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[ 1990. ]

"Yeah, Krist..? What's up man?" Dave asks on the other side of the phone. "Haven't heard from you in a while."

Krist cleared his throat as he propped his legs up on the couch as he continued his conversation.

Kurt was quiet now in his room. Currently the blonde was writing songs in his journal. His cheeks were tear stained.

"–Yeah, Dave it's been a while hasn't it?" Krist replied as he listened to Dave.

"Yeah.. so why'd you call?"

"Well, this is kind of important."

"Okay.. well what is it?"

"You remember, Kurt. Right?"


"Yeah! The shy kid we met back in highschool?"

"Oh! Yeah! I remember Kurt!" Dave exclaimed happily in the phone.

Krist laughed a bit. "Anyways, can you come over? I can lend you my address."

"Oh sure!" Dave replied with a smile dancing on his lips.
Krist starts to tell Dave the address of where the apartment is.

Dave thanked him as the phone line went dead. Krist placed his phone down as he glanced up the stairs.

He heard crying sounds. Krist's eyebrows knitted together as he got off of the couch. He stretched his arms as the tall man started to walk up to the stairs that resided in the apartment.

"Kurt..?" Krist says as he fully went up the stairs. It wasn't coming from Kurt's bedroom. It was coming from the bathroom.

He was confused. He went over and noticed the bathroom door was wide open. Kurt was standing in front of the mirror.

His hair and a pair of scissors in his hands as he was cutting his hair. Warm tears continued to flood down his face as he sniffled. Continuing to chop his hair. It was very uneven, but Kurt didn't care. He was having a breakdown.

"Kurt!" Krist shouted in surprise. He went over. But Kurt didn't hear. His hair was now fully cut. It was short enough to his neck now. Dirty blonde snipped locks were on the floor.

Kurt slammed the scissors onto the bathroom counter as he broke into tears again. He let out a sob. Krist went over and hugged him.

"Kurt.. your hair.. you..?" Krist couldn't get out the words. Kurt nodded as he tried to control his breathing.

"I.. I was fine? A-and then I saw myself in the mirror.. I didn't like it. I still don't like it. I had to change my hair. To help me? Yeah. But, it didn't work. No it didn't." Kurt says in an upset panic as he buried his face into Krist's chest.

Krist frowned as he started to rub Kurt's back. "Hey buddy, I think you're very pretty, you know..?" Krist says as Kurt pulled away from the hug.

He looked up at Krist with watery blue eyes. "You don't mean that."

"I do mean that, Kurt. You're a very handsome man.. I just wish you could see that."

Kurt shakes his head with a sniffle. A frown slowly crept onto Krist's face as he wiped Kurt's tears away.

"Now, let's fix up your haircut a little..okay? It's a bit uneven." Krist says as he lifts Kurt up onto the bathroom counter.

He was picked up with ease.
And simplicity.

Kurt had his back facing Krist. His face looking at the mirror. The bass player grabbed onto the pair of scissors and a comb.

"I'm not a professional.. but I can make it at least not as shagged." Krist muttered as he brushed Kurt's greasy locks.

Kurt's posture was horrid from his scoliosis. So he was very slouched. Krist seemed to notice but didn't question it. He first brushed all of Kurt's hair.

Getting out as much tangles as he possibly could as he sighed a little. Once he finished up with brushing. He slowly started to snip out the uneven parts of Kurt's dirty blonde locks.

Kurt was staring at himself in the mirror, along with Krist's reflection. He didn't move his head. But his blue striking eyes were watered up with river tears.

Twenty minutes passed and Krist finished. Kurt's hair looked much more even then how jagged it was previously.

"There we go.." Krist muttered as he planted a kiss onto Kurt's head to comfort the crying male. It seemed to have worked since Kurt's breathing was now settled.

"Take a shower, hon. You need it." Krist muttered to his friend as he ruffled Kurt's freshly trimmed hair. "I'll clean up the hair mess first." He says as he grabs the broom from the hallway closet.

He sweeped up the remaining dead hairs that rested on the bathroom titled flooring. It was soon cleaned up.

Kurt had disappeared out of the bathroom and grabbed himself his clothes for himself along with some underwear.

He returned into the bathroom to see Krist placing a towel on the counter. "I hope me calling you hon wasn't a prob–"

Kurt shakes his head with a smile. "No, it's okay. I didn't mind when you called me that." He replied as his cheeks got a little warm.

Krist felt his heart race as he nodded. "Uhhh, cool cool–" he cleared his throat to ease up the awkwardness. "Go take your shower, Kurt."

Kurt rolled his eyes and laughed. Krist shakes his head and laughs along as he left the bathroom.

Krist started to walk down the stairs whilst Kurt was upstairs in the shower.
The door bell rang.

Bare feet walked across the carpeted flooring that belonged to Krist as he opened the door to reveal Dave.


They both pull each other into a hug. Warm smiles resting on their faces.

Krist allowed Dave inside immediately.

"So where's Kurt..?" Dave asks as he takes a seat on the couch. Casually tossing a bag of marijuana onto the coffee table.

Krist chuckled when he saw the bag of green. "He's in the shower.. we just trimmed his hair."

"Oh nice, nice." Dave replied as he folded his hands in his lap. A warm smile rested on Dave's lips.

"I miss the kid man." Dave muttered. "Been awhile since I've seen him.. how's he holding up?"

"He's doing, okay. I wanted to see you because I wanted to have a talk with you about something."

"Oh really?" Dave asks.

"For sure." Krist replied.

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