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Kurt raised an eyebrow. He was deeply curious about what Krist had to say. Krist takes a deep breathe as he turned his body around to fully face the blonde.

"I've been hiding something from you." Krist started as he bit his lip nervously. Kurt widened his eyes as he tilted his head to the side.


"It's nothing bad! I promise! Just, hear me out..okay?" Krist says panicked as he held his hands up in defense.

Kurt furrowed his eyebrows as he tilted his head back up in the upright position. "..Okay."

Krist cleared his throat as he watched Kurt take off his gloves. Tossing them onto the coffee table.

The bass player immediately takes a hold of Kurt's hands. Kurt felt his stomach twist with butterflies as he eyed up at the brunet male.

Krist started to panic. His hands slightly trembled in Kurt's. Kurt frowned a bit as he squeezed the others hands to attempt and relief Krist's anxiety.

"What's troubling you..? If you can't tell me, it's–"
"–No! I want to tell you. I need to tell you. I've already dropped so many damn hints."

Kurt was confused. His naive and dense self was getting to him. "What? What do you mean?" He questioned but Krist gently hushed him.

"Hush, Love. I just want to tell you." Krist says as he leaned in a bit. His hazel eyes glanced at Kurt's lips.

"..or show you."

Kurt bit his lightly colored pink lips as he noticed Krist staring at them. His cheeks flushed a warm crimson as he smiled a bit.

"Show me?" Kurt whispered. Krist gulped down nervously as he leaned in super close to Kurt's face.

Their foreheads gently pressed against each other. They can feel there breathes against there lips.

Their breath smelled of weed and cigarettes but the two didn't care about that. They only cared about this moment that they are going to share with each other.

Krist couldn't hold it in anymore. He gently crashed his lips onto Kurt's. It felt right. Like two puzzle pieces connecting.

Nothing was wrong with kissing a man.

Krist was about to pull away due to having an internal panic attack but he calmed himself when he felt Kurt's lips slowly moving back in return.

Suddenly the door opened, it was Dave. He couldn't stay in that hotel room all night. And he walked in, on the two kissing.

Kurt quickly pulled away as his blue eyes stared at the man who entered the house.

Dave immediately broke into a large grin. "AWWW! YOU GUYS DID IT!" he cheered.

Kurt immediately felt embarrassed as he hides his face into Krist's chest. "oH nO–"

Krist laughed as he held Kurt close. "Dave, I thought you were going to be gone...all night?" He questioned as he raised an eyebrow.

Dave nervously laughed. "I got bored...so I decided to come back and now I walk in, and you two are love birdies!!"

Kurt whined in embarrassment as he kept his face hidden in Krist's chest. Krist hummed as he picked up Kurt.

"Well, you stay here then. I'm taking this one upstairs." Krist says as he held Kurt close to him.

Kurt hides his face into the crook of Krist's neck as he occasionally left little kisses to it.

Dave smiled at the new couple. Nodding his head.

Krist and Kurt disappeared upstairs into Krist's bedroom.

They both cuddled on the bed. Krist was playing with Kurt's hair. A warm smile plastered on his face.

"I love you." Krist confessed as he stared into Kurt's eyes. Kurt felt his heart skip a beat as he smiled.

He leaned in and pecked Krist's lips before whispering onto them.

"I love you too."

Krist laughed softly at Kurt's adorableness as he held the blonde close to him.

Then they just sat like that, in comfort silence.
Krist eventually dozed off. Holding the blonde.

Kurt was still awake. He extended his arm out and grabbed his journal and pen.

Staying in Krist's arms, he started to write.

"Today is October 19th, 1991. I finally found the happiness I was looking for. I haven't done the heroin. The woman? Courtney Love. I don't really love her. She tore me apart and broke me. But someone saved me. Someone protected me. Shouted , "I Have To Protect You!" And this guy, is my new boyfriend Krist Noveselic. I never thought I would actually get into a romantic relationship with a man, but it fits perfectly. I love him so much. He truly healed my broken heart. I tossed the glue bottle. I didn't need to fix it myself. He mended my parts. He got me off the heroin. It was tough. It was a stressful train ride but we broke through our struggles of Satan's grasp and let the angels hug us close and make us happy. I am blessed. I am loved.
By the one and only,
Krist Noveselic.
I love you, honey.
– Kurdt Kobain ♡ "

– the end. –

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