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Krist slowly walked up the familiar stairs of his apartment. Exhaling out a deep sigh as he approached over to Kurt's bedroom door.

He heard coughing coming inside. He knew Kurt was most likely smoking himself a bawl of green.

The bass player shakes his head as he raised his hand up. He knocked onto the door a few times.

He heard the lock unhatched as the door knob turned open. There stood Kurt Cobain.

His hair was a mess. His cheeks were slightly red, along with his eyes from the marijuana he was smoking.

"Come in." Kurt mumbled out in a calm state of voice. Krist nodded and walked inside. The door being shut behind them.

Dave decided he needed to take a walk so he left the apartment. Seemingly needing to have a smoke and walk to clear his head.

As for the two men in Cobain's room. They made a brief eye contact. Before Kurt skidded his way to his bed.

Kicking off his converse, the man laid back into the comfort of the bed. It smelled of weed and cigarettes in the atmosphere.

A slight hue of smoke clouded the room as well. Kurt's partly high eyes look over at Krist. Who was knelt down in front of the bed.

"We need to talk, Kurt." Krist stated. He cleared his throat as he witnessed Kurt sit up in the bed.

Kurts knees tucked up into his chest as he blankly stared at the floor for a moment. Blinking his eyes slowly.

"We have already done the talking." Kurt says numbly. His blue gaze slowly going upwards to the height of Krist.

Krist shakes his head in disagreement. "No, I haven't fully explained myself. But I would like to wait till you are sober first." He acknowledged as he stared into Kurt's bloodshot eyes.

The pupils slightly dilated, the red veins slightly pulsed in the white part of the eye that seemingly had a pink hue over them.

Kurt hummed as he got off the bed. He walked over to his window and shoved it open with his two smaller hands.

The room began to clear up of the clouds of smoke that resided in the atmosphere of the setting they were in.

"Talk about my relationship that was ruined by you." Kurt numbly stated as he looked outside. It was pitch black. Stars littered across the sky as he looked around.

Feeling the cold crisp air of Aberdeen Washington consuming his lungs. He missed the fresh air. When there was no stress. Just, freedom.

Krist walked over and placed a hand onto Kurt's back. "I didn't ruin your relationship, Kurt." He muttered. His hazel gaze looking intensely down at the blonde that was before him.

"What, what do you mean? Dave and you ruined my love for Courtney!" Kurt suddenly snapped.

Sharply he turned on his heel as he moved his head upwards. A scowl across his face.

His arms loosely crossed over his chest in an attempt to show his anger and pissed off emotions.

"Kurt. Did you hear anything I said before to you earlier?" Krist asks. Emphasizing on the word 'anything' as he stared down at the blonde lead singer.

Kurt bit his lip in an anxious habit. Krist shakes his head with a sigh. "Kurt. Let me repeat myself. She wasn't good for you. Did you hear what she said when she left ? She used you for your damn money. She practically robbed from you, and sexually assaulted you. Do you really think that is love? Or are you just too naive? Kurt, you know sexual abuse is horrid! Hell the song 'rape me' that you wrote should've explained it all!" Krist snapped at the end. His arms slightly raising in the air.

Kurt turned around. His back facing Krist as he sighed heavily. "Okay! Fuck, yeah you're god damn right!" He shouted out.

"There's nobody that will even treat me with fucking love anymore!" He screeched out as he went back to his bed. His eyes watering in anger and frustration.

Krist didn't want to upset Kurt again. He takes a deep breath and followed the blonde.

Kurt was sitting on his bed once again, the bong sat in his lap as he stared at Krist with upsetting feelings.

"Kurt. What did you say..?" Krist asks much calmer. He kind of felt his heart ache when he heard Kurt screech that out from his smoked induced lungs.

"No one fucking loves me. I'm rather off dead." Kurt spat out as he stared at the bong in his hands. Tears stung up in his eyes.

Krist shakes his head. "Kurt, you are loved. Dave and I love you. Your fans love you. Your family loves you. Kurt, you have so much love from everywhere around the fucking world!"

Kurt's eyes slowly look back up at Krist. They sparked a bit of happiness when Krist acknowledged Kurt that information.

"Really..?" Kurt mutters and Krist nodded. His hand held onto Kurt's and gave it a light squeeze.

"Of course, Kurt." Krist replied.

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