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[ December 31st 1989 ]

Krist was quick to action. He poured the milk into a glass as he sprinkled in some cinnamon, to add a bit of sweetness to the taste.

He opened up the microwave and placed the glass carefully inside. He put the timer for 15 seconds. As he went over to his cabinet and opened it, grabbing the bottle of ibuprofen.

He poured a few in his hands as the microwave goes off. He went over and opened it. Grabbing the cup.

"Hot, hot.", Krist muttered but kept his grasp onto it. Carefully with the glass in his hand, and the pills in the other. He made his way to Kurt Cobain's bedroom.

He left it wide open so he went in with ease. Hearing Kurt's shaky cries and whimpers.

"Buddy, roll over. I'm here, I'm here." Krist says. Kurt groaned as he rolled over to face Krist.

"Sit up." Krist commanded gently. Kurt groaned as he sat himself up. "Ow, fuck meeee." He whined as Krist handed the glass over to Kurt.

With the glass in Kurt's small hands, he slowly takes a sip. It tasted nice and warm in his stomach.

"Here, some pain meds too." Krist says as he hands it over. Kurt muttered a 'thanks' as he takes the medicine.

He popped them into his mouth as he drinks them down with the milk. He panted a little. His forehead was a bit sweaty.

Krist frowned as he knelt down to Kurt. "Do you need anything else, Kurt?" He asks with a caring tone in his voice.

"Well.. uhm." Kurt grunted as he slowly laid on his back. He was currently in his plaid pajamas. "Can you maybe, stay the night in here with me..?" He asks. Feeling nervous to ask.

Krist felt his face warm up slightly as a smile broke across his face. "Of course, I'll stay in here with you."

"Now scoot over." Krist jokes as Kurt laughed weakly. He slightly moved as Krist laid down next to Kurt, shirtless and in his sweatpants.

Kurt didn't seem to mind. His head slowly laid itself onto Krist's bare chest. Krist felt his heart start to pound in his chest. He knew for a fact Kurt could feel that but didn't even ask anything about it.

Eyelids came to a close for Kurt as he has fallen asleep. The pain in his stomach had subsided for now. Which was very reassuring for Krist.

Krist leaned his head down and left a gentle kiss onto Kurt's forehead. He smiled once he pulled back.

It felt right to kiss Kurt's head to Krist. His eyebrows furrowed as he laid his head back onto the pillow.

"There's nothing wrong with kissing a guy..right. But, why am I kissing Kurt? I mean, it's not like it's his lips but.." he trailed off when he looked at the sleeping males lips.

"..It would be interesting to try." Krist says before leaning his head down. Abruptly, he stopped and pulled his head back and slammed it into the soft pillow.

"Fuck, nononono. I can't just, do that. Hell, I don't even know if Kurt even li–" he was interrupted by a sleepy kurt muttering.

"Shush giant.. tryna sleep."

Krist muttered an apology as he placed a hand onto Kurt's back. "Sorry."

Kurt hummed as he fell back to sleep. Krist rubbed Kurt's back as he just mentally thought to himself.

' maybe i love boys. '
' but not just, any boy. '
' ..wait. '
' ..no. '
' right? '
' no way. '
' fuck, yeah. i do. '

Krist thought as he lovingly looked down at the sleeping blonde whose head was on his bare chest.

"Oh s-sorry." Krist says much quieter as he turned off the lamp that he totally forgot.

But Kurt was still asleep. Krist couldn't help but smile. His hand slowly went upwards on Kurt's back and up to the blondes greasy long locks.

They have grown. Almost done to the middle of his back by now. His large hand tangled themself into it as he started to play with it.

Krist didn't mind how greasy it was. Just as long as it was Kurt's, that's all he cared about.

Several minutes go past, and Krist was still playing with Cobain's hair while he slept. Slowly, the man pulled his hand away and placed it onto Kurt's back.

He shuts his eyes. Getting ready to fall asleep when suddenly he felt Kurt shift. His eyes partly opened as he watched Kurt rolled over on his side.

His blonde hair sliding to the side as he shifts his sleeping position. His back now facing the bass player.

Krist chuckled as he faced Kurt's back. Eyeing the cozied up male that was beside him with a gentle look in his hazel eyes.

"Goodnight, buddy." Krist muttered out.

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