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Krist was awoken by the door bell being frantically rang. He sat up quickly and looked around.

Rushing out of the bed, he saw Dave already sprinting down the stairs. Krist quickly followed along.

With frantic fingers, Dave unlocks the door and it opened. Kurt was covered in sweat. His eyes weren't as red as before. His pupils were back to normal.

But they were full of tears. His clothes, looked slightly tore on him.

Kurt immediately went inside of the house. Sniffling as he sat himself at the couch. Holding his head in his hands.

His body was visibly shaking. Krist rushed over and sat beside Kurt.
"What happened..?" Krist says softly as he tried to place a hand onto Kurt's back but Kurt cowered himself into the couch.

"No..!" Kurt cried out. Dave exchanged a glance at Krist. before they both looked at the blonde male.

"Kurt.." Krist says softly. A shaky exhale left Kurt's lips. Dave didn't know what to do. He just watched the two with worry and concern.

"Tell me what happened, sweetheart." Krist says softly as he looks at Kurt. Tearing up himself.

Kurt chewed on his lip for a moment. "Well.." He cleared his throat as he pulled his sleeves more down to cover up his bruising wrists.

"I was fucking high.." Kurt began as he looked at the two. "And uhm.."

Krist and Dave listened closely.

"Uhm.. she uh.." Kurt blinked his tears away. "I couldnt move!" He cried out as his hands started to shake again. Krist immediately held onto Kurt's hands.

"I was too fucked to move..! She touched me without my consent. I screamed, No! But she didn't listen. I only.. briefly remember cause I started snapping out of it when.. she uh.. started."

"Is that all she did? She didn't.. have sex?" Krist says and Kurt sighed. "No, thank God. I snapped out of it in time and.. fuck I feel so bad. I pushed her off of me."

"Hey. Don't feel bad for pushing her off of you. She was doing something fucked up." Dave says as Krist started to rub Kurt's shoulder.

"I swear I can't ever hit a woman. I feel sick." Kurt covered his face with his hands and broke down into tears. "It's all my fault.."

"Hey, hey. No it's not." Krist slightly snapped as he brought the blonde into a hug. "Now.. I Have To Protect You! You're safe at home. Okay.?"

Kurt hugged Krist in return as he breaks into sobs. "I regret hurting her!" He cried out as Krist rubbed Kurt's back.

"Honey, she was hurting you this entire time. You have to stay away from her."

"NO!" Kurt Cobain shouted as he moved back. "She has the–the–.. heroin!" He looked almost hesitant to shout that.

Krist hushed Kurt as he held Kurt's face in his hands. "You don't need that. "

"Yes I do! I fucking do! It helps my stomach pain go away! It helps me feel happy!"

"KURT." Krist scolded as he stared into Kurt's helpless blue eyes. Dave sighed as he abruptly got up and left the room.

He left to have a cigarette break. He was too stressed to be there at the moment.

"Kurt, Donald, Cobain." Krist says Kurt's full name as he held onto the grunge singers hands.

"You don't need that fucking shit man. That shit is going to kill you. It doesn't help you. It's going to turn you all skeleton up! It's TEARING your body from the inside!" Krist scolded at the blonde.

Kurt fell quiet. Tears rolled down his face as he shakily breathed. Krist shakes his head and brings Kurt into a hug.

"You don't need it. Okay?.."

"Okay.." Kurt muttered as he hid his face into Krist's shoulder.

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