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137 1 0

Y/n= Your name

Basta= Enough
Por favor, deja eso= Please, leave that
Tengo hambre= I'm hungry
Yo también= Me too
Lo se, lo se. Pronto vamos a casa= I know, I know. Soon, we'll go home

Warning: Mentioned of Child Abandonment, Slight Swearing & Cigarette Use

"Martha y Erick, basta!" You said sternly. Trying to get your little sister who's seven years old, and your youngest brother who's four years old your attention. After days working non-stop to care for your siblings, it was a Monday morning, they had no school today, when you opened the refrigerator and noticed there was no food at all. You little sister, Martha wanted pancakes and Erick wanted scramble eggs with bacon. Usually, you would have someone to take care of them while doing grocery shopping. Unfortunately, no one was able to. You had no choice, but to take them with you.

"Martha, por favor, deja eso. Erick, no!" You grabbed your little sister away from the candy section. You pointed Martha, motioning Erick to hold her hand. Which, he did and three of you start walking up to check-out with your almost full cart. After the cashier scanned everything, the young cashier said; "Okay, that will be $65.77, ma'm." You reached for your purse and took out your card to let the cashier scanned your card. "Okay, here's your card. Now your total will be $46.75." You widen your eyes as you put your card away. "Wait, what-" "You only had $19.02." The young woman said, her tone sounded empathy.

You sigh hard and looked at your siblings who were giggling about something. You wanted to cry, at that point, you felt like a failure. Before you had the chance to say anything else; "Here's fifty, and keep the change." You turned to look and see a young, somewhat skinny man, who was wearing sunglasses give his money to her. "Okay, here's everything. You two have a wonderful day!" The mysterious guy helped you carrying your grocery bags out to your car. "I- I'm loss for words. Thank you so much, I'll pay you back as soon as I-" "And why would you do that?" He asked. Your face turned to confused one.

"Well, you payed everything. I mean, you didn't have to." After you and him put the bags the back of the trunk, he said the following; "You're right on that one, but I wanted to. After all, what kind of husband would let his wife pay for all of this?!" That's when you laughed a bit and he raised a brow. "Did I missed a joke or...?" You shook your head as your laughter died down. "No, no. I'm sorry. This is a misunderstanding, I'm not married." "Oh alright, so you're a single mom." He replied. You giggled. "No, I'm not their mom. I'm their sister." You finally explained.

He stood quiet for a moment and sigh. "Now, I'm the asshole one." He said apologetically. "It's okay, you didn't know. My name is Y/n." You extended your hand. He extended his and shook your hand. "I'm Andrew. So, your parents didn't give you money for this?" Motioning the grocery bags. You shut the door trunk closed and looked at him. "How could they? I don't know where they went when they left us." Andrew made a face and sucked his teeth. "Christ, shitty parents then." You nodded, agreeing upon what he said. "Yeah, but what can I do about it? I have them with me, so they're in good hands." "Seems like they are. Good job on raising them. They seem happy." You smiled and felt warm inside.

Maybe because you felt like you weren't doing a good job on raising them for a while until now. A strange, yet, a kind man says otherwise. "Y/n, tengo hambre." Martha softly spoke. "Yo también." Erick groaned. "Lo se, lo se. Pronto vamos a casa." You told them. You helped them get inside the back of the car and put on their seatbelts. You closed the door and turned around to look at Andrew. You see him taking out a cigarette from the box and light up his cigarette. "Well, the kids are hungry. They haven't ate breakfast yet. I want to say thank you for helping me. Really, it's kind of embarrassing that you probably think I don't have money. I don't get my check until Friday."

Andrew took a puff from his cigarette and looked at you. "I don't make assumptions on anyone's life. Seeing your sister and brother in clean clothes, and well nourished. I say you do have a job, probably not the best. Though, it's something, no?" You giggled again and nodded. "Yeah that is true. Taking care of two kids and having two jobs is tiresome. Though, I don't ever give up. They keep me motivated." Andrew broke a small smile and put his cigarette out. He put his hand on your shoulder and said; "You're an attractive, hard working, smart woman miss Y/n. Don't ever feel like you're not." His kind words made you tear up  and hugged him.

At first, he was shocked and didn't know what to do. When Andrew heard you sniffed, he couldn't help it but hugged you back. Rubbing your back and soothing you. You pulled away and dried your tears away and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen from your purse. "I'm sure if I was to say goodbye and go on with my life, I'll probably never see you again. I'm off the whole day, and to pay for your kindness. I would love for you to come for dinner, if you're not busy, of course." You said and gave the small paper to Andrew. He took it and put it inside his jeans pocket. You two heard knocking on the window and your brother was pouting. You giggle and kissed Andrew's cheek. Not only he was taken by surprised, you as well.

You've never done anything like this. "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that about?" You blush and awkwardly giggled. "I'm sorry, Andrew. I don't even know either, I guess that's another way to say thank you." Andrew moved closer to you and whispered in your ear; "If that's the case. I'll help you more often. Also, yes. I will join you and your siblings for dinner." You blushed again and told him that you'll see him soon. You hoped inside your car, and Andrew moved aside to let you reverse your car and off you went. He looked at the direction you were driving until you were fully gone. He took out the piece of paper and chuckled seeing your address and phone number.

Andrew felt as something unexpected was going to happened soon, but in a good kind of way, that surely he can't wait to indeed see you again for dinner.

Andrew Eldritch Oneshots/Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now