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Kurt changed into his pajamas and crawled himself into the comfort of his own bed. Laying his head back on the soft texture pillows.

The man rolled onto his side that had his back facing the bedroom door. He let out little huffs and grunts from the pain.

He shut his eyes. Trying so desperately to ignore the pain. Soon enough, his blue eyes watered up with tears as he flopped himself onto his back.

With a groan, he helplessly stared up at the ceiling. Chewing on the inside of his cheek to calm his nerves down. He didn't want to worry Krist or Dave.

Whilst for Krist, he was standing outside with a lightened up cigarette in between his fingers. Occasionally taking drags of it. He flicked the ashes down as he mutters.

"Damn, what has gotten into me."

Krist looked around the night darkened sky as he takes another puff of the cancerous drugs that was in his fingertips.

"He's a friend.. right?"
"Totally, for sure."
"But.. something else."
"Oh shit."

Krist says to himself as he mentally smacked himself. He realized he has a crush on Kurt. He flicked the cigarette down and stomped onto it.

"I have fallen in love with one of my best friends." Krist says outloud. His face turned a little red as he blinked in realizations.

"Doubt he feels the same." Krist says sadly as he shakes his head. Walking back into his apartment to see Dave drinking a bottle of vodka on the couch.

"Hey... Thought you were sleeping?" Krist asked as he takes a seat by Dave.
"Was!" Dave hiccuped as he wiggled the bottle in his hands. Taking another swig.

Krist chuckled. "Can I have a sip of that..?" He slowly asked. Dave handed over the bottle as Krist immediately takes it. Practically chugging half of it.

"Jesus man!" Dave shouts in surprise as Krist lowered the bottle, gasping dramatically.

He handed it back to Dave. "Sorry, just.. thoughts." Krist slurred out slightly as he looked down. Holding his head.

His hazel eyes glued onto the floor. Studying the carpeted flooring. His and Dave's breath had the smell of the alcoholic drink on them.

"What are you thinking about man?" Dave asks as he held the bottle up in the air before drinking it again.

"I think I have fallen for Kurt." Krist says, which caused Dave to spit out alcohol in surprise.

"Wait, wait, wait.. what?" Dave asks. Looking at Krist with shocked intoxicated brown eyes.

Krist nodded, leaning back on the couch. His eyes looked around to make sure Kurt wasn't around.

Nope, the blonde headed male was still hugging his pained stomach. He cried silently, contemplating on screaming out for Krist.

Krist looked at Dave. "It's true.. the feelings. I really do love Kurt. I realized this while smoking..fuck man." He explained further as he covered his face with his hands.

Dave shakes his head with a smile. "Hey, nothing wrong with liking men buddy. Have you've been in a gay relationship before?"

"..No, I haven't."

"Oh–" Dave cleared his throat as he laughed a bit. "Well, that's completely fine too. You should tell him how you feel, Krist. Really."

"Nononono...not yet at least." Krist replied in a slight panic. Suddenly they heard a loud cry.

Krist and Dave's eyes immediately went towards to the stairs. In an instant, Krist got up and rushed up the stairs. Dave following along.

They rushed over to Kurt's door and opened it.

Krist saw Kurt.

He had helpless tears streaming down his face, his hands grasping at his abdomen in immense pain. His breathing, staggered and tired.

"Heyheyhey.. buddy." Krist muttered as he knelt down to Kurt. Dave cleared his throat. "I'll go get some pain meds and water for him."

Then Dave vanished out of the room to fetch what he needed.

Kurt whimpered quietly as he looked up at Krist. "I'm sorry.." he croaked out. "No, don't be sorry honey. It's okay. You're just hurting, but I'll make you feel better." Krist reassured as he got into the bed with Kurt.

His hand gently placed itself onto Kurt's stomach. The blonde male grunted softly as Krist added a bit of pressure.

"Ouh..fuck."Kurt muttered as Krist started to rub Kurt's stomach in gentle circular motions.

"It's gonna be okay buddy. Dave's getting you some medicine and then you can rest for awhile.."

"I need a bawl.."

"Weed?!" Krist says in shock as Kurt weakly nodded with a weakened chuckle. "Mhhmm.."

"Maybe when you wake up, Kurt."

Krist says with care as Dave entered the room with water and pain medication.

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