
377 10 33

May have mistakes


"Gwen I'm home!" I said shutting the door behind me.

"Right on time, what took you so long!" She screamed giving me a tight hug.

"What I thought you were mad at me?" I said hugging her back.

"Correction asshole was! I can't stay mad at you but tell Robin if he breaks your heart I'll break his face!" She said punching my shoulder.

"Ok, love you Gwen." I said going to my room. I was reading a book on my bed when Gwen called me from down the hall.

"Finney! It's Robin!" She said as I peeked my head out of the door. I walked up to her taking the phone from her hand.

"Hey Robin what's up!" I said.

"Finney...I know this is a lot considering how stupid this is and sounds but can you come with me to the store? These nosebleeds are gonna be the death of me." He said sighing into the phone. 

"Yeah sure, I'll send Gwen to Susie's so she's not alone. I'll met ya there?" I said once again.

"Yeah okay thanks Finn see ya there." He said hanging up the phone.

"YAY! I get to go to Susie's!" Gwen shrieked nearly blowing my eardrums out. 

"HOLY SHIT! Gwen don't scare me like that!" I said hanging the phone back up. 

"Sorry Finney!" She said leaving to find some shoes. I walked to my room and slipped on my converse shoes and waited outside for Gwen.

I walked Gwen to Susie's and told her bye and then headed off to meet Robin to make sure he was okay.

"Bye Gwen have fun love you!" I said kissing her forehead to embarrass her in front  of her friend.

"Bye Finney! Have fun on your date!" She screamed walking up to Susie's front porch smirking. I flipped her off and headed in the direction of the store. I turned the corner and seen Robin laying on the wall blood gushing from his nose.

"Hoy shit Rob! I didn't know they were getting this bad." I said pressing my sleeve up to his face.

"Thanks querido." He said holding my hand up to his face.

"Come on let's get in here and get out before this gets worse you need to see a doctor about this Robin before it does get worse." I said taking his hand and leading him to the store.

"Thanks Finney I really appreciate this." He said. We finished shopping and paid for the stuff we bought when Robins nosebleed started pouring blood all over my hoodie sleeve.

"Find everything okay today boys?" The man said ringing out stuff up to be paid for.

"Finney I'm sorry I'm not trying to stain your hoodie." Robin said laughing as I placed the non soaked sleeve up to his face. 

"Y-yeah we found everything okay I g-guess. And it's okay Rob don't worry about it." I said stuttering the man looking familiar. He struck a strong resemblance to Him. It made my skin crawl thinking of him. Me and Robin got the groceries and walked home. His nosebleed started to slowly get better after we walked further from the store. 

"Finn, my mom could probably get that out. And once again I'm sorry." He said chuckling.

"No it's okay darling! But yeah I'm sure Mrs Arellano could get it out." I said laughing. We made it to Robins and his mom was in the kitchen cooking with five other people sitting at a kitchen table. The only person I recognized was Robins mom and Ryan.

"Hey Finney!" Ryan said rushing to give me a hug.

"Hey buddy" I said smiling ruffling his hair slightly. Ryan had the same long black hair like Robin did. 

"Hey mom, hey guys. I was wondering if you could get this out for Finn." Robin said grabbing my arm slightly pulling me towards him.

"Hey Rob could you... let go please?" I said wincing at the pain I caused on my arm just the night before. I had cut deep and it hurt but it quieted my head for a little while.

"Oh yeah sure sorry Finney" he said letting go of my arm quickly.

"Si carino, Hola Finney como has estado?"

"She said hello how have you been?" Robin said translating for his mom.

"Oh I'm good how have you been Mrs Arellano?"

"Buena que tal tu?" Robin said turning back to his mom.

"Bueno gracias por preguntar he odio mucho de ti." She said turning back to the food she was cooking.

"She said thanks for asking and that she's heard a lot about you." Robin said taking my hand and walking to his room.

"Okay I'll give you your hoodie Sunday afternoon that okay?" He said sighing as I handed him my blood soaked hoodie.

"Works for me another excuse to see you I'll take." I said giving a hug.

"Bye carino te amo." He said kissing my lips. His lips were soft and warm.

"Wow, thanks for the kiss darling." I said smiling as I pulled away.

"Your welcome bye amor!" He said smirking as I shut his bedroom door back. I walked out the door after telling Robins mom and Ryan bye. I decided to just go home and let Gwen spend Saturday with Suzie. 

I shut the door to my house quietly and walked to my room. I kicked of my shoes and threw the blanket over my head and dozed off shortly after.


"Holy shit you actually did?" Vance whisperer shouted into the phone.

"YES! I did why are you whispering?" I said rolling my eyes.

"SHHH! a Bruce is asleep dumb shit!" Vance whisperer shouted into the phone once more.

"Awww how cute did he spend the the day with you-" I was cut of by the line going dead. 

"Jackass." I mumbled under my breath realizing Vance had just hung up on me. I put the phone back on my nightstand when the door opened to mom standing in the doorway.

"Asi que Finney, eh?" She said with a smile on her face as she stared down at her nails.

"Okay that's enough mom. Out!" I said pointing to the door feeling my face turn red.

"Okay carino te amo." She said shutting the door back.


I was woke up to Robin ringing the phone. I reluctantly picked it up and he immediately told me that him and Finn kissed. I hung up on him after he started to piss me off. 

"Fucking kids." I mumbled under my breath when my mom walked into the room.


{ik not translating this chapter because it was hard finding the Spanish words in the first place so your welcome fruit cups. Love you all stay safe and thanks for the love and support on both of my stories.❤️💗🥰}

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