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"Today: December, 31st, 1986. Here I am, writing in this journal that i have kept for years. I have no home. No where to go. My mom kicked me out of her house because I refused to get a pay working job. I tried to be a janitor for my previous highschool that I dropped out of. I couldn't do it. It was too stressful. The only thing that keeps my mind in tact is writing and art. I play guitar, I even have a few songs written out. But I have no band. Unfortunately. Until next time, journal. – Kurdt Kobain. "

Kurt let out a sigh as he shuts the tiny cover of his composition journal. His knees were tucked up into his chest as the pen was tossed onto the floor beside him.

A black jansport backpack was resting beside him. Along with a few more bags.  Along with his guitar. He occasionally played it to get the money from random people he saw at the streets.

They didn't know what was planned for Kurt's future.

Kurt stressfully ran a hand through his matted blonde hair. It was so greasy it looked almost string like. But the man didn't care. He adjusted the flannel he wore over his navy blue colored cardigan.

The night has fallen.

His blue eyes looked around for a moment before grabbing the Jansport. He sniffled a few times as he unzipped the bag. His hands slightly trembled as he takes out a small bag of marijuana and a makeshift bong.

He scooted himself back further in the alleyway that he was in. Weed was illegal. And Kurt knew that. But he didn't honestly care. It was helping him.

And, that's all that matters.

Kurt's hands carefully prepared himself a bawl. His blonde hair was slightly over his face.

It was long. Very, long. It completely drapes down to his shoulders. Lightly touching the top-half of his back.

Once the weed was prepared, he began to smoke it. His eyes watered with tears as he takes a hit.

Taking a deep inhale of the relaxing happy drug, he immediately started to spew out the smoke afterwards.

Suddenly, there were footsteps. Kurt went wide eyed. His blue eyes were slightly dilated.

Redness surround the white part of the human eyes as he slowly looks over into the direction of where the footsteps are coming from.

He felt nervous. He felt scared.
Quickly, he started to pack up his weed – thinking it was the Aberdeen Washington Police.
But his worries relaxed when he saw a familiar face.

It was Krist.

Kurt stared up at the tall man in surprise. He hasn't seen Noveselic in a few years since he has dropped out.

"Oh, my god." Was all Kurt can get out of his lips as the taller brunet male walked over and knelt down to the blonde.

All over Krist's facial emotional expression was worry and concern. "I-its not what it looks like!-" Kurt tried to hide the marijuana again but Krist stopped him.

"Hey, I smoke that too man, it's okay." Krist reassured. Shoulders slightly slouched in calmness as Kurt's partly high eyes look up at Krist. The bong clutched in Kurt's hand.

"O-..okay." Kurt whispered. Krist chuckled softly as he shakes his head. "Now, what are you doing in an – alleyway?" Krist asks as he shifts on how he knelt, still in the kneeling down position.

Kurt's eyes glued themselves to the floor. Staring at the bong in his fingerless gloved hands. His finger tips slightly trembled.

"I'm homeless." Kurt muttered out the truth. His eyes did not make contact with Krist. Krist immediately frowned. His lanky arms wrapped around the smaller blonde as he pulled Kurt up into a hug.

Kurt's bloodshot eyes watered as he hugged the taller back in return. A soft sob left his lips as he buried his face into Krist's shoulder.

"Hey, I can take you in. My mom won't care. She is allowing my friend Chad stay over, too." Krist replied as he rubbed Kurt's flannel covered back.

They pulled away from the embrace. Kurt looked up at Krist. "She'll really allow that..?" He asked.

Krist nodded. "Of course man, I don't want to see you struggling out here. Now c'mon." He urged on as he stood back up. Kurt did the same action as Krist started to pick up some of the luggage.

The blonde grabbed his guitar with the Jansport slipped on over his back. The bong and weed now hidden deep inside of it.

Krist smiled as he held onto the rest of Kurt's bags. "It's not too far from here. Busses are off, it's too late unfortunately. So, we'll have to walk."

A groan in annoyance left Kurt's lips as he nodded. "Fine, but let's get there. I'm exhausted." Krist chuckled once he heard Kurt's soft rasped voice.

He missed it. Dearly.

In fact – he missed Kurt Cobain more than ever. He missed the shy smile that Kurt would have when they first met in highschool. Or that time that Kurt was getting bullied and he had to stand up for him.

He missed him. So much.

The two young adults continued to make their stroll to Krist's house. Occasionally laughing and making small talk.

A house came into their view. It was Krist's home. They walked up to the porch as the tall brunet talks out a key from his back pocket. A man was asleep on the couch, Chad Channing.

He unlocked the door and quietly allowed Kurt inside. The door quietly shut behind.

"Mom's asleep right now. She said she has a long fucking trip to go on for her work. She's been sleeping since Tuesday."

Kurt laughed a bit as the two quietly went upstairs. Krist opened his bedroom door as Kurt stepped inside.

He looked around the simple bedroom before his eyes glued onto a bass in the corner of the room.

"You play?" Kurt asks as he slings the Jansport off his back and onto the floor. Krist gently placed Cobain's bags down and nodded.

"Yes I most certainly do." Krist replied joyfully and laughed softly. Kurt hummed as he went over. He knelt down to the musical instrument.

"Play me something." Kurt says as his head turned to look at Krist. The taller shrugged as he went over.

A large hand grasped at the bass and lifted it up. Kurt watched as he stood up. Kicking off his worn out converse as he lazily laid into Krist's bed.

"We'll have to share, you know." Krist announced as he sat himself on the bed. The bass in his hands. For further explanation he added, "Chad is sleeping on the couch."

"That's fine with me." Kurt muttered out as he watched Krist tune the bass. His eyes were slightly drooped as he started to feel the high come down.

Krist furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. As his hands slowly glided themselves to the bass. He started to play a random riff.

Kurt watched in awee. His blue eyes slightly widening at how good and skilled Krist was.

"You're really good.." Kurt muttered out as a smile rises up to Krist's face. He ended the riff.

"Thanks bud, but you have to get some rest." He replied as his hazel–like green eyes looked at Kurt.

"You're right, you should do the same." Kurt replied tiredly as he watched Krist stand up and put the bass back in the corner. Right next to Kurt's 1969 Fender Mustang guitar.

The blonde rolled over onto his side. Krist hummed as he brought the blanket up to Kurt. He covered the blonde up as he switched off the little bedroom lamp.

Crawling into the bed beside Kurt. He watched with love in his eyes. But he didn't realize. Kurt was passed out, asleep.

Kurt's body was all tucked up as his head was planted comfortably onto the pillow. His breathing was relaxed and calm.

Krist smiled as he brought some of the blanket up to himself. Shutting his eyes.

Both of the men falling asleep together.

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