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Warning: Cigarette Use

"Ugh you're so difficult to talk to at times!" You snarled. "Better than all the time like you!" Andrew snapped back. You huffed angrily and opened the door, stomping away as you left the studio building. Patricia had a concerning face as she witnessed you leaving and could of sworn it looked like you were about cry. "Sorry about that, let's get back to recording. I want to finish this as possible." Andrew said as if nothing happened. Patricia got up from the couch that was on recording studio and walked towards him.

Her arms were crossed and looked at him pissed. "Are you kidding me, Andrew. She just left angrily and you only care about recording?" He sigh and began rubbing his forehead showing how stressed he was about all of this. "I'm going to say this as nice as possible. This is between her and I, so I'm kindly asking you to mind your business." He said rather cocky. Patricia smile and responded; "And I kindly say no." Mocking him. Andrew huffed and sucked his teeth. He took a cigarette pack and open it as he took one out and light it.

He too a puff as he looking around expect at Patricia. He knew what she's going to ask next. "What happened between you two?" She asked in concern. Andrew leaned on a wall and took another puff and exhale through his nose as he finally looked at her. "Honestly, I don't even know. This whole marriage thing, I thought it won't be as difficult. I was wrong." Patricia formed a small smile and put both hands on her hips. "Andrew, you need to stop expecting stuff will be easy. Don't get me wrong, there are some stuff that are easy. Other things, not." She explained.

Again, Andrew took a puff and hum. Reflecting on what Patricia said. "I supposed you're right, I can't help it though." He said sincere. This made Patricia chuckle as she shook her head. "Oh Andy, you're too funny." "Don't call me that." He said quickly. "Lastly, stop being so hostile and go apologize or make out or whatever to your wife." She half joked. "Are you suggesting that I make love to her after an argument like that?" He asked half sarcastically and serious. Patricia shrugged her shoulder and looked away from him.

"That I don't want to know, that's between a husband and his wife." Patricia simply said. She side eyed him and grinned. Andrew rolled his eyes but couldn't help but grinned back from her dirty suggested or joke or whatever Patricia did there. Andrew put his half-done cigarette on his lips as he put on his overcoat. "Don't touch anything or I'll have to fired you." He said. Patricia put both of her hands up in defense and responded; "Oh please, I'll quit before you know if I did touch anything." Andrew glared at her and sigh. Before opening the door and closing it as he left.

Once Andrew made it out of the building, he thought for a moment what Patricia said to him and for once, he followed her advice. Sure, her and him doesn't talk much. Let alone talk about their personal problem, Andrew won't even allow the argument going public even at the recoding studio where Patricia is. Well he only sees her anyway. Andrew sucked his teeth again, he dropped his cigarette to the floor and step on it, putting it out. Andrew exhale the last smoke through his nose and walked back home.

Along his way, he made a quick purchase and head home before the sun began to set. He unlocks the front door and slammed it shut, quickly making his way to their shared bedroom. He opens the door seeing you just woken up from your short nap. You two stared at each other, before you wanted to leave the room, Andrew kneel next to the bed and you gasp seeing what he bought while making his way home. He was relief seeing you accepted his gift, you admire the beautiful tulips he got you. Purple tulips to be exact. Andrew cleared his throat before speaking;

"I uh got you these. To show that I'm sorry for arguing earlier and not understanding where you were coming from. I do now, and I'm sorry." You couldn't help but smile and pulled him for a hug, putting the flowers a side on the bed. "It's okay, Andrew. I forgive you. I'm sorry for yelling too." Andrew broke a smile and caressed your cheek. "Don't be, you were angry. You had every right to react on how you were feeling." You nodded as you began to play with his other free hand. "Let's not argue anymore, okay?" Andrew pleaded. Your eyes look at his and your parted a bit of your lips.

He loved when you do that, he thinks you did that on purpose. Since he has told you this before. "Okay." You finally said. He slowly pulled you for a kiss and you kiss him back in eager. Quickly, it started getting heated as you tuck his coat, signaling him to take it off. Which he did with your help, you tug at his shirt as he got on top of you. Never breaking the kiss as his hands started wandering around your body, finally gripping your hips. Patricia was right though, "making up" wasn't a bad idea after all.

Andrew Eldritch Oneshots/Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now