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[ 1988. ]

The next morning came along. Kurt groaned as his eyelids fluttered open. He was definitely hungover from the birthday thrash they had last night.

He placed his hand on his forehead and shakily exhaled. But blinked when he felt something or.. someone.

His blue eyes slowly looked up when he noticed Krist. Krist was still passed out asleep. His arms loosely around Kurt's waist.

He never thought he would be waking up to being cuddled in by the fall brunet bass player. His face turned a little pink as he sat himself up.

"Ohh, fuuuuck." Kurt groaned out from the massive headache he feels. It was infuriating. He slowly moved Krist's arms as he sluggishly moved himself off of the bed.

Krist felt the shifting as he opened up his eyes. "Kurt..?" He grunted our sleepily as he looked over to see the blonde getting up.

"I must've crashed. Sorry." Kurt rubbed his face as he left the bedroom. Krist shakes his head with a smile.

He knew that kiss was long forgotten by now from Cobain. Eventually, Krist got up and changed his clothes.

Slipping a shirt over himself as he finished zipping up his pants. He left the bedroom with a pack of cigarettes in his hand.

He trotted down the stairs to see Kurt in the kitchen munching on one peice of toast with a glass of milk on the side.

Krist chuckled as he sat at the table. A plate of toast was placed in front of him. He furrowed his dark brown eyebrows as he looked up to see a smiling Chad.

"There. Probably will help with your hangovers. I woke up hours ago." Chad admitted with a shrug. "We also have a gig to go later today. I got the call."

"When?" Kurt asks as he takes a sip of his milk. "5:00." Chad replied as he sat at the table with a lightened up cigarette in between his fingers.

Krist sighed. "Chad, what did I say about smoking in the house..?"  Chad scoffed and rolled his eyes, taking a long drag of the cigarette.

He blew out the smoke before responding back in reply. "it's our house, Krist."

"I know that but I advise not smoking inside. It was one of the rules." Krist says, now getting a bit agitated as he finished up his breakfast.

Kurt was calmly eating but can sense the tension radiation off the two. Recently, they have been having tension.

Before Kurt's birthday yesterday, the two were arguing about how the band should be working. Even Chad offended the way Kurt does his artwork.

Which pained Kurt but he didn't say anything. He didn't want Krist to know it bothered him.

"Go smoke outside." Krist says in annoyance. Chad scoffed as he shoved himself up with the cigarette being held in between his lips.

He takes a drag and pulls it back before snapping back at Krist.

"Fuck you!"

He then left the kitchen and slammed the front door. Kurt shakes his head. "My god.. what has gotten into him?" He asks towards Krist.

"I dunno. But he better quit it." Krist grumbled as crossed his arms. "I've noticed he's been more.. aggressive. Since, he's been doing weed recently."

"He told me it made him anxious."

"He told you, that?"

"Yeah.." Kurt was confused now. Krist shakes his head as he folds his hands onto the table.

They made eye contact as Krist takes a deep breath.

"No. He lied to you then." Krist replied. Kurt raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean..?" He asked, he wanted answers now.

"Back in the early 80s, like.. '85? Yeah. I think you were home with your mother at the time. Anyway – I was out with Chad.
We were doing dumb shit. Got out the grass and smoked a bowl. He was highly addicted to that drug more back then.
Not as much now, but I think he's getting back into the habit like us. Anyways, short summary.

– He basically got pissed off because his girlfriend at the time cheated on him.And he was stoned out of his mind, and beat the hell outta the guy. I tried pull him back, but he threw a punch at me! Later on, he was charged and went to jail for a few weeks. Didn't do weed since. Till, now."

"Oh shit.." Kurt reacted. His blue eyes widened in surprise as he shakes his head in surprise. Krist nodded along.

"Yeah, I'm just worried he's gonna get more aggressive with us. Especially towards you." Krist says worriedly as he looked at Kurt with intense feelings.

"Hey. It's okay. He seems alright. Let's just try to help him lay off it." Kurt reassured as he pats Krist's hand. Krist nodded as he heard the front door open and closed.

Chad had came back inside and kicked off his shoes. Plopping himself on the couch watching the boxed tv in front of him.

Kurt and Krist entered the room.

Krist grabbed the magazine that was on the coffee table and opened it. He sat in the chair that was beside the couch and opened the magazine to read it.

Kurt sat beside Chad as his eyes glued themselves onto the show that was playing.

The tension has worn off in the atmosphere.

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