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"What..?" Kurt's voice cracked as he looked up at Krist. Krist stared into Kurt's helpless blue eyes.

"This is going to be a hard pill to swallow. But you have to believe me." Krist says seriously to Kurt. as Dave and Courtney fight in the background.




Kurt teared up as Krist held a hand out. "Let's talk upstairs. Okay?"

Kurt slowly held onto Krist's hand as the two stand. Courtney dramatically sobbing. Her mascara smearing down her face as she continued to scream at Dave.

Krist and Kurt went upstairs. Kurt was silently crying as they went into his bedroom.

The bass player gently shut the door. The shouting was slightly blocked out but not by an incredible amount. It can still be heard around the house.

Kurt had his knees tucked up. His jeans were extremely baggy on him now. Along with his white Tshirt and black long sleeve he wore underneath it.

He was skinner. The heroin was effecting his body. And Krist knew this.

Krist went over to the bed and takes a seat next to the greasy blonde headed male.

"Don't speak, just listen. Okay?"

Kurt nodded.

"When you met Courtney. It was at the bar. She was drunk. She was flirtatious. She hooked you in. We thought nothing of it, right? Yeah.. but you know deep inside that she ain't the right one for you. She harassed you, Kurt. Sexually even. She left bruises on your face and wrists. But you stayed, because you wanted the drugs. She was using you for your money. So she can buy you the heroin. So you stay stuck in this loop with her. She doesn't love you, Kurt. But someone else does. And someone else wants to protect you. Someone else wants to love you and be on your side until the day you die."

Krist by now was crying. Kurt was staring at the crying bass player.

"You want to know..who this, someone is?" Krist croaked out. Kurt nodded.

Krist broke into tears as he wiped them. Sniffling as he takes a deep breath. Staring into the naive eyes that belonged to Kurt.

"That someone, is me. " Krist felt his voice tremble and crack. Kurt Cobain stared at Krist Noveselic in shock now.

Krist nodded and lowered his head. "I Have To Protect You! I need to protect you from any harm! You were homeless. Guess who saved you? i did. and now, im saving you again from a devil named Courtney Love."

Before Kurt can make out any words. Krist left the room. Anger resting on his face as he ran down the stairs.

Kurt quickly got off the bed to follow him, but was objected by Dave bumping in front of him.

Dave looked down at Kurt. "No, let Krist handle this. I have to watch you up here."


"Kurt, no. Let's just smoke . Okay?" Dave says shakily as Kurt shakes his head no.

He pushed passed Dave and started to head down the stairs.

"KURT!" Dave shouted for him but Kurt continued to run down the stairs.

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