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(tw: high on substances.)

Krist and Dave exchanged worried looks towards each other before looking back at the doped up male.

The bass player felt pissed. "She did, what to you..?" He asked slowly. His anger building up. Kurt used the back of his hand and wiped the sweat away.

"Bruised me." Kurt slurred as he slumped his body on the couch. His eyes widely looking at Krist. Scratching at the side of his face.

Krist shakes his head. Staring at the small bruises on Kurt's jawline and cheek.

"But it's okay! She's helping me. She's okay. I'm okay. She loves me. I love her." Kurt stammered out.

"Kurt..? Can you still do the concert tonight?" Dave asks as he fidgets with his fingers.

Kurt immediately nods. "Yeah! I can do it. With the happy drugs in my systemmm, I can do anything!"

Krist sighed as he nodded. "Well, we have to get there then, if you can play." He felt really worried. He wanted to know what the drugs are.

– – –
Kurt has gone crazy on stage. Krist and Dave kept the rhythm of the song, "Come As You Are." But Kurt was practically screaming the lyrics into the mic.

Playing the song off-key with his fingers as he screams out.


Dave and Krist kept the riff in order. This was there last song for the night. Krist had a enough. He watched Kurt with worry as each song was sang.

It was okay at the beginning, until slowly Kurt started to get more crazed out. Randomly screaming in the mic without any lyrics. Curling up on the floor when they were playing "Breed."

It really confused Dave and Krist.

They ended the song and Krist walked over to the microphone.

"Thank you all for coming." He spoke as the three band members disappeared off stage.

"Okay, Kurt. What the fuck was that?!" Dave scolded as Kurt takes a seat backstage.

Krist was watching Kurt's movements with worry. Kurt's eyes looked around the room. "Ooh pretty liiights."

Dave snapped his fingers. "Kurt!" Kurt got startled and looked over. "What?!" He screamed out.

Krist hushed Kurt as he knelt down. "Buddy.. let's just get you home, okay?" Kurt shakes his head. "I'm waiting for her.."


"Courtney, Love." A female voice spoke which caused Krist and Dave to turn there heads. There she was, with this wicked grin on her face.

"Babyyyy!" Kurt whined out as he got up. He slowly stumbled over as he slumps his body into Courtney's arms.

Courtney laughed as she held Kurt close to her. "He's going to be staying with me for the night."

"What?!" Krist shouted as Dave placed a hand onto the tallers shoulder.

Courtney raised an eyebrow as she scoffed. "What?? He's my boyfriend. He can stay the night at a girl's house, Krist."

"I– No, that's fine! That's completely fine!" Krist snaps as he raised his hands in the air. "I just haven't seen him home since 2AM, LAST NIGHT! I've only seen him for two hours! An hour at the god damn apartment, and the hour here!" He freaked out on her.

Courtney rolls her eyes as she shoved Kurt up. Kurt whined as he stood. His hand traveling down and holding hers.

"He'll be back. Stop being a baby." She rudely replied as the two walked off. Krist sighed heavily as he watched Kurt go with her.

Then, all four departed their ways.
Dave and Krist went to the apartment.
Kurt and Courtney went to her house.

Krist was currently smoking inside of his home. With Dave sitting on the couch looking at the taller worriedly.

"I'm worried about Kurt." Krist says as he exhales the smoke. Dave nodded. "I know.. especially with – whatever he's on. It scares me."

Krist nodded as he puts the cigarette out. "Fuck, let's check his room."


"Just to see, if.. we could find anything to solve this mystery." Krist replied.

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