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[ January 1st 1990. ]

Krist gently pats Kurt's shoulder has he gets up quietly from the bed. He needed a smoke break. Bad.

The sun was coming up already, it was the new year of 1990. Krist stretched. He didn't get any sleep. He was too worried for the sleeping blonde that was beside him.

He quietly left out of Kurt's room and trotted down the stairs. But stopped when he noticed Chad was downstairs with his luggage packed up beside him.

A cigarette in between his lips and smoking inside. Krist furrowed his eyebrows in anger and confusion.

"Why is your things packed..? And, WHY are you smoking in my house." Krist suddenly snapped the last question.

Chad scoffed out of the smoke before replying. "Fucker, it reeked like weed all night! Kurt was smoking the green! INSIDE! in fact, I was going to smoke a bawl last night and guess what?! I only had one singular gram! That was NOTHING to what I had earlier!" He snapped. The smell of alcoholism on his lips.

Krist crossed his arms. "Well maybe we all smoked yours during Kurt's birthday...?" He asks. He was more calmer than the pissed off drunk in front of him.

Chad rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I can get more. Now, why am I packed? I'll tell you why. I'll tell you fucking why." He slurred.

The loud voice of Chad startled Kurt awake in his bedroom. He groaned as he pushed his blonde hair away from his face.

He walked downstairs in his plaid pajamas as he looked over at the commotion.

"Wait.. what's going on here?" Kurt asked tiredly as he approached the two. Krist calmed down as soon as when the blonde came into the room.

Chad had enough. He grabbed his bags. "I'm quitting, Kurt. I'm leaving the band." He says, not even slurring his speech. He puts the cigarette out in the ash tray.

Kurt felt his heart swell up in aching hurt. Krist's eyes quickly darted at Chad with anger. "..What." Krist scowled. Keeping his composure so he doesn't scare the blonde.

"Ha..ha.. what?" Kurt muttered out. Laughing nervously as his eyes started to swell up with tears. "No, you.. you can't Chad! We need you! We need a drummer!" Kurt pleaded but Chad wasn't phased.

"No, Cobain. I'm done. Your writing just.. doesn't make sense to me. With the arguments with Krist, I've came to a realization that I can't do this anymore.  Sorry. " Chad says with no remorse as he grabs his bags and heads out the door.

Kurt felt hurt. His eyes slowly traveled to the floor. He felt angry, hurt, and heartbroken. His band, it was falling a part.

Krist was shocked himself. He didn't know that Chad was actually going to leave the band Nirvana. It just didn't make sense. But, the man had his reasons and they had to respect that.

"Fuck!" Kurt shouted out in frustration and sadness. He shakily takes a sharp inhale as he walked off to the kitchen.

Krist follows along in worry. "Kurt, Kurt, Kurt, buddy–"
"Shut up." Kurt snapped as he opened the fridge, taking out a bottle of alcohol.

He let out a screech in anger as he popped open the bottle. Walking over to the table and taking a seat. His journal was opened in front of him as he starts to drink and write lyrics.

"It's stupid man!" Kurt suddenly lashed out. Krist sighed as he sat next to Kurt in a wooden chair that was beside Kurt.

He placed a hand onto Kurt's. "Hey, it'll be alright buddy.." "–No! We lost our fucking drummer!"

Krist sighed. He knew Kurt was upset. "I know, but.." "–No! No, just.. leave me alone right now." Kurt muttered as he focused on writing.

Krist slowly moved his hand back and sighed. He got up from the chair and kissed Kurt's head before walking out.

Kurt froze with the pen in his hand. He was confused. I mean, it's completely okay for your friends to kiss your head.
Dismissing it, he started to write the lyrics of a song named, 'Dumb.'

He hummed once he was finished. Taking his last sip of the bottle before grabbing the journal and heading upstairs.

Krist was sitting on his couch. The small TV playing a random show that the brunet wasn't really paying attention too.

His hazel gaze looked over at the nokia phone that was calmly sitting on the coffee table. It was Krist's.

He grabbed it and started to dial in a phone number. He brought it up to his ear as he listened to it ring.

As he waited for an answer, he heard an acoustic guitar playing upstairs and a brief singing voice of Kurt singing, "I think im dumb.."

Krist shakes his head with a quiet chuckle as suddenly the phone was answered.

"Hey Dave, it's..Krist."

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