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"Hey ma? Yeah I know we should've been home an hour ago but something came up and, yes mom we're fine, okay see you in a little bit, love you too. Bye." Vance said hanging up the phone call with his mom and turning towards me.

"Was she mad?" I asked turning my gaze down to ground outside.

"No, just worried, and glad we called." He said sighing.

"Oh ok, I'm gonna go back inside you coming?" I asked pointing to the door of the hospital. Vance  just silently shook his head "No" and I walked inside without him.

"Hey kid feel any better?" I said sitting down next to Robin who was just playing with his fingers.

"I guess..." he said looking towards the dimly lit hallway which he had been doing ever since we got here. 


"Son of a bitch..." I said running my hands up my face to keep from crying. I found doing that helps, especially when my mom does it. I sat with my back to the wall of the hospital face buried in my knees. 

"Mom, I'm trying, I really am but I can't..." I mumbled out which caught the attention of a certain someone.

"Vance? Who are you talking to?" Griffins soft voice said echoing in my ears. I looked up at him not being able to hold it together anymore.

"No one Griff, just go back inside okay?..." I said smiling to keep griffin from worrying about me.

"You're lying." He said sitting next to me. I averted my eyes away from the smaller boy beside me which he noticed rather quickly.

"We're gonna make sure they're all ok, and that includes you too Vance." Griffin said nudging my shoulder slightly.

"What?" I said confused on what he was talking about.

"Yup, we're all a family, well...you guys are my family, I wanna make sure you guys are ok and that includes you too." Griffin said putting his head on my shoulder.

"Oh...thanks kid, that was, sweet." I said leaning on griffin. We both just sat outside for a while looking out into the open road as a few cars drove past us. I was enjoying the one moment I felt at peace for a little while. At least while it lasted before Robin ran outside and started shouting. 

"Finney's awake!" Me and griffin both quickly got up from the ground and we all ran inside.


"Hey guys..." Finn said in a whispered voice.

"FINNEY! You fucking idiot you scared me to death you asshole!" Gwen said sounding pissed but we all knew deep down she was just glad Finn was ok. Finney gave Gwen, and the rest of us a quick hug then they all left me and Finney to talk alone.

"Robin?...Are you ok?" I silently nodded my head "yes" as he gave me a hug. 

"You know you really scared the shit out of Gwen?" I said chuckling a bit at the girls concern for older brother.

"Yeah I know..." he said as he tightened his grip on me.

"Okay Finn, hugging a bit to tight there." I said hugging him back.

"No I'm not" he said his snicker very visible.

"Ok, that's enough Finn, your strangling me." I said rolling my eyes and pulling away from the hug as Finn laughed. I moved a small piece of his curly hair out his face that fell as he laughed.


"Okay Griff, do you have a ride home?" I said looking at the younger boy as he hugged Billy bye.

"Bye guys!" Billy said as he shut his moms car door. 

"Bye Bills!" Bruce shouted as the car drove away.

"Yeah V, my moms on her way" griffin said kicking a nearby rock into the road.

"Uh that her?" Bruce said pointing to a car sitting in the parking lot. Griffin quickly took of running to the car as to not keep his mom waiting.

"Huh? Why is wonder fuck still in there I mean it's twelve thirty his moms probably worried." I said sighing looking down at my watch.

"Wonder fuck!? Who is wonder fuck?" Bruce said laughing elbowing my shoulder. 

"Wonder fuck, Robin, duh!" I said crossing my arms.

"Okay Vance, where's your mom I'm fucking tired." Bruce said as he rubbed at his eyes.

"Hey assholes we're back!" Robin said walking down the steps with Finney hand in hand.

"Wonder fuck!" I shouted grabbing his shoulders and shaking him roughly.

"Ok! dickhead that's enough!" He said grabbing my hands and ripping them away from his shoulders.

"Oh that's dad bye nerds!" Gwen said standing up from the pavement and grabbing Finn's hand walking towards their dads car.

"Bye! be safe!" Bruce shouted as they shut the car door.

"Well, Ryan's gonna be pissed, I'll be going now bye dad!" Robin said turning around and heading towards the road.

"Dad!? The fuck!? ROBIN!" I shouted as he walked away as if he couldn't hear me.

"Hahaha!" Bruce said laughing so hard he had to hold onto me to keep from falling on his ass.

"Oh shut it yamada!" I said shoving him as he trying to catch his breath from laughing so hard.

"I'm sorry just the fact he said it before anyone else is just fucking funny!" He said still laughing only silently this time as my moms car pulled onto the street.

"Come on love, there's mom" I said grabbing his hand and walking towards my moms car.


"RYAN!" I shouted for my little brother as I closed the front door locking it behind me.

No response, that's odd, he never goes to sleep this early.

"RYAN!?" I said starting to get worried. I kicked my shoes off and ran upstairs to my little brothers room pushing the door open with so much force the hinges shook. 

"Robin!? what the hell!" He said sitting up out of his bed looking mad but also scared from my sudden entry. 

"DUMBASS! You need to fucking answer me when I call your damn name!" I said pissed that he didn't answer me but also relived that he was ok.

"I'm sorry! Damn it's not my fault I have a test tomorrow! And where the hell have you been! If your so worried about me then why are you never here!?" His words sunk in and I realized he was right. 

Was is it was my fault he was taken in the first place? Same with Finn, if I had been there for them both they never would've been took and have to deal with everything they've been and are still going through.

"Robin I didn't mean-" he said getting teary eyed.

"No, your right. Goodnight Ryan." I said sighing before exiting his room and shutting his door behind me.

I walked to my room down the hall and just fell onto my bed.

{hey fruit cups sorry for not posting yesterday I was busy and tired and this chapter took a day and a half to write. So please spare me ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭}

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