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(Tw: heavy drugs identified and mentioned. Also S/A mentioned⚠️ you've been warned.⚠️⚠️)

The bass player and drummer slowly make there way upstairs. Krist was severely worried.

He couldn't sleep. He couldn't eat. Kurt was constantly on his mind. Krist shakes his head as he opened up Kurt's bedroom door.

It reeked of weed, cigarettes, and something burnt. Dave furrowed his eyebrows as the two started to investigate the room.

"Krist!" Dave shouted in worry. Which caused Krist to walk over to the dresser. "What is it?"

"Get me gloves." Dave muttered. Confused, Krist nodded and went to the bathroom. Fetching Dave a pair of rubbered gloves.

Dave slips them on over his hands. Carefully, he picks up a syringe from the drawer.  Krist eyes widened once he saw it being lift up.

"A..needle?" Krist croaked out as Dave nodded. "It's been used." Dave says as he examines it. He takes a sniff and immediately coughs.

"Oh fuck man." Dave says shaking his head. "Is there any more in there?" Krist asks as his eyebrows were furrowed.

Dave carefully sets the syringe onto the top of the dresser as he carefully moved some socks and underwear. "Oh fuck."

"What is it?"

"Well.." Dave slowly says as he lifts up a baggy of heroin. They both stared at it with shocked eyes.

"Is that..?" Krist muttered as Dave nodded. "This is the drug heroin. And by the looks of it, it looks laced with cocaine or meth as well."

"What the fuck dude." Krist's voice cracked as he shakes his head. "It's gotta be hers."

"For sure man, because he was perfectly fine before he met up with her."

"How'd they meet again?"

"That bar we all went too after the performance in Seattle. They were immediately flirting with each other."

Krist shakes his head. "Then, his disappearing started." Dave furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at the bag of heroin. "We have to get rid of this. Now." Krist nodded. "Flush it down."

Dave nodded as he carried the baggy carefully with his gloved hand to the bathroom. Krist following along.

"I knew she was bad news. She got Kurt hooked on this shit! Right now, I bet they're shooting up.." Krist panicked.

And Krist was right.

Kurt was doped up heavily. Courtney had injected heroin into his arm. He barely could move. He kept nodding off but Courtney smacked him awake.

"Stay awake for me baby." She slurred out. But she wasn't on heroin. She only drank a bit of red wine.

"Trying.. so much.." Kurt slurred as he looked around with his dopey eyes. Occasionally whining as she crawled up on top of him.

She started to kiss onto Kurt's neck. Using his vulnerability as an advantage for her horrible actions.

"Wait.. no.. no.." Kurt attempted but she didn't listen. He was too doped to stop her. He just lied there. Screaming no.


but she didn't listen.

As for Krist and Dave, they flushed out the heroin and got rid of the syringes. They were mostly hidden under a shoebox under Kurt's bed.

"Fuck, if only we knew where she lives!" Krist whined out as he teared up. Dave hits up the bong and blew out the smoke.

Coughing afterwards as he shakes his head. "Unfortunately we fucking don't. Let's just hope he comes back soon."

He passed the bong over to Krist as he takes a hit of the marijuana. He exhaled the smoke and coughed it out.

"Let's just get some sleep." Dave says and stands up. Krist sighed. "Right. Sleep."

"Goodnight man." Dave muttered as he went upstairs. Krist took a few more hits of the bong before going up the stairs himself. Leaving the bong on the coffee table.

Krist went into his bedroom and shuts the door. Dave was already passed out in his own room.

"Fuck man.." Krist felt his voice crack as he wiped his eyes. "I Have To Protect Him! I need too..oh Cobain, where the fuck are you?.." he cried out to the ceiling.

Helpless tears rolled down his face as he wiped them away. It felt pissed at Courtney. Next time he sees her, he knows for a fact he's going to flip.

Krist continued to cry silently as he rolled over to his side.

Eventually crying himself to sleep in immense worry for his crush Kurt Cobain.

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