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"What's wrong?" Bruce whispered at me with a concerned look on his face.

"My head hurts." I lied. I was actually wondering how Finneys first day back after years of isolation with the only people he ever talked to being a disgusting child murderer was going.

"Ok do you need to go to the nurse?" 

"No, it doesn't hurt that bad." I said waving my hand dismissively.

"Ok, if ya say so." He said looking back at the board. I suffered through class and made my way into the hallway with Bruce trailing behind me I waited outside of Finn's class to wait for him so we could walk together. 

"You coming?" Bruce said with a smirk on his face.

"No imma wait for Finn and let you and your boyfriend be alone." I said smirking back at him.

"Oh screw off Robin." Bruce said laughing slightly.

"Tell Vance I said hey!" I said shouting a bit.

"I will!" He said walking up the hallway. The bell rang and Finney didn't come out of class.

"Well that's concerning?" I mumbled under my breath. I walked in the classroom and seen Finney talking with a brunette girl with her hair in pigtails. Donna.

"Robin!" Finney said smiling.

"Hey Finn." I said as I walked up next to him.

"Oh I don't think you've met Donna. Donna this is Robin best friend since 3rd grade. And Robin this is Donna little sisters best friend." He said pointing to me then to Donna.

"Hi, Finney's told me a lot about you." She said grabbing my hand and shaking me by my hand.

"Nice to meet you." I said as I jerked my hand back wincing at the pain from my hand.

"Oh I'm sorry. I get excited easily." He said putting her hands in her pockets.

"So Don, you gonna walk Gwen home?" Finney asked.

"Yeah I'd love too!" She shrieked with excitement.

"Thanks Donna your a life saver!" Finn said as he grabbed my hand and yanked me out of the classroom. 

"Why would Gwen need to walk home with Donna and not you?" I asked taking Finn's hand.

"It's a surprise." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Ok whatever you say." I said rolling my eyes. 


I turned around and seen Bruce standing behind me as I threw my stuff over my shoulder.

"JESUS! I could've slapped you, you idiot!" I said as I lowered my hand.

"That's what you get for scaring me!" He said laughing

"Yeah because your easy to scare why is that so fucking funny?" I said as put my arm around his shoulder.

"Because your reaction is hilarious!" He said rolling his eyes.

"Oh shut up dick wat." I said as I entered the class leaving Bruce's side for another hour.


"Bye love!" That was new. I covered my face with my hand from blushing as I entered the classroom.


Once the stares and mumbling calmed down a bit class was actually enjoyable. I sat next to Donna and we started talking about my sister and soon became friends. The bell for class to be over rang and I met Robin as I turned around. I introduced Robin to Donna and they seemed to get along well. I was excited for school to be over not just to walk home with Robin but I planned for us to go the hill and study. The bell for school to end was like music to my ears. I walked out of the corridor and heard people cheering fight. I ran over to the sound and pushed past a  bunch of kids to get to the front. Robin was standing over a guy punching him. I won't lie the guy looked terrible. He had two black eyes and what looked like a broken nose and he had blood gushing from his head and nose. 

"ROBIN STOP!" I shouted as I pulled him off of the guy.

"Watch my hands Finn!" He said yanking his hand from me. He grabbed my hand and walked away from the whole fight.


"What Finn."

"C-can you let go your hurting me." I said as he let my wrist go I looked down at the not fully healed purple mark around my wrist from the grabber.

"I'm sorry Finney I didn't mean too." He said as he stroked loose hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"It's ok let's just go." I said taking his hand in mine.

"Wait you never told me exactly where we're going?" 

"Alright fine I'll tell you. We're going to the hill to study." 

"STUDY!? Ughhhh! Can you just shoot me! My grades aren't that bad!" He groaned.

"Oh yeah like I believe that. what happened to my Robin who was only good at Spanish?" I laughed slightly. 

"Ok first of all how dare you insult my grades. And second your just mad because the only Spanish I taught you was how to cuss me out." He said smirking. I laughed thinking of when me and Robin would insult each other in the hallways at school and the only people who understood it was me and him. We made it to the hill and sat down in the grass. I took my notebook out and started teaching Robin.

"Ok so what's 2 divided by four times 18 plus y?" I asked looking at Robin who was clearly confused.

"Huh? How the fuck am I supposed to do that?" He said pointing to the question. 

"Oh my gosh Robin what am I going to do with you." I said sighing and putting a hand on his head. 

"You could drown me in a lake." He said smiling.

"Oh shut up you dork!" I said smacking his forehead.

"You shut up you had that coming! But seriously can we take a break?" He said sitting up from the grass.

"Yeah I guess you have gotten better at math, what about science?" I asked remembering that was his lowest grade in school before everything happened.

"Finn don't you even go there." He said smiling.

"Oh but I will." I said jokingly.

"I love you Finney." He said under his breath. 

"What was that Rob?" I said playing dumb.

"Uh nothing? Are you hearing things?" He said turning a light shade of pink.

"Ok whatever you say Rob." I said smiling slightly.

{hey luvs how's your day been? I love you guys so much so enjoy some cute fluff. I have to tell you guys I'm not trying to scare you guys but y'all should keep your guard up for Finney and Robin just saying. Also if I might start posting chapters late or days apart but doesn't mean I'm not trying and not thinking of you guys ily all so, so, so, so, so, so, so, much and ty for all of the love and support y'all literally treat me better than my parents. ❤️}

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