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"Today is September 28th, 1991. Krist and Dave are worried about me. I keep leaving for random days at a time. I found a woman. Her name is Courtney. Courtney Love. She is my best friend. She brings me a drug. Heroin. It really helps me feel happier now. They don't know. Dave and Krist don't know. I hope it stays that way. I'm so deep in love with her I think my heart is going to explode and flood out the blood from beating so hard. She's my love. I need to tell her. – Kurdt Kobain."

Kurt shuts his journal. He was currently sitting by himself in an alleyway. Anxiously tapping the cover of his book as he heard the sound of heels approaching him.

He quickly looked over to reveal Courtney. Her bright red lipstick was smeared across her lips. Her mascara smudgy as she wore a black dress with a leopard printed jacket. A purse over her shoulder.

A smile broke onto his face as he walked over to her. He hugged her close. He was waiting for her. About 2 days.

It really worried Krist and Dave where his whereabouts are. They checked around town, but they oddly couldn't find him.

"You missed me, huh little shit?" Courtney says as she ruffled Kurt's greasy hair. It has gotten longer. Lightly touching the tips of his shoulder blades.

Kurt felt loopy as he nodded. "I did." They both take a seat in the alleyway. "Been here all day?" "Two days." Kurt nodded as he looked at her with love.

"I have the stuff." Courtney says and leaned in close to Kurt. He chewed on his lip nervously for a moment before leaning in and kissing her.

He fell into her trap.

An evil smirk rises on her face as she kissed Kurt back. They made out passionately for a few minutes before Kurt pulled away and panted lightly.

"I love you Courtney." Kurt muttered as he held her nail polished hands. Courtney kissed Kurt's cheek. "Love you too, Pixie shit."

Kurt fell for it. He was too naïve. He has no idea how much pain was going to come for him in the future.

Courtney stood up and held her hand out. "Let's go to that apartment you've been talking about. Easier to hide your 'medicine.' " she says.

She calls it Kurt's 'medical medicine' because it helps distract him of his stomach issues and mental illnesses.

Now Kurt's hooked. He nodded as he held her hand. "We have to hide it from my other friends though.." Courtney hummed as she kissed Kurt's cheek again.

"They live there?" She asks and Kurt nodded.

They started to walk to the apartment. Holding hands as they started to make small talk. Kurt lifted up their hands and kissed her hand.

"I love you." Kurt says again but she didn't respond. Which made Kurt confused but he didn't question it.

They made it to the apartment and Kurt opened the door. It was unlocked. Dave and Krist's head turned from the TV as they noticed Kurt walk in with the woman.

"Ohhh!" Dave sang out as he laughed. "So this is what you've been doing!" He teased and Kurt rolled his eyes with a laugh.

Courtney held onto Kurt's wrist now. A firm grasp onto it. Kurt felt a pinch of pain but didn't say anything to her. Krist walked over.

"Who's this?" He asked Kurt.  Kurt immediately smiled. "This is my girlfriend, Courtney."

"Hello." She says. Krist immediately felt odd. His heart was starting to ache as he forced a smile on his face. Something about her gave him a weird feeling. He didn't like it.

"O-oh, well hi. My name's Krist. That's Dave." Krist says. He also made Dave's introduction as Dave waved a little. Before focusing on preparing the bong.

Kurt guided Courtney to the couch as the two 'love' birds take a seat. She eventually let's go of Kurt's wrist. It was bruising.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Kurt moved his long sleeved shirt over the bruise so he can hide it from the others. He was confused. Why would she leave it?

"Dave, is that bong ready?" Kurt asks as he laid his head onto Courtney. Krist sat in the big brown chair that was beside the couch. He had a magazine in his hands as he tried to distract himself with reading it.

He was sad. Fully heartbroken. But he had to hide it, so Kurt can be happy with her. But something about her Krist didn't like. She gave him a feeling of an uncomfortable easiness. It was ominous. Odd and creepy.

"Yeah, Kurt it's done. But just next time let us know where you go. Okay? Krist was really worried." Dave acknowledged that to Kurt as he passed the bong over.

Kurt lifted his head as he extended his sleeve covered arm. He grabbed the bong and shivered. He has been recently more cold since he started the heroin. Even though it's been a very summery hot fall month of September.

He takes a hit of the bong. Courtney laughed as she watched him. Kurt lifted his head and blows out the smoke before coughing harshly. His head slumping onto Courtney's shoulder as he coughed.

"Aww, babyyyyyyy." Courtney dragged off as she started to kiss Kurt's jawline.  Dave awkwardly laughed as Kurt passed the bong back for Dave to take a hit.

They offered to Krist but he declined. He was upset. Too heartbroken. But Kurt has no idea. He was so invested with his love for Courtney.

"Mm." Kurt hummed as Courtney moved her head back. She smiled that horrendous grin as she grabbed onto Kurt's head.

She tugged onto it as Kurt squirmed a bit. He laughed a bit in confusion. He was frazzled in the head. He was immensely craving it.

"Let's go upstairs. I'm staying the night." Courtney says as she stands up. Taking off her heels and leaving them on the floor as she gripped onto Kurt's bruised wrist again.

Tugging him up the stairs.

Dave and Krist exchanged the same odd glance at each other.

They knew something was off about her.

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