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Kurt slowly nodded. "You're right..I'm sorry man. Just, thoughts. Fuck. I need to sleep." He says as his blue eyes gaze at the little clock that was beside his bed. It read 3:40AM.

Krist nodded in agreement. "You probably should. I'll see you in the morning, okay..?" He muttered as he leaned over and kissed Kurt's cheek.

A smile rises into Kurt's face as he nodded. His heart beating happily already for someone new.

And he knew who it was beating for.

Krist returned the smile as he watched Kurt crawl into the blankets. He hummed as he looked at Krist with love.

Krist seemed to notice as his cheeks tickled up with a light pink blush.

"Goodnight, Kurt." Krist muttered before leaving the room. Kurt laid on his back firmly pressed against the mattress.

He groaned in a bit of pain from his scoliosis but he ignored it. He rolled onto his side, switching off the lamp.

"Fuck..what a hectic day." He mumbled as his eyelids came to a close. The window remained opened as a soft rain occured outside. His room still had the faint oder of smoke but it wasn't immensely bad.

Kurt has fallen asleep in his bed. His blankets all cooped up onto him. His body all tucked in. And he actually slept comfortably that night.

No stomach pains, nothing.
Just a peaceful dream about Krist Noveselic.

As for Krist, he couldn't fall back asleep. He was downstairs with the tv on to a quiet volume. Dave has returned home a little while ago. He currently had himself dozed off on the dark colored couch that was placed in their living room.

Krist was preparing himself a cigarette. Calmly rolling the little paper up as he held it up with his finger tips. Licking it closed as he sighed heavily.

"That smile... Those eyes." Krist mumbled his thoughts out loud as he sits back with the cigarette in hand. He lights it up and takes a drag.

"Fuck, I really love him. I have to confess. I dropped so many hints but he's so dense. God damnit." Krist grumbled to himself as he takes another puff. Blowing out the smoke into the air.


The cigarette was out in the ashtray. Krist has fallen asleep in the chair with a opened magazine in his lap. And the TV calmly and quietly playing in the background.

Footsteps approaching the living room occured. It was Kurt. He smiled a bit when he noticed the two asleep in the living room.

He quietly strolled over to Krist and pecked his crushes cheek before going into the kitchen.

He poured himself a glass of cold milk and sat at the table. Taking a few sips of the glass. The blue eyed male stared outside.

Watching the sky turn into a dark blue. It was going to be daylight soon. He knew he had feelings for Krist from the exact start.

Since they locked eyes when he was saved from the struggle of homelessness.
He was only with Courtney Love to try and convince himself that he was straight and didn't feel any romantic attraction to males, especially to Krist.

But that didn't work at all.
In fact, it broke the man.

Now that he is single once again, he wasn't sure if Krist was straight or anything. But it was worth the risk. Yet the man was to shy to confess. Which broke him silently apart.

Placing the finished glass down. Kurt ran a hand through his hair. "Fuck, I'm still in love with him." He muttered as he watched it start to rain.

Kurt shakes his head as he stared out the window. He heard footsteps approaching him as he turned his head.

Noticing it was Krist.

"I thought you were asleep." Kurt mumbled as he eyed up at Krist.

"I was, until I felt that little kiss." Krist replied.

Leaving Kurt's face a bright red.


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