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I was eating breakfast on the couch by myself since Ryan was still missing and Vance and Bruce were having a sleep over. I heard the phone ring upstairs and slowly got up from the couch and up the stairs. I grabbed the phone from the receiver and and answered it.

"Hello? Robin speaking." 

"Hey Rob its griff. I was wondering if you wanted to walk around town today maybe do something?."

"Uhhh yeah sure. But wheres Billy?" I asked starting to play with the cord to the phone.

"He's delivering newspapers from 9:00 to 12:00 today and I'm bored. By the way have you seen or heard from Vance or Bruce? I've been ringing them all morning and i'm starting to get worried." He said.

"Yeah, we'll go check on them just give me ten minutes and I'll be over there." I said before hanging up the phone. I put some clothes on and headed to griffins house. I knocked on the door and it swung open. Griffin stepped outside and we walked to Vance's house.


Me and Vance were laying on his bed with my arms wrapped around his waist. He was snoring slightly and I heard knocking on the door.

"V get up someone's here." I said lightly shaking him awake. 

"They can go fuck off then, I'm tired." He groaned rolling over to his side his back to me. I rolled my eyes and got up from the bed walking to the door. Robin and griffin were standing there and they gave me a weird look.

"What?" I asked letting them inside.

"Nothing, why are you at Vance's house?" Robin asked taking his shoes off. 

"What he's my friend to." I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah friend sure." Robin said pointing at me.

"So why are you guys here?"  I said leading them to Vance's room.

"Griffin tried calling you guys and nobody picked up so we got concerned and came over." We walked into Vance's room to see him sleeping on his side facing the wall. I walked over to Vance's bed and shook him awake. 

"VANCE! Robin and griffin are here." I said getting annoyed.

"Ok I'm up!" He said grabbing My wrist from his shoulder. Griffin started giggling at the tension In the room. We watched a few movies and at this point it was 5:30 and griffin needed to get home. When we dropped griffin off at his house we decided to go a diner down the road from his house. We walked in and it had dimly lit red lights and had people working behind the counter. We sat down at a booth and Robin put his head down while Vance and I ordered food.


"Rob you ok?" Bruce asked looking up from his food.

"Yeah dude you haven't touched your food." Vance said concerned.

"Y-yeah I think imma just go to the bathroom real quick." I said stuttering. I don't know why I was thinking of him I just was. He was probably gone now anyway it's been years. I just wish he would get out of my head. I crashed through the bathroom door and puked my guts out in a stall. I didn't even notice how long I'd been in there for until I heard Vance and Bruce walking in the bathroom.

"Robin! You in here." Vance said sounding worried. I didn't even answer him I just couldn't hold back the tears and anger anymore. I kicked the bathroom stall door causing the lock to break and fall off clattering to the floor. Vance stepped in the stall and got down on his knees.

"Holy shit Rob. Bruce go wait in the car." He said grabbing toilet paper to wipe the tears and puke off my face. 

"Robin why didn't you tell me you didn't feel good I wouldn't have dragged you here" I cut him off before he could finish.

"It's not that ok!" I said burying my face in my knees and pulling them closer to hug them. Vance didn't even say anything he just picked me up from the floor and hugged me. I grabbed his shoulders hugging him for dear life. We walked outside to see Bruce waiting by the car bitting his nails nervously. I just opened the back seat and climbed in the car. We drove for a bit before I fell asleep in the back seat.


"What was wrong with him V?." Bruce said looking out of the window. I looked to see if Robin was asleep before I told Bruce. Robin trusted me and I didn't know if he wanted me to tell Bruce yet or not.

"Robin he was- he was thinking about Finney and he gets these bad panic attacks when he thinks too much about what happened." I said motioning my hand in a gesture way.

"I hate when it happens. You've known him longer and I haven't I just wish there was something I could do to help." I smiled at how cute Bruce was when he said he cared about Robin. We pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store as Bruce shook Robin awake.

"Robin get up real quick."

"Huh what?" He said sitting up a bit tired and confused.

"We're gonna run in here and get you some medicine." I said pointing to the store.

"Ok let's go." He said opening the door and stumbling out. I got out and noticed a familiar black van and my heart dropped. I heard muffled talking but was snapped out of my thoughts by Bruce yelling my name.

"Vance?,V, VANCE!" Bruce yelled snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Huh what?" I turned my gaze to see Bruce holding Robin up who had just threw up again on the sidewalk. 

"We gotta hurry he feels hot." Bruce said sounding like a mother picking up her sick child from elementary school. 

"Ok let's go." Robin,Bruce and I all walked into the store Robin hobbled in and looked like he was gonna fall over and die. Bruce had to hold Robin the whole time but we turned a corner and he freaked out. He ran up to some guy buying black balloons and spray can crap.

"Dammit Robin!" Bruce whisperer shouted. Robin was grabbing the guy by the shoulders and yelling at him. Thank god that there was barely anybody there. Bruce grabbed Robin and dragged him away from the guy. And I started apologizing.

"Sir I'm very sorry for my friend he, he's not in the best state of mind right now." I said handing the guy his hat back.

"Oh don't worry about it son, thank you, would you like to see a magic trick?." He said standing up from the floor.

"No thanks, I gotta get my friends medicine and get home. Thanks for the offer though." I said walking away quickly. That guy looked and sounded to familiar I see why Robin freaked out the way he did that guy looked so damn familiar to him.

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