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[ 1991 ]
A year later..

It was currently 11PM in the evening. Dave, Kurt, and Krist were sitting at the kitchen table. Eating on macaroni and cheese.

Kurt least, tried to eat. Recently, his stomach issues have been bothering him. He wasn't sure why. He hasn't even done much other than write in his journal and watch VCR tapes with his friends and/or band members.

Yet he kept this to himself. He didn't want to worry the other two. Kurt twirled the spoon in his bowl as a blank expression rested on his face.

Dave was rambling on some story he had while he was away from the other two. But Krist tuned him out as his attention went towards the blonde headed male.

The lips that belonged to Dave slowly turned themselves off once he saw the worrisome expression onto Krist's face. He turned his attention to the blonde.

Seeing the bowl of food was hardly eaten. And he knows how much Kurt loves macaroni and cheese.

"You okay?" Dave decided to ask the question before Krist could. Kurt's blue eyes were glued onto the utensil that he swirled into the bowl. He scooped himself a bite and slowly takes it as he nodded. "Mhm."

Krist knew something was off. He finished his meal before the other two. He wrapped his arm around Kurt. Before muttering in the grunge singers ear.

"You know.. if you're not feeling well, you can tell me."

Kurt stifled up a painful churn in his stomach as he nodded. "I know Krist..thanks." He slowly says as he played with his food again.

Dave finished his meal and got up. Putting the empty plate into the sink.

"Where should I sleep? I'm tired." Dave asks as Krist looked over. "You can sleep in the..guest bedroom. It's up stairs and you'll see it. The door is wide open."

"Cool, thanks." Dave replied as he disappeared up the stairs.

Krist nodded as he turned his attention to the blonde headed male. "What's troubling you, Kurt?" He asked softly.

Kurt shakes his head as he takes another bite of the food. He chewed it for a moment before swallowing it down.

He pushed the bowl away. "I can't eat."Kurt mumbled.  Krist sighed when he heard Kurt say this.

"You haven't been able to eat much of anything, what's troubling you? Are you feeling okay?" Krist asked as he gently grabbed onto Kurt's hands.

Kurt grunted softly as he felt the touch of Krist's large hands holding onto his small slim figured hands.

"Yes. I'm okay." Kurt muttered out, until suddenly a large mass of pain coats over him. He gasped suddenly in shock as his head immediately slumps down.

He extracted his hands back and hugged his stomach. "Fuck." He spat out the cuss word. Krist sighed as he placed a hand onto Kurt's shoulder.

"I see, now buddy let's go get you rested."

"–No really I'm okay!"

"Kurt." Krist says his name sternly. Kurt's blue eyes so traveled up to make eye contact with Krist.

"Let's get you into bed. First change into your PJs. I need a cigarette." Krist remarked as he gets up.

Kurt nodded. He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he stood himself up. He grunted in pain as Krist stood up as well.

They both walked together up the stairs. Kurt's breathing was shaky and exhausted once he made it fully up.

Krist placed a hand onto Kurt's door knob and turned it open. Kurt walked himself in and glanced up at Krist.

"I'll be fine, just need some rest.." he muttered to Krist. Krist sighed in worry as he nodded. "Okay, well call for me or Dave if you need anything. Okay, hon?"

Kurt nodded and then the bedroom door gently closed.

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