down on your knees and broke down. You were sobbing hard that you had the hiccups. Andrew entered the room and hold you as you cried. He didn't said anything, he didn't need to. All you wanted from him is to hold you and let you cry. After a few minutes of crying, you wiped your tears away and took a deep breath in and out. You repeat that about five times, until you felt calm. "Please, don't tell anyone nor make fun of me." You spoke raspy.

"I'm an asshole, but not to the people I care about." He said truthfully. You slightly smile and you two got up and left the room. You removed the gear and Andrew helped you put on your coat, and extended his arm to you. You accepted it and suggested to go to a nearby diner, which he didn't disagree. After all, he hasn't ate anything since seven in the morning. Why? Who knows, he's a strange fellow, which you like about him.

Andrew Eldritch Oneshots/Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now