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Kurt finished up his shower. He dried himself and puts on his clothes as quick as possible. He didn't bare to look at himself.

In fact, he didn't look up in the mirror once. He kept his hair wet. It looked almost stringly once again.

He shuts off the bathroom light as he heard a brief conversation occuring down the stairs.

He furrowed his eyebrows. This made him confused. He recognized Krist's voice downstairs. But another voice he couldn't decipher.

As he walked down each step. The other males voice started to sound familiar.

Kurt made it down the stairs and walked into the living room. Adjusting down his flannel sleeves as the other males turn their attention to the blonde that entered the room.

Kurt studied Dave's face. "You look familiar.." he muttered out which caused Dave to smile.

"It's me! Dave? From highschool? Dave Grohl." Dave says, hoping to jog some memory into Kurt's head.

It took a few minutes of thought. Until Kurt snapped his fingers together. "Oh! It's you!? It's been so long I hardly recognized you man! I mean..that could be the weed."

All three males started to laugh.

Kurt takes a seat as the two started to chat.

"It's been so long since I've seen you, Kurt!"

"I know."

"How have you've been doing?"

"Well, doing okay."

Dave nodded as Krist spoke up. "The reason why I called you over because I was hopes if you knew still how to play a drum set.."Krist trailed off.

Kurt snapped his head over to Krist and then slowly moved his head back over to Dave to see what he would say.

"Oh for sure man. I know how to play the drums. I was in a band entitled 'Scream'. I left it though."

"Will it be alright if you could join, our band?" Krist asks as he wrapped an arm around Kurt. Giving the man a small squeeze.

Kurt grunted quietly as he glanced up at Krist. His eyes slowly blooming out happiness as his heart fluttered with excitement.

Dave shrugged. "Of course! I mean, you two are my best buddies from highschool. Of course I'll join your band. Let me guess, you needed a drummer?"

Kurt nodded his head. "Yeah, our previous one quit out on us. I mean, it's mutual. He just.. kinda snapped though."

Krist shakes his head and sighed. "It was infuriating with our pal Chad. He was a great drummer at first.. until the drugs started to get to him and he eventually snapped and left the band." He explained to Dave Grohl.

"Oh, I see. That sucks man. But for sure, I can be your drummer. Who's the singer?"

Kurt raised his hand slightly as a small laugh left his lips. "I sing and write the lyrics. I also play guitar."

"That's fucking amazing man!" Dave exclaimed in joy as he smiled towards the freshly trimmed haired male.

Krist nodded. "Yeah man, we even have an entire album out called..Kurt what's it called again?"

"Bleach." Kurt chimed in as he shyly looked down at his hands. Fidgeting with his fingers. Krist honestly thought that was adorable but kept the thought to himself.

"That's sick man. So, what's the name of your band?" Dave asks as he tilted his head with a smile on his face.

Krist and Kurt replied. "Nirvana."

Dave hummed. "Nirvana, has a nice ring to it. I like it." He complimented which caused Kurt to smile more.

"Thanks man.." Kurt mumbled.

"Not a problem." Dave replied.

Krist stood up. "Hey, let's go see what you can do on those drums!" He says cheerfully as all three males went to the small garage that Krist had.

It was a bit far from the apartment. But each person had there own garage for their cars or other things that needed to be storaged.

They made it to the small garage. Chad didn't even take his drums. In fact he left them. Kurt sighed. "These are Chad's drums..but I mean, he left them here."

"Maybe he's done playing?" Dave asks and Krist spoke up. "Probably. Maybe he's getting clean off of the weed."

"Maybe." Dave replied as he went over to the set. He picked up the drum sticks.

Kurt and Krist stared in awe when Dave imediantly started to pound a beat ruthlessly into the drums.

Very skilled.
Very well.

Kurt's blue eyes widened in surprise as he whispered to Krist.
"He's so good at this man..he's joining our band?"

Krist nodded. "Definitely is. I mean, he is our highschool friend." He replied quietly as the two watched Dave clash the symbols to end his beating he was doing.

Kurt and Krist clapped in enjoyment with smiles on there faces.

"You're so good at this man!" Kurt says happily as Dave pushed some of his long brown hair away from his face.

"Oh thanks dude.. I try."Dave responded. Kurt shakes his head. "Try?! You literally killed it!" Kurt exclaimed happily as he raised his arms into the air.

Krist watched Kurt with a lovey look in his eyes. Dave seemed to notice as a smirk rises on his face. Glancing up at Krist.

Krist felt his face warmed up as Dave turned away and continued to chat with Kurt.

"Well thank you man, means a lot. Glad I can be part of your band. Really means something." Dave acknowledged to the other two males.

They bring themselves into a hug.

"Now let's make some music!" Dave exclaimed and held a fist into the air.

"Yeah!" All three of them cheered.

Then they went back to the apartment and went inside.

Kurt had a lot of writing to do.

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