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"Ok were are we going?." I said being dragged by the arm by Robin.

"You'll see." He said still dragging me.

"No. Tell me or I'll resist." I said stopping.

"Ugh! Fine me and Finn, are sick of you and Bruce acting like two little sad sacks every time y'all are at school. I mean we haven't hung out in like two weeks!" He said rolling his eyes.

"Alright first of all it's been a week your being dramatic, and two I'll make it up to him but I don't know how!" I said rubbing my hand on my face.

"Alright then great Finn's already at the woods with Bruce just be yourself stupid!" He said smacking my arm.

"Ok, ok I'll just be myself." I said making air quotes with my free hand. We walked into the woods and walked a good 5 minutes before Robin spotted Finney and Bruce sitting under a tree. Robin immediately left me to go to Finney. Bruce stood in front of me as we stared at each other.

"Um, hi." He said I looked behind him to see Robin and Finney had disappeared.

"Oh great I've lost the dumbasses again." I said rolling my eyes.

"Robin said you wanted to talk?" He said looking down at his shoes.

"What! That little shit said you wanted to talk!" I said pissed off robin had lied to Bruce just to get him to come here.

"I'm sorry." He said softly.

"No,no! I'm not mad at you I'm just pissed that the little shit lied to you." I said shaking my hands defensively.

"Oh it's ok. I owe you an apology." He said looking up a bit.

"No you don't, I owe you an apology I just don't like these types of things kept from me." I said walking up to him.

"It's ok I forgive you. And I won't keep anything from you again."  He said holding out his hand.

"Apology accepted." I said grabbing his hand and wrapping him into a hug. 

"Apology accepted." He said putting his arms around my waist.

"Ok now lets go find those two dumbasses before they hurt themselves." I said pulling away from the hug. 

"Haha, ok come on." He said pulling my arm.


"They seem to be getting along?" Finney said whispering in my ear.

"Yeah come on,I don't feel like watching this shit." I said grabbing his hand and walking away. We walked a bit before I stopped causing Finney to crash into me. We fell to the ground and I landed on top of Finn. We both pulled away and Finney looked like a strawberry as he sat up.

"You look dumb!" I said laughing hysterically at how red Finney was.

"Shut up its not funny!" He said pushing me lightly. I sat up and heard footsteps. 

"Wha was that?" Finney asked looking towards the sound.

"There you two dorks are! Do realize how easy it is to get lost!" Vance said shouting as he stepped towards me and Finn.

"And you scared the shit outta us!" 

"I'm sorry Vance we shouldn't have gone far." Finney said apologizing.

"It's ok let's just get outta here before it gets dark." Vance said as he turned to leave the woods.

"Do you think they made up?" I asked looking at Finn as we left the woods.

"Of course I mean look at them." Finney said rolling his eyes playfully. 

"Good thing too. I was getting sick of Vance being sad." I said.

"Yeah, them two like each other and it's so obvious it makes them look stupid." He said pointing to Vance and Bruce talking in front of us.

"Yeah I agree, well I'll see ya tomorrow." I said as we made our way to Finn's house.

"Bye Robin!" He said as he gave me a hug.

"Bye Finn," I said as I returned the hug.


"I saw that." I snapped my head around to see Gwen standing in the doorway of my room with her arms crossed glaring at me.

"What did you see Gwen?." I said playing dumb as I sat down on my bed.

"Oh come on! Don't play dumb with me Finney I know you like him." She said stepping towards me. 

"Ok fineee! I do!" I groaned as Gwen sat down on my bed with me.

"Well that's ok to like Robin. I mean as long as your happy I'm happy." She said punching my shoulder.

"Ow! What's with you and doing that!?" I said rubbing my shoulder. 

"I don't know I like seeing you mad! Goodnight Finney." She said as she closed the door. I smiled at my sister.

"Goodnight Gwenny." I said as she left the room. I sat down on my bed and fell asleep. I woke up to my sister shaking me awake.

"Finney get up we have school." She said as she left the room and shut the door back for me to get changed. I got up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I found something to wear. I was excited to go back to school but nervous at everything. I mean after all I disappeared for years with a child murderer and was supposed to be dead. I walked downstairs and seen dad reading a paper.

"Good morning Finney." He said as he looked up from the paper.

"Morning dad." I said as I  fixed some cereal. Me and Gwen finished our food and headed out of the door. Robin, vance, Bruce, Billy and Griffin were waiting at the end of the road for us. 

"Hey Finney can I walk with Donna today?" She asked pointing to the other side of the road where Donna was.

"Yeah sure go ahead I'll see ya later." I said as she turned around and walked to the other side of the road. 

"BE CAREFUL!" I screamed from across the road.

"I WILL!" She said waving bye to me.

"Haha" I turned around to see Robin laughing at me.

"What are you laughing at?" I said as walked up beside him.

"Nothing, your so protective of her yet she'd kick anyones ass who talked shit about her." He said rolling his eyes at me.

"Yeah, I'll get her to kick your ass if you don't shut up!" I said pulling his hair.

"Ok damn! Let me go that shit hurts!" He screeched as he grabbed my arm from his hair. 

"Ew." Vance said as he threw his arm around Bruce. 

"Are me and Griff just gonna be third wheels?" Billy said pointing to Griffin and himself.

"Oh hush kid." Vance said sarcastically as he ruffled Billy's hair. We made it to school and we separated walking into first period with everyone looking at me which I wished they hadn't.

{bit of a cliffhanger but I'll pick back up tomorrow maybe idk yet cause I have school and I'm anxious to go back so compare Finney to me 👍🥲👍. I love you guys and I just wanted to thank everyone for being so kind and caring on my update. Y'all are the best and like I said before choosing to write this book has been the highlight of year and life so thank you all so much! Have a good night or day and stay safe and well! 🥰  also this may have mistakes.} 

(Ps thank you all for your kind words and caring so much about me y'all make my day ❤️.)

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