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The two males were quietly watching a film on the little boxed television that was planted in the living room.

Kurt had taken a few hits of the bong that was downstairs. His eyes were slightly red and watered as he laid back on the couch.

Grunting in satisfaction from being relaxed. He adjusts his grey fingerless gloves on his hands as he shoved his blonde greasy hair back.

Krist had a magazine in his eyes. But he wasn't reading it. In fact he was actually eyeing Kurt.

With love and passion in those hazel eyes. Krist but the inside of his cheek as he continued to stare.

Kurt must've got it as he turned his head to noticed Krist staring at him. A dirty blonde eyebrow slowly raised itself as Krist snapped out of it.

"Sorry." Krist apologized as he looked away. Flipping the page of the magazine in his hands as he tried to focus his eyes on that.

Kurt laughed softly as he shakes his head. Looking back at the horror film that was playing. "It's okay, don't worry about it."

It was about 4:00PM. The two males have been watching movies all evening. All cozied up in the house.

A light drizzle was happening outside. It calmly hit the window panes. Kurt sat up and looked at Krist.

"Hey Krist?" Kurt called out as he folded his hands in his lap. Krist closed the magazine and looked over. "Yeah, honey?"

Kurt felt his cheeks get warm when he heard that nickname. "Do you want to head outside?" He asked.

"Oh right! We've been cooped up all day. Better should." Krist says as he gets out of the chair.

Stretching, he watched Kurt walked to a coat hanger and grabbed his tarnish brown colored jacket.

He puts it on over his blue long sleeve as he walks over and grabs his converse.

Krist grabbed himself a jacket as well.
They both got ready to head out. Kurt stood up once his shoes were on and grabbed a pack of cigarettes that was resting on the coffee table.

"Got a light?" Kurt muttered the question. Krist nodded. "Okay."

The shorter blonde walked to the door. Krist opened it and allowed Kurt out first as he followed the blonde, shutting it behind him afterwards.

Kurt stuffed the cigarette pack into his back pocket as he glanced up at Krist with a loving look.

The bass player noticed and smiled. He held out his hand for Kurt.

Blue eyes slowly looked down at the hand. He immediately takes hold of it as the two started to walk together hand-and-hand.

The rain calmly drizzled into them slightly. The blonde and brunet's hair were getting a bit soaked as the sky started to turn more darker.

The day was coming to an end.
And the night was starting to begin.

Kurt looked around his surroundings. Admiring the trees and nature he saw as Krist kept a hold of the blondes slim gloved hand.

He brushed his thumb onto Kurt's soft fabric as the two continued to walk. Both breathing in the crisp cold air.

Kurt felt relieved. He felt relaxed. He felt safe and protected with Krist.
In fact, that made the grunge singer happy.

They made it to the train tracks.

"Let's walk across them!" Kurt beamed as he lets go of Krist's hand for a moment. Heading towards the tracts.

Krist felt his heart race as he went over with Kurt.

Both of them calmly walking across the tracks. Not a train in sight, thankfully.

It was pitch black by time they finished walking the whole tracts. And made it to a bridge.

Kurt hummed as he squeezed Krist's hand gently before walking off towards the bridge.

"Let's sit under here and have a smoke." Kurt informed as they both take a seat.

"Sure." Krist says as he sits next to Kurt. Deep down he knew he was ready.

He was ready to confess his love for Kurt Cobain.

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