Love & Betrayal (Part One)

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Y/n= Your name
E/c= Eye color

Warning: Slight Cursing, Infidelity, Mentions of Cigarettes Use & Mentions of Sexual Acts

"Hey Andy, you okay?" Claire asked. Andrew blinked rapidly and look at his girlfriend who had a concern look on her face. Andrew slightly smile and rub one of her knees since she was wearing shorts. It was summer and in England it's like you're melting every second that goes by. "I'm fine." He says. "Alright , if you say so. But anyways..." Andrew wasn't fine, in fact, it was driving him mad. She was driving him mad, Y/n. You and Andrew met when you accidentally bump into him at a pub. You were working and while you laughed by the comments from a group of customers made.

You bumped into him and almost dropped the beer bottles if it wasn't for Andrew catching it and holding you by the waist.Right there, you felt a click. You couldn't see his eyes since he was wearing shades, but the way he hold you and apologized for not seeing you. His voice, you fell for him. As if he put you some king of spell, a love spell. You were never the type of person to fall in love quick, hell, you don't even believe love at first sight. Now you do, but to him, probably only him.

Andrew felt that click as well, but pushed it away for a while. Though, throughout your whole shift, he couldn't help by stare at you. Admiring your features, your hair, your body. Most of all, your smile. So pretty and very contagious. With your e/c eyes as you look at those who were talking to you, which was mostly guys. He couldn't stand it and wanted you to only look at him like that. Once your shift was over, he offered to take you home and you gladly accepted. He was gentleman with you and wish you goodnight as you two arrive at your flat.

"Thank you, Andrew. For walking with me to my house, it's rather nice than to walk alone at night." You said. He cleared his throat and put his hands in his pockets. "It'll be better if you'll like to go on a date with me. That's if you want to, of course." You giggled as you blushed from his suggestion and nod. "I'm off tomorrow, we can hang out all day, that is if you're an early bird." You slightly joked. Andrew grinned at that and chuckled as well. The next day, he came around eight o' clock in the morning and knocked on your door.

You answered and he thought you look beautiful with your outfit for the day. You linked your arms around his and you two went off. Three months after knowing each other, he invited you to his house and you arrived. You got out from the taxi and tipped the taxi driver and thanked him. You rang the doorbell, he immediately opened the door and welcomed you. You entered and you suggested to watch a movie, which Andrew agreed. While watching the movie, Andrew brought wine from his refrigerator and asked if you'll like some. You weren't much for a drinker, but once a while won't hurt.

So, you accepted and he served you a glass of wine, then him. Afterwards, you two clink each other's glass and drank. When the movie finish, there was two empty bottles of wine and a pack of beer. Sincerely, you were drunk. He too was somewhat drunk. Words of advice, never mix your alcohol. Andrew reached for the controller and turned off the t.v, instead you two began to talk. The more you two were into the conversation, the more closer you two were getting. Andrew tried resisting in making the first move, he took off his shades and rubbed his eyes. For the first time, you saw his eyes and couldn't help but stare at him. He looked mesmerized.

When he saw how you were looking at him, the way you were looking at those try hard boys a few months ago. He couldn't help it but pulled you for a kiss. You froze, still processing what was going on. Nevertheless, you closed your eyes and kissed him back. You two wanted this, you both have wanted this since the first time you two met, when you two accidentally bumped into one to another. Because of that, the kiss turned heated. You two stood up from the couch, he didn't need to tell you to jump.

Andrew Eldritch Oneshots/Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now