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[ September 9th 1991 ]

The next day rolled by. Krist was the first to get up because he heard a faint sound of the drums playing from downstairs.

He rubbed his eyes and shoved his dark hair away from his face as he carefully got out of Kurt's bed.

Kurt hummed as he rolled over onto his side. Facing the bedroom door. His dirty blonde eyebrows knitted together when the sound of the clashing drums came into his ears.

His eyelids slowly came to an open when he made eye contact with Krist Noveselic.

"Is that Dave..?" Kurt muttered as he sat himself up. His hair was a mess from his sleep but he could care less. "I think so." Krist nodded as he approached to Kurt's bedroom door to leave.

"Be down in a minute.. I gotta get dressed." Kurt Cobain says and yawned into his palm. "Fuck."

Krist laughed as he ruffled the blondes bed head. "Alright, I'll be in the shower."

Kurt held a thumb up as Krist disappeared out of the room.
He grabbed his phone as he called the studio and a director.

He scratched the back of his head as he opened up his drawer, grabbing out a navy blue cardigan, a plain shirt and some jeans. Talking with them on the phone. "–For sure. Thank you so much. Byebye." He hanged up his phone


He quickly slipped the clothing on himself as he tossed his converse on his feet.

He trotted down the stairs when he heard the drums get louder. He ran a hand through his hair as he noticed Dave was going at it.

Kurt furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed the bass and his guitar were calmly propped up beside the couch.

"Hm." Kurt hummed as he grabbed his guitar, plugging it into the amplifier. Dave seemed to have noticed as he looked over. A smile rises on his face.

"I got the camera already on record. I havent been playing long, just a few minutes." Dave acknowledged as he twirled the drumsticks in his hands.

Kurt tuned his guitar as Krist came back. His hair was wet from his shower and he was dressed.

"Morning." Krist says as he grabs his bass, plugging it in also. "Hiii." Kurt says and smiles towards Krist.

Dave noticed the twos interaction and chuckled softly.

Then, they begun to rock.

They played all of the songs that Kurt has recently written down. Tired and exhausted after about an hour or so, Kurt placed the guitar down. All three men were panting from exhaustion as Krist went over and turned off the camcorder.

"That was pretty damn good!" Krist says happily as he sits beside Kurt who was sitting on the couch.

Dave nodded in agreement as he lights himself a cigarette. "Can I smoke in here?" He asks. Krist rolled his eyes with a shrug. "Sure, I mean Kurt does. I tried convincing him no, but who cares at this point."

Kurt giggled as Dave takes a drag of the cancerous drug. "So, Kurt.. what do you want to name the album?"

Kurt hummed as he grabs the pack of cigarettes. Slipping a stick out and placing it in between his lips. He lights it as Krist wrapped an arm around him.

"Mm, Nevermind." Kurt replied as he blew out smoke. Dave blinked. "Wh–"
"No, I want to name the album 'Nevermind.' "

"Ohhh." Dave dragged out as he blew smoke up in the air. Kurt laughed softly as Krist grabbed a cigarette for himself.

"Maybe make.. smells like teen spirit into a music video. I have an idea for that. Got a good director already. I called them while I was getting up." Kurt explained as he sits back further on the couch.

He tucked up his knees as he exhales the smoke.

"Gotta be ready with the instruments and over there by 3:00." He'd acknowledged to the other men as he glanced at the clock that read 12:30pm.

"Okay, sounds good." Dave says as he puts the cigarette out. Krist nodded, repeating the action.

Kurt stretched. "Probably end up shooting for the video tomorrow." He yawned afterwards. "We just gotta record the songs in the studio today and talk with the director."

Krist listened to Kurt's soft raspy voice with his hazel eyes looking at him lovingly.

Dave was engaged in the conversation as he nodded.

"Alright, awesome!"

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