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Krist held his head in his hands. Trying to control his breathing. He was very worried for Kurt. Especially seeing him in this condition. It's obvious he was on some sort of drug.

Yet, the bass player couldn't pinpoint on what exactly what it was. He got up from the kitchen. Seemingly no one was eating now. Dinner was a wreck.

Krist slammed the pizza box  in his hands. There was still a remaining few slices inside.

He walked over to the fridge with his feet as he opened it. He calmly placed it inside.

Shutting the fridge door. The brunet ran a hand through his very volumed mangled hair.

He was stressed. He was worried. This urge to.. protect. Was circling in his system.

Trying to ignore it and reassure that Kurt was fine, he walked over to the living room and grabbed a pack of cigarettes.

Then, he left the apartment. He decided he needed to a walk to try and clear up his head.

But it didn't help. The more he was away from Kurt, the bigger his anxious thoughts would get.

In factual, he smoked half the pack in subconsciousness. Flicking the last cigarette down that he had used, he puts it out and makes it back home.

He just simply walked around the neighborhood, stopped by a mini-mart to get another pack for Kurt, and now he was heading back.

Once he made it to the location of his home. He turned the knob, seemingly leaving it unlocked so he can allow him self back inwards to the home.

It was about 4:30AM. Dave was still awake. He was currently having a movie quietly play in the background while rolling himself a cigarette with the tobacco.

Krist entered the home and calmly shut the door behind him. "Where's Kurt?" He asked as Dave licked the cigarette shut. He looked over.

"I was going to ask you the same thing. I heard the door open and close at like..2? But then I heard it again open and close at 2:45."

"I left at 2:00 for a walk..." Krist slowly said. Dave's brows furrowed together as he brings the rolled cigarette up to his lips.

He lights it and takes a drag before continuing his conversation.

"Strange, cause I heard the door again at 2:45. Maybe it was Kurt and his girlfriend leaving. I've been here by myself for the past..hour or so? Yeah."
Dave explained as he takes another puff. Scratching the back of his head.

Krist tossed the freshly bought pack of  cigarettes onto the coffee table. "Well, those are for Kurt. When he..gets back."

"For sure." Dave muttered as he yawned. Taking a few more puffs as he watched Krist take a seat on the brown chair that was beside the couch.

"Something about Kurt tonight, was odd. He looked, tweaked out." Krist says as gazed at the miniature boxed tv for a moment.

Dave nodded in agreement. "Yeah.. it was weird. He kept looking around with like these– wide eyes – and his body completely jolted when Courtney yelled."

"Strange.." Krist dragged off.

Hours passed, it was 9AM. The two haven't slept. They just watched movies to try and distract themselves.

Waiting for Kurt Cobain to return home.

It's been about 9 or so hours since Kurt's disappearance. It really had Krist anxious now. He couldn't even sit down and watched the video tapes anymore..

He paced around the house. Walking up and down the stairs, down the halls.

"Where is he man?!" Krist shouts in a panic. Dave sighs as he was currently smoking some weed. "I don't know! He'll show up! He knows we have a concert tonight!"

Krist groaned as he sat on the couch. Holding his head as he tried to calm his breathing.

"Oh I fucking hope so.."

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