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Y/n= Your name

Warning: Cigarette Use& Domestic Violence

Once again, Andrew was disappointed not seeing his long time childhood friend, Y/n. It was his birthday, and you said you were going to go. You haven't, he waited, no show. Patricia, the newest member of The Sisters of Mercy, noticed his sudden behavior and walked up to him. He was outside, smoking, staring off the city lights of New York. "Usually, the birthday person would be all happily and cheerfully celebrating their special day." She commented.

Andrew didn't flinched when she sneaked up on him. He kept looking at the view and took a puff, exhaling it then. Patricia smiled turned to a frown and walked to him and stand next to him, on his left. She too views the city of New York and sigh, looking at him. "What wrong?" She asked. Andrew sigh, this was the question he was trying to avoid. "Nothing." He responded coldly. Patricia crossed her arms, and scoffed annoyingly. This made Andrew looked at her, feeling annoyed as well.

"Okay, be that way." She was about to walked away until Andrew spoke. "It's Y/n, she's not here. She promised." This made her smile, and continue on. "Oh your special lady friend, did she said why?" He shrugged. "That's not an answer, maybe she's caught on work." "She doesn't talk to me as much like we used to. It's like she's being distant not only with me, but to the whole world. I want to know why." He said sadly. This was the first time Patricia saw Andrew being genuinely sad, especially to someone.

You must be special for him to be all gloomy. "Well, you know her address, right? Go to her place, crash in, talk to her. Explain how you're feeling." Andrew wanted to tell Patricia to leave him alone and to mind her business, but that suggestion wasn't a bad idea. So, he did. The following days, after being busy with his usual stuff. He was free for the day and decided to head to the apartment you were living. As he got off from the elevator, he heard a man and a woman arguing, shouting.

"Typically American couples." He said to himself. "I can't do this anymore, you're cruel and vicious!" "Y/n?" He thought. The closer he was heading to your apartment, the clearer the shouting was. He stopped in front of your door and waited, listening. "You think anyone would want you besides me? You're just an ungrateful bitch!" Smacked! You wailed as his hand contacts your face. That's when Andrew busted in and lost it when he saw you on the floor, a bruise on your cheek, your hair messed up and tears on your eyes.

Andrew launched on the guy and the man tried hitting him but missed. Once Andrew tripped him, he stomped him so hard that the man was gasping for air. When the man had enough, Andrew pulled him off the floor and dragged him out from the apartment room. He held his collar and threaten; "If I ever see you face again, I'll kill you!" He pushed him which caused the guy to fall again on the floor and slammed the door shut. Andrew was breathing hard and his face was red from anger. His face soften when he lay eyes on you for the first time in almost three years.

He walked towards you and helped you get up from the floor, you winced when Andrew held the side of your waist. He lifted your shirt and regretted from not killing the man. Not only did he saw one bruise, but dozens on your body. This explains everything, on why you haven't made any contact. You didn't need to explain. "We're going to report this to the police." And you did. You pressed charges and told the officers where your now ex boyfriend lives. Less than ten minutes, they arrested him. The guy wanted to press charges against Andrew for and I quote; "Trying to kill me!"

Even though he did had a busted lip and purple eye, the police simply said; "I don't see anything." And took him to the precinct for further investigation. Less than two days, he was found guilty and he was going to be prison for a good while. Good. After checking out from the hospital, Andrew took you home and told you to pack up. "W- what why?" You asked. He gave you a flight ticket that says England. Heading to the airport and waited for your flight with him, you two catch up.

After three years of abuse and fighting constantly, Andrew pulled you for a hug and kissed your forehead. This made you blush and him as well but he didn't care. He was glad you were still here. "Once we're in England, you will have a new life. An opportunity to start over again, I managed to find you a new job. A job where you get to meet new people, travel and all of that fancy stuff but with me. I didn't take care of you back then, but I'll take care of you now and forever."

Your lost hope turn to be hopeful and thanked him for everything. The flight came and you two hop on. After several hours of flying up at the sky, you fell asleep. Sleeping peacefully on his shoulder, the flight attendant was about to tapped your shoulder to ask you for food or any drinks, until Andrew spoke softly; "All she wants is to sleep, she had a long fight." She smiled and apologized and walked away to attend the others. Indeed you did, and you survived. Maybe Patricia was right, maybe you are his special lady friend.

If everything goes smoothly and you began to trust again, maybe, just maybe he'll have a chance from being his special lady to his special pretty lady girlfriend.

Andrew Eldritch Oneshots/Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now