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(tw: high on heavy substances.)

Krist kept trying to relieve his anxiety. He even did some pot earlier but it didn't really help. It relaxed his body but not his mind.

The bass player gazed at the door once he noticed the knob turned. Dave looked over as well. It was 9:00PM. They had to go to their concert at 10.

Kurt stumbled in the house. Grunting and making a whining noise as he shuts the door. Courtney not in sight.
He was gone for about 20 hours.

His hands were trembling as he turned his head to noticed a concerned Dave and Krist sharing back at him.

"Oh heyyy!" Kurt slurred out with a smile. Krist walked over and helped Kurt sit on the couch. "Hey buddy..you okay?" He asked softly.

Kurt scratched at his jeans. Nodding sheepishly. His eyes were watery as his pupils were pinpointed with dilation. Occasionally they would large into big black pupils.

"Hey, Kurt. Look at me." Krist whispered. Kurt's head slowly turned as he sniffled a few times. His hand going up and scratching at the back of his head.

"Yeah?" He would speak. His voice sounded more raspy than normal. His eyes felt droopy as he watched Dave crossed his arms.

Krist glanced over at Dave before continuing to talk with Kurt.

"You feeling okay?" Krist asked as he noticed Kurt start to nod off. "Kurt." He says more sternly which caused Kurt's body to jolt awake. "What?!" He shouted out randomly.

"Are. You. Okay." Krist says each word slow and stern. Kurt nodded. "Yes man! Life is.. great. Good." He slurred his speech as he blinked his eyes slowly.

"My god, what happened to you..?" Dave asks worriedly as he watched the two.

Kurt giggled as he scratched at his face. Occasionally moving his jaw around as he blinked.

"Whats wrong with me? Nothing is wrong with me. Why does everyone think something is wrong with me?" Kurt asks the questions in a panic. His doped blue eyes looking around.

Krist sighed. He knew now. Most definitely Kurt was on some type of drug, or drugs. And he knows the culprit who gave them to him.

His lanky arm wrapped itself around Kurt. The blonde's body spasmed for a moment as his head laid onto Krist's shoulder.

"I miss her!" Kurt groaned out as his converse covered feet twitched. The laces moved a bit as his left foot twitched a few seconds before he started to giggle.

"Who?" Dave asks as he knelt down. Watching the grunge singers actions. Kurt bit his lip hard to the point blood drained out of it.

Krist wiped the blood away with his thumb as Kurt let out a long whine. "I miss Courtney! She's got the goodies!" He then burst into laughter.

His forehead was slicked with sweat. His cheeks flushed a bright crimson red like two cherries.

Krist shakes his head as he moved his hand up and started to rub Kurt's back. "Tell me about the, 'goodies.' "
He began, raising an eyebrow.

Dave was focused on listening. A serious concerned expression rested on his face as he knelt down to Kurt.

Kurt's eyes were still wide. He barely blinked. The blueness in them were so beautiful to Krist. But he frowned when he saw how dialated they are.

"Please, Kurt?.." Krist says softly to try and calm the blondes nerves. He held Kurt close. But furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed visible bruises on kurt's jawline and cheek now.

Suddenly Kurt screamed out. "NO!" Krist and Dave got startled from the sudden loudness.

Krist gently grabbed Kurt's face and grazed his finger tip onto the bruise. Kurt jolted his head back. "Don't! She hurt me there!" He slurred out. It barely even sounded like English.

Dave and Krist widen there eyes in surprise. "She what..?" They both asked.

Kurt tugged on the back of his hair before tearing up.

"Bruised me she did!" He cried out to the other band members.

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