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It was late. The two were having a smoke underneath the bridge. Kurt exhaled the smoke as he laid his head onto Krist's shoulder.

Krist already finished with his cancerous stick as he wrapped an arm around Kurt.

"Hey Kurt..?" Krist says as he eyed Kurt's lips when he watched the blonde take a drag of the drug.

Kurt blew out the smoke into the cold air as he shivered. Scooting himself more close to the warmth of Krist.

"Mm?" Kurt hummed as he flicked the ashes down. "Let's head back." Krist replied as he watched Kurt put his cigarette out.

"Yeah, it's getting freezing out here." Kurt agreed as he tiredly got up. Krist chuckled softly as he repeated the action.

"Want me to hold your hand again..?", Krist asks as he eyed the gloved hand. Kurt got a bit shy as he nodded. "Mhmm.."

Krist smiled as he held onto it. "Let's get home, honey. I have to tell you something important when we get back."

Kurt looked confused as he shrugged it off. "Oh, okay?" Krist nodded as the two started to make it there way back.

Leaving an empty pack of cigarettes at the bridge along with a non-working lighter.

Kurt was so oblivious. He has no idea what was about to come. The blonde glanced up and noticed a smile resting on Krist's face as the two walked together in this blackened night.

Twinkling stars were above there heads. The rain has stopped. And the clouds have faded out. Simply leaving the beautiful night sky over them.

They made it back on the tracts. Holding each others hands as they walked.

"This was a nice time with you." Kurt says truthfully as he gave Krist's hands a soft squeeze. Krist felt his heart flutter and his stomach sworn with butterflies as he nodded. "Yeah?"

Kurt nodded as he continued to walk with Krist. "Felt relaxing since the stress that was been going on. It calmed my nerves." He acknowledged as he stopped walking.

Krist stopped too.

They both made eye contact and stared at each other lovingly. Before Krist shakes his head out of the romantic trance.

"Let's head back, I really have to tell you something."
"Can't you tell me here?"
"Whaat? No–"

Kurt pouted and then laughed a bit afterwards. Krist laughed along as the two started to walk again.

"Just wait, honey." Krist says as his hazel eyes glanced at Kurt's lips.

"Mmm, okay." Kurt replied as he yawned. The two continued there stroll together.

It was comfortable with the two. They slowly saw the apartment in their view.

Krist picks up his pace. Keeping a hold of Kurt's hand. He needed to tell Kurt. Now. He didn't want to hide his emotions any longer.

They made it to the apartment.

Krist grabbed his key out from his back pocket. He unlocked the door and Kurt walked in first.

Krist went inside secondary as he shuts the door behind him.
The tv was off and the house was quiet with the living room light on.

Kurt takes a seat on the couch as Krist sits beside him.

"Okay.. I have to tell you something." Krist muttered out.

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