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"Today is January 1st 1987. New years is around. Least I don't have to celebrate alone this time with a bag of weed and poetry to write. I get to meet this man, his name is Chad Channing. His name has a ring to it, like he is some kind of bird. I met up with Krist. I missed the guy. Happy he could come swing me up like a bag of potatoes waiting to be served and taken care of. He plays the bass. That's incredible. I have to go now. Till next time. - Kurdt Kobain. "

Kurt finished his journal entry. He was currently sitting by himself in the kitchen writing at the table but abruptly stopped when he heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. He closed the journal as he watched a man he never seen before enter the kitchen.

His hair was brown, long enough down to his sides. He had a bit of a stubble and his eyes are the color of caramel and brown. He wore a loose plain tee and a page of baggy jeans.

Kurt's dirty blonde eyebrows furrowed together as he watched the man serve himself a bowl of cereal. He walked over and sat at the table.

"Names Chad. Yours?" He says as he takes a bite of the cereal. Kurt felt himself get shy. He was always shy around new people he has never met before.

"..Kurt." He muttered softly out but it was heard from the man that sat beside him at the table.

"Well nice to meet you. Krist has been telling me about you since the two of us woke up earlier."

"Where is Krist..?"

"Oh, he told his mom about you were needing a place to stay and then she left. So, I think he went to get some booze and some cigarettes, for us."

"You smoke?"

"The hell I do man! I sometimes drink a little here and there. I tried that green, but I'm not sure how you two can handle that shit, it made me all panicked."

A soft laugh left Kurt's lips as he stood up. Keeping the journal on the table as he went over to the fridge. Opening it and taking out the milk gallon.

He was thirsty.

Kurt flicked open the blue cap of the 2% milk as he takes a swig from the gallon. Chad laughed as he finished up his cereal.

He stood up and put the bowl in the sink as he pats Kurt's shoulder. Kurt lowered the milk as his blue eyes looked at Chad.

"You play guitar huh?" Chad asks as Kurt placed the half empty gallon back in the fridge.

The two went back over to the kitchen table so they can have their little conversation still.

Kurt nodded. "I do. I have been playing for years." He replied as he adjusts the slept in flannel's sleeves. His hair was still messy and bed head.

While Chad's hair was long and taken well good of. his clothes and attitude weren't very macho or prepped.

"That's cool man, I play the drums." He replied as the two heard the front door open.

They both turned their attention as they see Krist come in with a case of vodka and a plastic bag over his shoulder of a few packs of Marlboros and a couple lighters.

"I got the booze!" Krist exclaimed happily as he carried to the fridge. He opened up the case. Kurt stood up and walked over.

Krist and Kurt were both knelt down, putting the glass bottles carefully into the fridge.

"So Kurt.. what's this journal?" Chad asks as he picks it up. Flicking through the pages. It was full of drawings, poems, and.. song writing lyrics.

Kurt stood up quickly in a panic as he grabbed the journal. "Don't look in that!" He shouted out.

Krist heard the commotion as he shuts the fridge door and walked over. He placed a hand onto Kurt's shoulder. "Hey, Kurt.. it's okay. He didn't know."

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