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Y/n= Your name

Warning: None

"Oh my god, Andy?!" You whispered-shouted. As Andrew opened your window and let himself in. You pulled him for a hug and he gladly hugged you back. "What are you doing here, it's late. Plus, my parents are in the house if you haven't noticed?" You whispered as you smiled. Andrew grinned cheekily and said; "I do, I see your folks' car. Plus, how do you say it in Spanish, oh yeah, and a "chismosa" neighbor too." You playfully gasped and covered your mouth. Giggling from his pronunciation and the slang word he just used.

"Andy, that's not nice. She's just an old lady." You explained as you were still giggling. "My point exact." He remarked playfully. You grabbed Andrew's hand and led him to your bed, which you two lay on it. Andrew wrapped a arm around your waist as you lay your head on his chest. Which you love, you just love hearing his heartbeat. "Thanks for coming tonight, I'm sorry we couldn't go out. My parents didn't let me." You explained sadly. "It's okay, I know they don't like me. No hard feelings, darling." You sigh and stood up, he too did the same, thinking he offended you.

"They do like you, they're just... old school. You know, they're traditionalists." Andrew sucked his teeth and replied; "Exactly, they don't like me. Come on, now, Y/n. Your parents doesn't like me because I'm not like your family a Latino man." You looked at him in shocked. "That's not true, Andrew." You tried to explained. Andrew got out from the bed and looked outside at the window. "I know I'm not part of the community, but it's awfully stupid of the reason they don't like me. I understand, you know, that's just how they grew up. They should know that I would never hurt you or like your father said; "He only wants what's between your legs. Like all boys want nowadays." He should know by now I'm not like the rest!" He began to raised his voice.

You shushed him, hearing if your parents woke up. Silence, besides your father's snores. You sigh in relief and gave him a soft look. "Andrew, honey, I know you're not like that. I mean, you're willing to wait until I'm ready. You even said you're willing to wait until marriage, which I really appreciate. I know you will never hurt me, I know you care about me. Just so you know I care about you too." You confessed. You and Andrew have been going out for two months now, but you two were friends since elementary. Andrew is twenty and you're eighteen. Even so, he never once disrespected you in any way.

Plus, he developed feelings towards you over four months ago. Andrew walked towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him. You wrapped yours around his neck and both of you touch foreheads. You two sigh and looked at each other with admiration and love. "Everything will be okay, at the end, I'm their only daughter. They have to accept you, which they will. It'll just take time. Trust me, mi amor. Okay?" He chuckles hearing you called him my love in Spanish. "I do, cariño. Did I said it right?" He asked. You giggled again and nodded. "You said it perfectly." You said.

You give him a quick peck on the lips. Andrew smiles and pulls you for a longer kiss and you gladly deepen the kiss. Before he had the chance to slide a hand to your butt, you two heard a footsteps heading to your room. You two pulled away and you told him to hide under your head which he did. You slightly kick one of his feet, signaling that they can see it. "Y/n, mija, who were you talking to?" Your mom asked as she opened your bedroom's door. "Did I wake you up? Perdón mamá, I was praying." You lied. "No wonder I heard your voice. No worries, mija. Goodnight." She said sweetly and closes the door. You sigh in relief and Andrew crawl out under your bed and stood up.

He dusted himself and hold both of your hands afterwards . "That was a close one, I should head home then." "Will you come back tomorrow?" You asked. Andrew kissed both of hands and say; "Forever and always." You pulled him for a tenderly kissed and pulled away. "Goodnight, Andrew. Te quiero." You whispered. He smiles and said; "Goodnight, my pretty lady. Me too." Afterwards, he opened your window and left just like that at ease. Once he landed on the ground, he sigh and hope tomorrow will be better. Once he was walking on the streets and heading home. He didn't realized your mother saw him and didn't say anything.

As a matter of fact, she smiled and didn't told your father about it, knowing he'll freak out like a maniac. Right there, she knew Andrew loves you and wants the best for you. She knew her daughter found the man of her dreams. Like you said, your parents need to accept him. Already, your mom does. One down, one more to go.

Andrew Eldritch Oneshots/Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now