103 4 1

[ 1991 ]
"Hey, how are you..?" Dave muttered as he handed Kurt the pain medicine and water.

Kurt slowly sat himself up. Krist extracted his hand back. Folding them in his lap as he watched Kurt take the medicine. Practically chugging the ice cold water.

He handed the empty glass back to Dave as he grunted out. "Well, stomach pains but, I'm doing okay."

"I'm sorry man, do you know why you have them?" Kurt shrugged. "No fucking idea...I tried medications, I've tried doctors.. I don't know anymore."

Krist sighed as he started to rub Kurt's back. "I'm sorry, but we're here. We're trying to help you feel better."

"I need a bawl." Kurt whined out as he looked up at Krist. "Pleasee. My fucking gawd!"

Krist sighed. "Alright, alright. Dave? You have green don't you?" Dave nodded. "Yeah, it's in the baggy downstairs. Kurt, do you have a bong up here?"

Kurt nodded his head. "Mhm." "Cool." Dave says as he left the room again to fetch the weed from downstairs.

The lead singer fully sat himself up. Ignoring the churning pain as he got off the bed. He walked over to his dresser and grabbed his bong.

He grunted as he trotted himself back to the bed and sits on it. Krist was fully sat up as well. Rubbing Kurt's back in an up and down motion.

"So.. besides weed. Have you've been writing?" Krist asks. Kurt nodded. "Y–yeah, I have actually. Wrote a song called smells like teen spirit.. and a couple others."

Krist nodded. "New album?" Kurt nodded as Dave entered in with the weed.

Then, their smoking session started to happen. Casually Kurt takes a hit of the bong once it was fully perpared.

He spewed out the smoke as Krist patted Kurt's back. "Easy man." Kurt giggled. He can feel the pain slowly subsiding away.

They took turns.
Passing the bong back and forward.

Kurt has taken the most hits out of the two however. He laid down. His head slowly slumping itself onto Krist's lap. The bong resting on the night stand.

A soft groan left his lips as Krist started to move Kurt's hair away from his face.
Dave smiled goofily as he looked around with his blood shot eyes.

"So, Dave.." Kurt coughed for a moment as his blue stoned eyes gazed over. Dave hummed as he turned his head. Facing Krist and Kurt.

Krist remained quiet. Just calmly playing with Kurt's hair. Occasionally twirling it with his finger tips. It felt already greasy again.

"I made a few songs, and.. I kind of want to get them recorded in, in, the studio." Kurt nodded. "And.. I kind of have a music video, idea."

This caused Krist to stop playing with the blondes locks as he looked down at Kurt. "A music video?"

Kurt nodded. "Yeah.. I'll have to write down some ideas though. For how the video will be filmed.. mhm." He says in a stoned rasped tone of voice.

"That sounds like a great idea man!" Dave nodded. "How many songs have you've written?" "Mmm, like.. an album worth. Thirteen? Yeah." Kurt nodded as he giggled.

He buried his face into Krist's leg for a moment before shifting and laying his head back onto Krist's lap.

Krist felt his cheeks warm up with a familiar crimson as he fixed Kurt's hair once again.

"Yeah, for sure. Let's rehearsal tomorrow and send the recording to the studio and then get it actual recorded for the album."
Krist explained as he blinked his eyes slowly. He felt the high declining.

Kurt was still beyond stoned. While Dave felt his slumping, making him more exhausted.

"We should get some rest so we can get these recordings started." Dave says tiredly as he got up from where he was sitting.

Kurt grunted as he nodded. His eyelids blinked slowly as he closed them. Krist looked down at Kurt before muttering.


Dave walked out of Kurt's bedroom and back to the 'guest' room.
Krist smiled as he started to play with Kurt's hair.

"Want me to stay in here with you again..?"

"Please." Kurt replied as he fell into slumber."

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