Screw You

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Y/n= Your Name

Warning: Slight Swearing & Infidelity

"Who are you?" "I'm Y/n, I'm looking for Andrew. Who are you?" You asked politely. The girl you asked a question to leans on the door frame with her arms crossed. "I'm Claire, I'm Andy's girlfriend." This made your heart drop and made your body sweat cold. "How could he?" You put your sunglasses on again which was previously in your hand. "I- I'm sorry, I should go now." You quickly said. Claire grabbed your arm preventing you from leaving and dragged you inside her house. "You were looking for him and you said his name. Obviously something is going on between you two!" She began to raised her voice.

"What's all the noise?" You heard him say. You and aire look at the direction where he was. He wasn't wearing his sunglasses, which wasn't odd for Claire nor you. Andrew only takes his shades off to the people he trust the most, especially to his lover... Uh oh. He froze upon seeing you two and was flabbergasted. "Who is she?!" Claire asked. Andrew stammered, trying to speak. You took a dee breath and decided to be the 'man' in the situation. "My name is Y/n, Andrew and I have been seeing other for the past year now. We met at one of his shows and one drink led to another and I don't have to tell you what happened next."

Andrew swallowed dryly, the room was quiet. He could hear his heart beat in a rapidly manner. Claire was shocked on what you said, utterly in disbelief. "I swear, I didn't know you and him were together. He never mentioned you." You said. It was time for him to be honest with the two of you. Claire looked at him, rage was all over her face. You swear you could see smoke coming from her ears like in the cartoons. "Seriously, you seriously were seeing someone else behind my back. After all the things I did for the band, no, for you!" She shouted. She let go off you and stomped her way to Andrew.

He put his hands out, preventing her to come too close to him. "Claire, I can explain. It was a mistake, I didn't mean this to happen." "Are you kidding me, Andy? We've been together since we're seventeen, fucking seventeen?!" Andrew cringed hearing her soon to be ex lover yelled. She never yelled at him, ever. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, Claire. I have no excuse for what I did, I was stupid. I swear, I didn't mean this go happen." He explained. "Yet, she's saying you two have been seeing each other for a year, a year, Andy!" She choked on her words. You felt awful about this, it's like you said you swear you didn't know. If you did, immediately would of call it off and leave.

"Claire, I'm sorry." You apologized. She looked at you with tears on her eyes. "I didn't know he was with you, I thought he was single. I mean, I asked him but he never gave me a proper answer, did you, Andy?" You mocked him. Claire dozed off, meanwhile, you looked at him. You walked towards him in a intimidating way. His lips dry and was still lost on words. "How could you do this to us, to her? She loves you, Andy. What I heard, she's a remarkable person. You're garbage, Andrew. I never want to see you again."

"I don't ever want to see you either, Andy. Go to hell." Claire snarled. Andrew grabbed on her hands and tried to soothe her. "Please, Claire. I'm sorry!" "I'm sorry for you too." She said sadly. She sniffed and looked at you before saying; "I don't blame you, he's a charmer." She chuckled sadly and walked away. Leaving the house with you two alone. You were about to do the same but he grabbed one of your wrists. "Is this what you wanted, are you happy now?!" "Screw you, Andrew!" You shouted back. You removed his grip from you and slapped him.

"You're the one who cheated, not me and not her. You said you loved me!" "I do, I love you!" You couldn't believe what he was saying, the audacity. "No, you never love me nor her. Maybe you did love her, but you betrayed her. You made me think I was the only woman in your life when in reality, for a whole year, Andrew. She was never the other woman, but I was. How stupid I was in believing you, by then again men are great liars." Andrew didn't say anything instead he hugged you. You put your hands up.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. Please, don't leave me." His voice cracked. You shed a tear but quickly composed yourself. Instead, you pulled away from him and rest a hand on his cheek. This was the first time you ever see him cry, this was the first seeing you cry as well. "But I am, I'm already gone." Those were the last words you said to him before walking away from him. He tried calling your name but you slammed the front door. It'll be his last time seeing you cry, just like you seeing him cry. Screw him.

Andrew Eldritch Oneshots/Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now