{The end}

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(Might have mistakes 👏💀) 


"When was the last time you had an interaction with Albert?" The officer asked keeping his hands closed together and placed on his desk as he asked me questions.

"Uh, when you thought you had a lead in the case like three months ago?" I said bouncing my leg up and down nervously as he stood up from his chair.

"Finney, we would like you to come with us, we think we might have find Albert. We have him here in the station if you would be comfortable identifying him for us?" My knees felt like they gave out from under me.

"O-oh ok..." I stood up from my seat following him. We walked for a bit until he turned a corner and came to a stop with a little room that had Albert sitting across from an officer talking to him. I was nervous but glad it was over. He couldn't hurt anyone else ever again.

"He admitted to the murders and kidnapping you all those years ago, is that him?" I just quickly shook my head yes ready to get the hell out of here and away from him for forever. Just the thought of everything he put me and the others through makes my skin crawl.

"Alright thanks for yours and your friends help with this search, we'll send you guys on your merry way" 

"How did you find him?" I asked that question having been in my mind the entire time we were here.

"Some woman called the cops after allegedly her son wondered off and we seen him walking with Albert trying to take him somewhere and so we put him in handcuffs and escorted him down here then we called yours and your friends parents to have you guys give statements." he said shrugging his shoulders as we continued to walk further and further away.

"Oh..." I just blankly said knowing what would have happened to that poor kid.

"Mhm, you and your friends are brave and clever kids, just remember that Blake" he said putting a hand on my shoulder. I think those words stuck with me for the rest of my life. They still replay in the back of my head sometimes.

I walked up front by myself to find Vance and Bruce were the only ones awake, 

"Hey kid, you ok?" Vance asked getting up his chair and just standing in front of me for some time. I stayed quiet and once again just shook my head "yes".

"It's over..." I sighed as Vance hugged me quickly pulling away. 

"Awww" Bruce said in a quiet voice as to not wake the others.

"Oh shut it yamada" Vance said shoving the other slightly as he laughed quietly. 

"Should we wake them up?" I asked pointing to Robin, Ryan, Gwen, Griffin and Billy all piled up asleep on one another. 

"You know I'm awake right?" Robin all of a sudden said scaring the absolute shit out of Vance and getting a good laugh from me.

"I should kill you Arellano" Bruce said as Robin got up from his chair waking everyone else up.

"I'll be outside" I said laughing the whole thing off and walking outside.

I sat out there for god knows how long, it must've been a while because the door open and someone sat next  me. I looked up to see Robin next to me looking at me.

"Okay, your weird and have been out here a while what's up?" He asked jokingly trying to lighten my mood a little.

"Well no duh Robin we survived a child murderer, I guess this adventure has been so long it just feels nice for it to be over. And to know he can't hurt anyone else feels good. Like a type of reassurance" I said leaning my head on his shoulder and sighing a breath of relief knowing we were all safe now.

"Well, despite it being a horrific and traumatizing ride, I enjoyed getting to share this nightmare fest with you. Now we'll have something to tell at every sleepover" he said elbowing my shoulder slightly.

"Ha yeah, that's true" I said closing my eyes. Everyone except Gwen, Ryan and Robin and I had left. The two younger kids joined us outside shortly after with Gwen sitting beside me and Ryan sitting beside Robin. I closed my eyes and began to doze off feeling free for the first time in years.

{omfg this took so damn long to brainstorm and come up and think of a way to write with the ending  kill me, just like Finney I enjoyed writing this book and seeing it come to an end, and seeing all of you enjoy it to. I love you all and if I could rewrite every book I've written so far just to meet you all again I would. You guys have truly been everything I look forward to. Also should I write a Brance book? I would love to cause right now they have me a choke hold lmao, but credits to holayouasshole for the for the ending idea. Couldn't have done it without you jam, so thanks love you are the best book writing and brainstorming idea buddy I've ever had I love talking to you about stupid little books we write together. But I love you all thanks for loving this book and the ups and downs that came with it. See you fruit cups in the next one and if I do end up writing a Brance book It'll be in my profile. Take care my fruit cups and always remember I love you all! And good gravy that was a lot of fucking writing but it was worth it for all of you. Also sorry if the ending sounds rushed. 👍😅👍 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️}

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