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Y/n= Your name

Warning: Slight Swearing

"Okay everyone, that's it for tonight. Everybody can go home now." Andrew announced. The Sisters of Mercy just finished with their debut album called "First and Last and Always." After months of working their asses off to finish this "bloody album" like Andrew would say, finally, they finished. They sure as hell they were exhausted. Everyone left leaving you and Andrew alone at the studio room, he sigh as you took a seat next to him. You sigh happily and smile at him.

He looks at you and looks back at the recording tape. Tapping a finger on the item. "Go home." He demanded. "I'm waiting for you, silly." You said playfully. You lean at your seat and crossed your arms still smiling at him. Andrew leaned at his seat as well but gave you an annoyed face. "You know you can wait for me at home, right?" He said sounding annoyed. "And did you know you come home very late?" You playfully mocked him. He sucked his teeth; "I do not." He mumbled. "Come now on, do what you have to do." "Do you mean go over it and re-edit everything?" You nodded. Your smile still display on your face.

Andrew shakes his head and focus back on the tape. "There's nothing to change." You gasp in exaggeration. He groaned annoyingly as you continue; "The Mr. Great, perfectionist, critic Andrew is satisfy with the album?!" "You're making it sound like I'm hard to please." He argued. "Aren't you?" You joked. Andrew rolled his eyes and got up from his seat. He walked to the other side of the room to grabbed his coat and yours. "Come on then, put on your coat. It's freezing outside." You giggled and got up from your seat. You went towards him and put on your coat, Andrew helping as well.

"You don't say, I didn't know December was such a cold time?" You mocked him again. Andrew grinned and hugged you from behind. You laughed as he put his chin on top of your head. "You know, you've been acting like a comedian for the past hour. How bored are you, my darling?" You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Very, mostly tired." You confessed. He sigh again and caressed your cheek. "I figured. Let's go home, I'm fucking exhausted." He said.

You two left the building and quickly walked home. He put one of your hands inside his pocket, caressing your knuckles as you two made your way home. Fifteen minutes passed, finally, you two arrived. He opened the door for you and you entered, thanking him in the process. Andrew shuts the door as he entered, the two of you removed your shoes not wanting wet footprints inside the house. The wind blew hard and snow came heavily out of nowhere. "Well look at that, we made it right on time." "Bloody hell, tomorrow is going to be a even longer day."

"Come on, grumpy. Let's go to bed, you must rest for all that snow shoveling tomorrow morning." You snickered. Andrew groans in response and follows you to the bedroom. You two changed clothes to pjs and before Andrew put his shirt on. You put rubbing alcohol on him and rub the liquid all over his back. "Don't ask, just trust me." You quickly said. Andrew smiled and let you do what you have to do. He put his shirt on once you finished and he did the same to you. Still, he didn't asked why and you didn't commented on him doing that for you too. Once you two settle, your turned off the light from lamp and the two of you cover each other with the blanket.

You both felt relaxation on each other's bodies, feeling the effect from the rubbing alcohol. "You know I'm going to help you shovel all that snow, right?" You stated sleepily. You turned around facing him as you put a leg on top of his. Wrapping your arm around him, your head laying on his chest. With his free hand, he pulled you closer to him. Loving the warmth on your body that was producing. That same hand rested on your hips and responded groggily; "Can't even stop you, you're a stubborn woman." You giggle one last time before you fell asleep. Andrew smile and kissed your forehead. "My stubborn, pretty lady. Sweet dreams." He whispered. Knocking out with his lover's arms on a cold blizzard night.

Andrew Eldritch Oneshots/Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now