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Still Vance:

"I'm proud of you Gwen!" Robin said as he ruffled the back of her hair.

"Thanks Rob!" She said pushing his hand from her hair in a playful way.

"Oh I'll see you two later." Robin said walking off to first period.

"Hey Vance, you ok?" Gwen said raising an eyebrow she had always been good at noticing little details. 

"Yeah just worried about Robin." I said avoiding eye contact with her.

"Ok. I just wanted to make sure. You've been quiet today." She said also walking off to first period. I walked into class 5 minutes late. I threw my book bag into the empty seat next to me. 

"Hopper!" The teacher said extending the R a bit.

"Your late. Again." He said through gritted teeth. I could tell he was annoyed. 

"Will do i'm sorry." I lied. I wasn't sorry not in the slightest. I sulked through class making it into the hallway. I'd just get whatever I needed from Bruce anyway.  The bell for class to be over rang and I walked into the hallway.

"Hey!" I said grabbing Bruce's shoulder.

"AHH! You asshole!" He said punching my shoulder.

"Awww, you might hurt my feelings." I teased. I smiled about how I had successfully made him mad.


I walked to the creek slightly shaking. This wasn't the first time he had lashed out like that he just hasn't in a while. I was hoping the kid was safe while I was gone and that he would listen to me. The sun started to set so I walked back to the house. I looked over to the side of the road and heard tires coming into the driveway. 

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath thinking of the driver. I was sadly right as the grabber pulled into the driveway. I sprinted up to my room since I was late home and he probably seen me. I was right as I heard loud footprints walking closer to my room. I covered my ears from the sound  and the door swung open. I took my hands from my ears as the door swung open to reveal the grabber standing there.

"What happened?" I asked playing dumb.

"You know what." He said slamming the door behind him. I started to tremble as he walked closer to me and towered over my bed.

"You try to touch me I'll scratch your face off." I responded as he put a hand over my head and and got close to my ear.

"I wouldn't hurt a pretty little hair on your pretty little head Finney." He said pulling back from my ear. A shiver went up my spine as he said that and left my room. I pulled my knees to my face and started to sob laying down on my bed. I got to get this kid out of here sooner than I thought. 

I woke the next morning to a note left on the counter. I walked over and picked it up.

"Went to the store for more balloons and spray. Be back soon.


I crumbled the note up and went downstairs taking the kid some poorly made eggs that were sitting on the kitchen counter. I opened the big door and pushed it open. Ryan shot up out of bed at the sound of someone entering.

"Hey Ryan it's me you don't have to be scared. I won't hurt you." I said walking over to the bed and sitting the food down. He looked at me and took his guard down when he realized I wouldn't hurt him. I sat down on the floor in front of the bed as he ate.

"I'm proud of you." 

"For what?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"For listening to me." I said twiddling my thumbs.

"Finn," he spoke. I turned my head to look at him.

"Will we ever get out?" He asked food dropping from his mouth.

"Yeah kid we will. Lets start thinking of a plan ok?." I said thinking back to last night when the grabber had whispered in my ear. I started to wonder if it would happen again. I got up from the floor but before I left I felt a tug on my leg. I looked down to see Ryan hugging my leg. I got down on my knees and hugged him as he sobbed into my shoulder. I heard footsteps approaching the front door so I quickly locked the door and headed back upstairs. I was met with the grabber holding a belt in his left hand. My heart sank and my voice became dry.

"Please don't hurt him." I spoke shaking slightly.

"Why not Finney." He said stepping towards the door which I got in front of blocking it.

"Because. What did he do wrong?" I asked trying to ease the anger out of him.

"Oh he did nothing but you did. And it's either him, or you I take anger out on." I said pointing the belt to the door then back to me.

"What did I do I'll fix it. I'm sorry." I said.

"Well Finney. I run into you'll never guess who at the store." My heart dropped. Did he hurt them? were they ok?.

"W-who" I stuttered.

"Robin, Vance, and Bruce . Couldn't find paperboy or scar kid." He said rolling his eyes.

"Then what." I said wondering why that mattered. They probably thought I was dead after all these years anyway.

"Well seems Robin recognized me because he stormed up to me and shouted. "Wheres Finney?"" He said making gestures with his hands.

"So? I've been here the whole time I don't go out." I said still raising an eyebrow.

"Well Finney. I thought that too. Until I remembered that hill you like so much." He said crossing his arms.

"Ok I'm sorry I won't go back to the hill just please don't hurt him. I'll do anything." I said on the verge of tears.

"Anything?" He asked setting the belt on the counter and walking over to me. He put his hand on my cheek and whispered against my ear again. It made my skin crawl but also made my blood boil.

"You're so pretty Finney." He said not taking his hand from my face. I felt a tear run down my face that I couldn't hold back anymore as he pulled away.

"Awww that's so sad." He said putting his hand back on my face and wiping the fallen tear off. He turned to leave and when I heard the door to his room shut I fell against the fridge burying my knees in my face and beginning to sob. I missed my friends. I missed Robin.

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