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( tw: high on heavy substance.)

They didn't feel the urge to cook anything tonight for dinner. So Dave ordered a pizza so it can be delivered.

As they waited, Krist and Dave were having a conversation while Courtney and Kurt were upstairs.

"She's..weird man." Krist starts as Dave takes a hit of the bong. Coughing as he sets it down on the table. "I know right. Something about her.. is just off."

"But he's happy with her."

"I know, Krist. But you aren't happy without him."

Krist's eyes traveled to the floor as he extended his body forward and picked up the bong. He grabbed it and takes a hit of it.

He exhaled the smoke and shakes his head. "I'm heart broken. Fuck, dude!"Krist felt tears fill into his eyes.

Dave frowned as he watched Krist slammed the magazine onto the coffee table. The bong still in his hand.

"something about this woman man..it's just weird. She seems nice, but. I noticed the grip she had on Kurt's wrist. It looked like it was hurting him."

Dave furrowed his eyebrows as he nodded to what Krist noticed. "Yeah.. he moved his sleeve down to cover it up too."

Krist suddenly felt suspicious as his hazel eyes slowly gaze up at the stairs. But the moment was interrupted by a knock on the door.

He got up and walked over to the door. Opening it to reveal the pizza delivery guy. He takes out his wallet and pays for the food as he takes the pizza out of the delivers hands.

"Thank you." Krist muttered as he calmly shuts the door. The apartment smelled like weed and cigarettes.

Now combined with the gooey goodness of the pizza smell. Krist carried it to the kitchen and placed it down at the table.

Dave followed the smell of goodness as he sits at the table.

"Serve yourself, I'm gonna go check on Kurt and her. Let them know dinners here." Krist says as he left the kitchen.

He went up the stairs as he heard laughter from Kurt's bedroom. Krist raised his hand and gently knocked.

"Kurt? ..Courtney?" Krist says to the door. Kurt's blue eyes were high from the heroin he did as the two were sharing a cigarette together.

"What?!" Kurt shouted out. Krist felt his heart ache as he replied. "Dinners downstairs.." They both looked at each other. Kurt placed the cigarette out.

Krist then walked away from the door and downstairs. He sat himself at the table and served himself a slice of the pizza. Dave was eating his slice with a beer bottle beside him.

"Kurt just snapped at me." Krist whispered as Dave takes a swig from the bottle. "He–What..?" "Yeah! I don't know."

Suddenly they heard laughter from the two as they entered the kitchen. They sat right next to each other and served themselves their slices.

Kurt looked at Krist and muttered. "Sorry." As he starts to eat his slice. Something was off.

Krist knows Kurt would never snap at him. Ever.

He looked over and noticed Kurt's eyes. His pupils were enlarged. And occasionally would dilate to a pinpointed look.

Kurt continued to eat the pizza as he laughed randomly. Courtney started to laugh along, but her eyes didn't look like Kurt's. In fact, she was sober. A smirk rises up to her face as she gave Krist a glare. Completely random.

Krist was confused. He shakes his head as he finished his food. Dave gets up. "I'm going to go to my room." He says and dusts himself off. The "guest" room was officially his room now.

Ever since "Nevermind", he decided to actually move in with them. And everything is going smoothly with their band.

Dave went upstairs. He wanted avoid Courtney. He did not like her. He did not want to be around her.

But, Krist wanted to get down to the bottom of this. He raised his eyebrow when he noticed her glare. But she simply shrugged and finished her pizza slice.

Kurt kept looking around with blown pupils. His eyes were watery as he occasionally sniffled from a running nose that started to occur.

Krist knew that the blonde was on some sort of substance. Which worried him. Courtney got up. "Kurt! Let's go!" She suddenly shouted.

Kurt jolted from being startled as he looked over at Courtney with his doped up eyes. "..Where?" He slurred out quietly.

"You know where. Upstairs." She scolded as Kurt groaned and got up from the chair. His meal was half eaten. Krist felt internal anger. He wanted to snap at her then and there.

But he couldn't bring himself to do it yet. He bottled it up.

Kurt groaned as he nodded. Blinking his doped up eyes as he hugged onto Courtney's arm.

"Yes, honey..mm, coming."

They both disappeared upstairs as Krist remained sitting at the table.

Feeling worried about Kurt.

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