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Kurt sighed as he heard Dave enter back in the house after his cigarette break.

Dave sat in the chair as Krist rubbed Kurt's back. They both pulled away from the embrace.

"I need it." Kurt croaked out but they both shake there heads. "Kurt, you really don't need this. It can kill you." Dave says.

The blonde went quiet. His blue eyes slowly guided themselves down to the carpeted floor.

Krist sighed, "We flushed what you had here." He states as Kurt's head suddenly bolted up in anger.

"WHAT?!" He screamed out. Krist and Dave remained calm. "Yes, Kurt. Krist and I flushed that." Dave replied to Kurt's outburst in a very calm manner.

Kurt let out a scream in frustration as he held his head. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." He says over and over. Krist placed a hand onto Kurt's shoulder.

"It's for your health and safety dude. Do you want to die from an overdose or something?"

Then silence.

Krist's hazel eyes slowly widened themselves in shock when Kurt didn't reply. Dave was stunned. Frozen in place as he stared at the blonde.

Kurt nervously chewed on his finger nails as he glanced at the two. Not saying a word.

"You..wanted to." Krist answered the question for Kurt. Kurt lowered his hand and nodded hesitantly.

Dave shakes his head. "Why..? Why would that thought even crossed your mind? Kurt. We love you and care about you. We don't want you to leave us."

"I'm sorry. The drugs.. the, stress. I just.. had the thought of..but, I didn't. Commit to it." Kurt mumbled out as he fidgeted with his thumbs.

"When were you thinking about doing it?" Krist hesitantly asks as he stared at Kurt with immenseness of worry.

"When I got here." Kurt mutters. "But.. the door was locked and I had a meltdown over the.. you know. And, here I am. Still, breathing."

"That's terrifying.. we could've lost you." Dave's voice spoke, crackling a bit at the end.

"If we didn't hear you knock on the fucking door.. we could've." Krist mumbled as he felt tears roll down his face.

Without hesitance, Krist brought Kurt into a large hug. Squeezing the blonde scrawnier male close to him.

Kurt grunted softly as he returned the hug. "H-hey, but I'm here. It's okay." He whispered to Krist and kissed his cheek.

Krist stared at the grunge singer in shock when he felt the kiss. He slowly broke into a smile as he held Kurt close.

Dave smiled a bit. Watching the two.

Kurt sniffled as he looked up at Krist. "I'm not going anywhere.. least for now." He muttered in his usual raspy voice.

Krist nodded as he held the blonde close to him. Afraid of letting him go.
Dave glanced at the two. A small smile resting on his lips.

The tension was slowly declining down. Least, they thought it was going too. Until the front door opened.

It was left unlocked.

There she stood.
The woman.
Courtney Love.

Krist imediantly tightened his hold onto Kurt. Dave's brown eyes narrowed as he stood up.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Dave shouted. But Kurt shouted back at him.

"I love her!"

Krist shakes his head as he hugged Kurt close. Murmuring in his ear.

"You loved what you thought she was."

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