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Krist chuckled softly when he noticed Kurt's reaction. He slowly raised an eyebrow. "What?.. you thought I wasn't going to wake?"

Kurt cleared his throat and laughed a bit. "Kinda, yeah." "Mm, well that observation wasn't true. Was it?"

"..No." Kurt muttered as he scratched the back of his head. Krist had a little smile resting on his lips.

Suddenly Dave entered the kitchen. "Hey guys, I'm going to be out for the night. I have this thing I have to attend." He explained. Kurt and Krist listened as they shrugged.

But Krist knew Dave was making an excuse so the two can be alone together.

"Okay." Kurt says as he gets up from the kitchen table. Walking over to the fridge and taking the milk gallon out.

He opened the blue cap and takes a sip right out of the gallon. Krist chuckled softly. Dave cleared his throat. "I better get going now..uh, actually. It's a long drive." He says to make it sound more believable.

What he was actually doing was staying at a hotel room for the night.

Kurt shrugged. "We don't really have any band updates we have to do. So go ahead Dave, have fun." He smiled afterwards as he chugs more of the milk.

Dave laughs as he left the kitchen. Grabbing himself a pack of cigarettes and the van's car keys, leaving the house with a calm shut of the door.

Krist was still sitting at the table. Kurt hummed as he turned his head. "Do you want cereal?" He asks.

"Oh sure." Krist replied. Kurt smiled as he placed the opened milk on the counter. He opened the cabinet and grabbed a bowl. Along with the cereal of French Toast Crunch.

"Have you've eaten at all?" Krist asks. His protectiveness kicking in a bit. Kurt hummed as he poured in the cereal first and then the milk.

"No, I haven't." Kurt replied as he fetched a spoon and placed it inside the bowl.

He brought the breakfast bowl over to Krist and placed it front of him. Krist thanked him as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hey, Kurt?" Krist called out as he starts to eat the cereal in front of him. Kurt sat next to Krist and hummed. "Hm?"

"When was the last time you ate?" Krist asked as he stirred his cereal for a moment. Bringing a bite full to his mouth and eats it.

Kurt drums his fingers on the table in thought. "Mm, I think.. two days ago."
Krist dropped the spoon as he lifted his head. His eyes were slightly widened in worry.

"C'mon, Kurt. We can share this bowl of cereal then."

"Uh.. you sure?"

"Yeah! You have to eat something."

Kurt sighed in defeat as he pushed himself up and went to grab himself a spoon. Krist chuckled softly as he watched Kurt return.

They both started to share the bowl of cereal. Kurt's cheeks were a little red as he ate slowly.

"Is it good?" Krist asks as he finished his half. Leaving the rest for Kurt. Kurt nodded his blonde head. "Mhm."

His hands pulled the bowl closer to himself as he continued to eat. Krist got up and ruffled the blondes hair before asking.

"Wanna watch a movie? Then go outside for a while?"

Kurt nodded.
"Oh sure, Krist."

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