
445 11 13

May have mistakes 


I jolted awake hearing the phone ring. I walked downstairs and picked it up.

"Hello? Robin?" I heard Finney say.

"I- can you come over I'm sorry it's so late I understand- I" he said crying and choking on tears.

"Yeah, I'll be there in ten." I said wondering why he was so upset. I walked back upstairs and put a hoodie and some shoes on and headed to Finneys. I shivered at how cold the winter was but this was Finney. I knocked on Finneys door and waited for it to open. It shot open and Finney started tearing up again. I walked over and wrapped my arms around him as he sobbed into my shoulder. He quietly muffled out an "I'm sorry". I pulled away and held his face with my hands.

"For what sweetheart?" I said smiling and wiping tears off of his face.

"For making you walk all the way here, I'm surprised you came." He said burying his head back into the crook of my neck and clutching my arm tightly. I put a hand in his curly hair and put my hand on top of his head.

"You called." I whispered. I picked Finney up and took him to his room. I set him down gently on his bed and pulled the blanket over his shoulder.

"Goodnight Finney." I said tucking hair behind his ear.

"Please don't go. I- I don't wanna be alone." He said grabbing my finger.

"Ok, I won't go." I said as I got into his bed and rested his head in my lap.

"Finney?" I said stroking his hair.

"Mm?" He said not taking his head from my lap.

"What happened exactly?" I said gliding my thumb over his face.

"I, was in a dark room and "He" was there." He said about to cry again. By he I knew who Finney meant.

"What happened next, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said.

"He walked over and grabbed my face with his hand and just wouldn't let me go until I woke up." He said shivering slightly. I grabbed onto my paints leg and just tightened my grip on it from anger.

"Robin? Are you okay?" Finney asked. I smiled at how he was concerned for me when he was the one clearly upset. 

"Yeah, just go to sleep and I'll be right here if you need anything." I said stroking his cheek with my thumb. He closed his eyes and fell asleep shortly. 

A few hours went by and I was still at Finneys. I hadn't sleep yet due to being scared Finney would wake up and pretend like everything was fine when it wouldn't be. He wouldn't be. I got up from the bed and gently set Finneys arm over to the side and left the room. I walked downstairs and looked for his phone. I found it and dialed Vance's number.

"Hello?" He asked in a tired agitated voice.

"Vance, are night terrors and bad dreams a sign of trauma or anything?" I asked covering my face with my hand as to not wake Finney.

"Umm, they are why? Are you ok?" He asked. I didn't answer which caused Vance to get worried.

"Hello!? Answer me dipshit!" He said with concern in his voice.

"Huh? Oh yeah, M'fine" I said wiping my tired eyes with my sleeve.

"Why? who's having night terrors?" He asked.

"Finney." I mumbled.

"Are you at his house?" 

"Mhm." I said bringing a piece of my hair up to my face.

"Ok, I'm gonna call and get Bruce and we'll be over there in 20 minutes. That ok?" He asked.

"Mhm." I nodded feeling twisting in my stomach. I was scared and upset for Finney. He didn't deserve what he was going through. I walked outside and sat on the front porch picking at my knuckles from previous fights. I smiled remembering when Finney would bandage them up before he went missing. I didn't even realize I had been outside for long before I heard a clam voice.

"Robin? Why are you outside?" Finney asked taking a seat next to me on the porch steps.

"Nothing, I called Vance and told him what happened and he got worried for me so he's coming over. I was just gonna wait on him." I said as Finney rested his head on my shoulder.

"Oh ok." He said still tired as he closed his eyes.

"You ok with that? I mean i know you and Vance haven't really met that well besides me being there." I said putting an arm around his shoulder.

"Yeah, it's fine. Vance sounds like a nice guy if he's coming all this way just for you." He said smiling.

"Yeah, trust me you wouldn't be saying that if you had to deal with him and his stupidity." I said rolling my eyes. 

"Hehe" Finney giggled as he started to doze off again.


I got Vance's call at 2:30 on a Saturday. I grabbed a bag throwing it out of the window. I was about to climb out before I heard my door open. I snapped my head towards the sound, I calmed down when it was just my sister.

"Jesus Amy! You scared me!" I whisperer shouted and sighed from relief it was just her and not my parents. If they found out I was sneaking out especially with Vance they'd ground me till my eighteenth birthday.

"Where are you going?" She said taking a sip from her glass of milk.

"Look, something came up with Finney and, just please don't tell mom and dad I left with V. Please I'm asking you from the bottom of my heart as a brother." I said smiling and rubbing her hair a little.

"That's so dumb Bruce I won't, but you better have a good excuse for being out so late." She said shutting my door back. I jumped out of the window and walked over to Vance. 

"Hey, who caught your ass?" He said grabbing my hand.

"Amy. I'm glad she's not a snitch like some other siblings." I sighed.

"She's a good kid, I wish I had a sibling like that." He said smiling.

"Ew Vance." I said rolling my eyes.

We made it to Finn's house and seen Robin and Finn sitting on the porch. Robin was just about to fall asleep and Finney was already asleep.

"Hey kid, god you look like shit did you sleep at all?" Vance said pointing to Robin.

"Huh? Oh uh, yes? Wait what?" He stuttered.

"Alright, come on. Lets go inside and get some sleep."  Vance said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Come on Finney and Robin." I said picking them up from the porch. We went inside and put Finn and Robin on the couch and me and Vance sleep on the floor. Robin and Finney were asleep by now.

"Vance?" I said rolling over to be looking at him.

"What?" He said in a tired voice not opening his eyes.

"So, are we like dating now?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"God, I didn't know I was dating such an idiot." He said putting a hand on my cheek and smirking  .

"How dare you I'm smarter than you and Robin put together." I said smiling.

"You wish! Goodnight love." He said kissing my cheek. I didn't get a chance to say anything before we were cut off by Robin.

"Hey lovesick dingbats! Some people are trying to sleep!" He said throwing a couch pillow at us.

"Like I said I have every right to strangle that dumbass." Vance falling asleep. I fell asleep soon after holding Vance's hand.

{Hey fruit cups, long chapter for y'all since I'm lazy as hell and didn't feel like writing shit for the last two days. I love you guys stay safe. 💗}

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