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[ December 31st 1989 ]

They have went to back-to-back gigs. Even did some interviews and concerts by now. The band Nirvana was successfully reaching higher up in popularity by now. Kurt's vocal chords were now sore.

So they decided to take a break. Especially for Kurt's health. Kurt tried to tell Krist that he was fine. But Krist was not having it.

Kurt was currently sitting up in his bedroom. Pixies playing in the background of his CD player. He was currently writing some lyrics that he had in his mind.

He heard Krist and Chad start to argue out in the hallway. He shakes his head. This was behind the scenes of the rockstars band.

Crossing out something he didn't like with his black ink pen. He slams it on the journal.

A groan left Kurt's lips in agitation as he got up. The journal resting opened on the bed. The smallest male went over to his bedroom door and opened it slightly. Checking on what was happening between the two this time.

"My god! What has that have to do with anything!?" Krist's voice roared out.

"It's just not making sense! Kurt's lyrics aren't making any sense to the fans out there at all!"

"It doesn't matter what the fans think! If they really did enjoy his music they wouldn't care if it made sense or not!"

"Well I most certainly care about it!"

"It's his work! Not ours! We just have to come up with the riffs for the songs!"

"Oh shut the fuck up Krist!"

"No you shut the FUCK up!"

Kurt had enough he fully opened the door and shouted out.

"HOW ABOUT YOU BOTH SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" that was the loudest Kurt has ever been. In fact it shocked the two brunet taller males.

Kurt panted a bit after his outburst. Krist sighed as he went over to Kurt. "No, Kurt we're sor-"

"No. I don't want hear that." Kurt says much calmer as he blew a strand of blonde hair away from his face.

"I'm tired of you hearing you two arguing. Everyday. For the past year. What, what happened..?" Kurt asks in disappointment as he went back to his room. Shutting the door behind himself.

Krist felt a pain in his heart. He sighed heavily as he shakes his head. Chad scoffed. "I'm the only one with logic here?" He attempted but Krist gave Chad the glare.

"You obviously hurt him. He can hear us, you know." Krist spat out as he walked over to Kurt's door. He heard coughing so he knew the blonde was smoking a bawl of marijuana for himself.

Krist sighed when he felt his stomach twisted. He shakes his head. He knew he should give Kurt some space for a while.

In sudden anger, Krist sharply turned on his heel and went over to Chad. He snapped out in a whisper.

"You better get yourself situated or you're out of the band." Krist threatened in a whisper. But Chad.. smiled?

Krist furrowed his eyebrows. He was confused and was about to question but Chad walked back into his own room and calmly closed his bedroom door once he went inside.

The bass player sighed as he glanced over at Kurt's bedroom door before going back into his own. He laid on his back.

He must've thought for so long he felt himself fell asleep. As for Chad, he was packing. Everything he could possibly.

Slowly, the bedroom that Chad had slowly becoming more bare and empty. Posters being off the wall. Drawers empty. Bedsheets off the bed, it was bare and empty now.

Chad finished packing everything. He actually felt good about this decision. He knew it was going to come.

He looked around for a moment before laying on his bare bed with a extra blanket he had.

He first needed the sleep before he was leaving.

As for Kurt, he has smoked cigarette after cigarette. His body was extremely fatigued and hurting. He finished up his weed session.

It reeked of weed and cigarettes in his room. But he didn't care. His stoned eyes looked towards his bedroom window as he approached it.

The Beatles was calmly and quietly playing in the background of Kurt's CD player. Kurt opened up the window so some of the smoke can leave out of it.

He coughed for a moment as he sat by the window sill. Breathing in the crisped cold air of Aberdeen. It opened up his lungs as his arm wrapped around his stomach.

He grunted in disapproval. He has tried everything but his issues wouldn't go away.

He stressfully ran a hand through his hair as his head slumped onto the window sill. He hissed in pain as he groaned quietly.

"My body hurts.." Kurt muttered to himself. He tried to control his breathing but it was getting worse.

He felt his stoned eyes swell up with tears as he scooted himself to the floor. He hugged his stomach as he let out a small cry.

Krist heard the sounds of the music playing and soft sobs. He woke up as he rubbed his head.

He recognized those cries.

They were Kurt's.

Concern rushed into Krist's veins as he got out of the bed quickly. He opened his bedroom door and rushed over to Kurt's.

He opened it with no hesitance. Seeing Kurt laying on the floor and hugging on his stomach. Krist felt a frown crept up on his lips as he shuts off the CD player and knelt down to Kurt.

"What's happening buddy..?" Krist asked worrisome as he looked down at the blonde.

"Mh.. my body hurts so bad! My stomach, Krist!" Kurt cried out as Krist kept his calm. "Okay okay.. let's get you in bed first, alright?"

Kurt nodded in a panic. Krist picked up the shorter blonde and carefully laid the grunge singer into the bed.

"Now, I'm gonna make you some warm milk. And get you a pain killer. Okay?"

Kurt nodded. "Hurry then..!" He strained out as he rolled onto his side. His back facing Krist.

Krist nodded as he left Kurt's bedroom.

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