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February 20th 1988.

Kurt placed the journal down. Picking up the cigarette that was still lit from the ashtray. He placed it up in between his lips as he takes a deep inhale.

He blew out the smoke when Krist entered the kitchen where Kurt was sitting and takes a seat beside him. Chad was taking a nap in the living room. The little boxed tv was playing softly in the background.

Rain was pouring outside. It hit the window panes of their brand new apartment. Kurt casually puts his cigarette out once he was finished with it.

This apartment belonged to Krist. Since of the money they have been receiving from the band, they got themselves a three bedroom apartment so they wouldn't have to live in Krist's mother's house no more.

"Happy birthday, Kurt!" Krist exclaimed happily as he hands Kurt a bottle of vodka. The blonde happily takes the bottle and pops it open.

"Now I can drink, legally." Kurt says and laughs as he brought it up to his lips and takes a swig of the alcoholic drink. It burned down his throat but Kurt adored that feeling.

He takes another sip as he smiled at Krist. "Thanks man... Without you, I wouldn't know where I'll be today, you know?"

"I'm glad I can pick you back on your feet." Krist says as he wrapped an arm around the short blonde. Kurt laid his head onto Krist's shoulder as he nodded.

"Means a lot." Kurt hummed out as he sits back up. Bringing the bottle up to his lips as Chad walks in.

"Hey birthday boy." Chad says and pats Kurt's shoulder. Kurt hiccuped slightly as he looks up at Chad. "Hii." He says as a goofy grin rises up to his face.

Krist hummed as he went over to his fridge. "Hey, I made you a cake, Kurt." He says cheerfully as he takes out the cake carefully. It was a simple vanilla cake with buttercream frosting. The Nirvana logo on the center of it with "Happy 21st." Sloppily written out on the bottom.

A big two and one candle was placed on top as Krist brought up his lighter. He flicked it on as he lights the candles.

Kurt watched as he placed the bottle on the table. A smile slowly tugged up on his face as Krist and Chad began to sing.

"Happy Birthday, To You!
Happy Birthday, To You!
Happy Birthday, Dear Kurt!
Happy Birthday, To You!"

Kurt laughed softly as he shakes his head. A smile rested on his lips as he blew out the candles once they finished singing.

All three males cheered as Kurt grabs his bottle and chugs it. Chad and Krist immediately joined along. Chugging a vodka in their hands.

Kurt cheered as he tossed his bottle it shattered but none of them cared. Loud laughter erupted out of the three as they left the kitchen and up to Krist's bedroom.

By now, they were drunk and high from the weed that Krist had in his bedroom. Kurt takes a hit of the bong and spews out smoke before handing it over to Chad.

Chad was too beyond drunk to even think straight as he takes a hit of it. Kurt giggled as his head laid onto Krist's lap. The two were sitting on the bed while Chad was on the floor.

He was laying firmly on his back as he stared up at the ceiling with intoxicated eyes.

"You should sleep it off man." Krist slurred out as Chad nodded. He grunted as he sat up. Without even a response, Chad stumbled out of the room and to his own.

Instantly crashing asleep onto his bed.

Kurt laughed as he eyed down the hallway. Seeing Chad's door still wide open and the drummer passed out.

"Guess too much for the man.." Kurt slurred as he looked up at Krist. His eyes were bloodshot and red. Krist only taken a few hits of the bong, and only a bottle of vodka. So he wasn't as intoxicated as Chad and Kurt are.

The lead guitarist and singer kept his head laying onto the bass players lap. Kurt blinked his eyes in a tired state as he slowly gazed his eyes up to the taller.

Krist ran his large hand up into Kurt's blonde locks as he started to play with the greasy males head.

A soft relaxed hum left Kurt's lips as he smiled up at Krist. Krist returned the smile as he held Kurt close to himself.

They felt exhausted and comforted in each other's arms.

"Thank you.." Kurt slurred out as he leaned up his head and kissed Krist's cheek. Before laying his head back downwards onto Krist's chest.

He fell asleep.

Krist was wide eyed. His face was flushed red but he was sober enough to figure out what just happened.

His heart rate increases. He never has felt a kiss from his friend before. Especially from a man. But it didn't feel, weird. It just surprised the man.

He sighed and smiled softly as he held Kurt close. Grunting as he laid back with Kurt in his arms.

"That meant nothing, he's just drunk." Krist says to himself as he held Kurt close.

He stared up at the ceiling with partly high eyes as he blinked them slowly. He felt exhausted now.

Eventually, he fell asleep.

Still holding Kurt Cobain in his muscular arms.

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