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I woke up to the sizzling sound of someone cooking. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see him making food. The grabber.

"Who have you kidnapped now?" I asked leaning on the door frame of the kitchen.

"Some kid I found walking home alone." He asked not looking away from the eggs he was making.

"Oh ok, can I see them?." I asked walking over to the kitchen table and sitting down.

"Not right now he's sleeping." He said his back turned to me.

"Still having nightmares?" He asked his back still turned to me.

"No, not after the medicine." I lied turning my head to face the window. I always wondered what happened to them after I made my choice to stay. What happened to him. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a plate being sat down in front of me. 

"When you get done eating go to the van. We need groceries." He said before walking down stairs with the plate of food for the kid. I felt bad for the kids down there, not one of has ever made it out I always leave flowers at their graves out of guilt. I've never helped him kidnap nor kill the kids I only make sure they don't go anywhere. I finished my food and dumped the plate into the sink and made my way back up to my room to get changed. I slipped on some baggy sweatpants and a blue hoodie. I hoped in the van and buckled my seatbelt he was already there and we drove in silence like always. I opened the door and walked over to the store grabbing a basket with him trailing behind me. We stopped he spotted someone looking him up and down. 

"We need to hurry, let's split up you take this part of the list and I'll get this." He said ripping the grocery list in half and speed walking away. I looked down at the list and made my way over to the food section of the store. I finished early and payed for the food. I walked back to the van waiting for him to get back. He slipped into the van and turned it on and we drove back to the house.

"Do you think he'll be up now." I said resting my head on the window.

"I don't know. But as soon as he is I'll let you see him I go back to work tomorrow." He said his voice raspy and cold. By "work" he meant hunting new victims to play his sick game. 

"Can I go to the hill?" I asked still looking out at the window.

"Sure, go ahead" he said pulling into driveway. I made my way to the back of the house over to the field and up the hill. That's where they were. The kids. I always talked to them wondering if they could hear me. I'd tell them about random things and about my nightmares. I was there for about an hour and a half before deciding it was time to go since it was getting dark. I always had to head back early. If I didn't he'd think I turned him in. I passed the creek when I fell into the water. I looked up to see someone holding their hand out to help me up. He looked all to familiar.

"Hi sorry about that." He said pulling me out of the water.

"It's fine." I said walking away quickly.

"Hey you look familiar? Do I know you." He asked starting to follow me.

"NO! You don't know me." I said a bit louder than I wanted to I just couldn't see him right now.

"Calm down! I just wanted to know if you've seen this kid?" He said handing me a flier for a missing kid. So this was the kid he kidnapped. I said eyeing the flier up and down. 

"No I haven't, I'm sorry. I hope you find him though." I said walking away quickly. I walked up the porch and into the house stopping immediately when I seen him sitting at the kitchen table.

"You're late." He said looking up from the flier of the missing kid.

"I know, I'm sorry." I said looking over to the clock that read 7:50. I was supposed to be back at his house before 7:35.

"You fuck up again your not going back up that damn hill again. You hear me" he said slamming the flier on the kitchen table and leaving to his bedroom.

"Yes sir." I mumbled under my breath. I needed to start being more careful. I walked up the stairs to my room and quietly shut the door pulling my wet clothes off and changing into some shorts. I put my nightlight on and turned on the tv. I watched a movie and halfway through fell asleep. I woke up and threw the covers off of me. I threw a shirt on and walked downstairs to the kitchen seeing a note some food and the keys to the basement left on the counter. I walked over and picked the note up reading it out loud to myself.

"Left early for work. Kids awake now if you want to see him. Keep an eye on the house and the kid and watch out for cops. Be back soon." I walked over to the trash can and threw the note away. I ate my food by myself like usual. It was everyday.

Eat,sleep,watch kid,think,draw. I wondered when I would finally get out of this house. I finished my food and took the keys fiddling with them to get the one that read "basement" on it. I opened the big, cold, creaky door and stepped inside to see a kid laying on the mattress opening and closing a locket around his neck.

"I'm going to die here aren't I." He said his voice shaky from crying. He looked just like the kid In the poster. Just like him. I couldn't help but smile at how much I missed him and how much this kid looked like him.

"No, don't think negatively." I said clearly lying.

"Do you wanna go upstairs for a bit?" I asked pointing towards the stairs to basement. He just got up and we walked upstairs to my room.

{hi luvs, chapter two will be out tomorrow. Amd since y'all already think no Robin, Vance, griffin, Bruce, billy are not dead. Stay safe luvs and take also Finney is 19.}

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