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"Come on V, let's go to your house and call Robin.." I said pulling away from the hug. 

"Yeah, ok..." he said picking up the book and walking outside. We walked down the street and seen Billy delivering papers when a black van pulled up beside him.

"Hey Billy!" Vance said walking over to him when a man jumped out of the van. I followed Vance over to billy who looked uncomfortable as he got off his bike and made his way to Vance.

"Hey kid." I said waving to him.

"Hey guys, does that man seem weird to you at all?" Billy said looking up at Vance waiting for a response.

"Yeah, he does doesn't he..." Vance said ruffling his hair slightly with a fake smile on his face. 

"Hi boys!" The man said popping up behind billy. Vance immediately stood in front of Billy to block the man from him. 

"Hi um we're leaving now come on Bills!" I said pushing Billy's back telling him to walk. 

"Wait but I still have work-" 

"Dammit Bills! Walk!" I said starting to shove him slightly which got his attention cause he began walking faster.

"Bye." Vance said picking up Billy's bike and walking beside me. Once we took Billy home and made sure he got inside safe we walked back to Vance's. 

We walked up Vance's porch steps and he opened the door. 

Once we were inside Vance looked distraught which I guess he noticed I was looking at him because he quickly muttered out a few words. 

"Jesus Christ..." he said running his hands through his hair leaning against the door. 

"Hey, Vance? Robin? You ok?" I said pointing to the phone hanging on the wall.

"Screw that I'm not calling Robin!" He said snatching the phone from the receiver and dialing a random number.

"What? Then who are you calling?" I said confused.

"The cops dumbass! What if Billy would've been stupid enough to go with the Grabber!?" Vance said rolling his eyes.

"Vance we can't just accuse random people driving black vans of being child kidnappers and murderers." I said trying to calm him down which wasn't working. If I had learned anything from Vance it's that he doesn't clam down and if he does it's a miracle.

"God! I'm not stupid Bruce! The nosebleeds the nightmares and now this!? Hello!?" He said turning his back to me to talk to the cops. I mean I had to hand it to us. Solving this game was hard enough and it wasn't even over yet. 

"Yeah, he was very tall, wearing black, talking to my friend who looked uncomfortable. Yeah sure, ok. 14 about to be 15. Bye." Vance said hanging up the phone before dialing a number which I can only assume to be Robins.


"Uh, Robin can you get over here? Like now?" I said trying not to sound worried.

"Now? Like this very second?" He said confused. 

"Yes now and bring Finney and Gwen. Can you do that?" I said making sure he understood.

"Okay, your acting weird dumb shit what's up?" He said laughing slightly.

"Can you please for the love of god just go get those two and get your ass over here!?" I said getting impatient.

"Yeah fine "dad" I'm going." He said hanging up the phone. I hung the phone up as well and sat on the couch with Bruce.

"What happened? He asked resting his head on my shoulder.

"Robin, Finney, and Gwen are gonna come over and we can tell them what we found out then. If anyone knows anything about the grabber better than anyone, it's gonna be them mainly Gwen." I said putting an arm around his shoulder.

"What are they like?" Bruce asked looking up at me slightly.

"What are what like?" I said not knowing what he was talking about.

"Gwen's dreams? I mean she has only ever talked to you and Robin and about them right and Finney but I mean them two tell each other everything." He said playing with my hand.

"Oh, um I guess she dreamed about Finney when he was still missing and the Grabber taking the other kids, so if he's really still out there she could help us better than anyone." I said brushing his question under the rug. Truth is there's more to Gwen's dreams than just the grabber and missing kids. She's dreamt of her mom who took her life when she was little. And she's dreamt of other things things I don't want to rember.

"Oh, ok then poor kid that must suck she has to live like that." 



"Ryan! I'm going to Vance's!" I shouted from my room as I put my shoes on.

"Ok! Bye Robin!" He shouted back. 

I shut the door behind me making sure it locked so Ryan would be safe while I was gone and headed to Finneys. I made it to Finn's and knocked on the door. 

"FINN! It's Robin!" I said knocking on the door. The door opened and Finney opened it more realizing it was just me.

"Oh hey Rob, didn't know you were coming what's up?" He said with a light smile as he wiped his eyes a bit.

"Hey Finn wheres Gwen?" I said wondering where the usually "always beside Finn" Gwen was.

"Oh uh, she's upstairs why?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"Vance called me a few minutes ago and wanted Gwen, you, and me to come over to talk about soemthing I don't know." I said shrugging my shoulders. 

"Oh, well let me go get her and we'll be out in a minute." He said shutting the door back. I stood there for about 5 minutes when the door swung open to a red puffy eyed Gwen and Finney hugging her side.

"Hey Gwen what's wrong?" I asked worried for the poor kid who looked like she'd been dragged through hell and back. 

"Nothing can we just go?..." she said walking right past me and towards the street.

"What the hell happened?" I said elbowing Finney snapping him out of his thoughts.

"She um, she dreamt of him..." he said sighing.

"Well what happened in the dream?" I asked looking back to Gwen who was five feet ahead of us. 

"I don't know, she wouldn't tell me she was to upset." He said leaning his head on my shoulder.

"That's not like Gwen at all..." I said. And I meant it to. Gwen and Finney tell each other everything, for her not to tell him something like that worried me.

"Yeah...I know." He said as we turned onto Vance's street.

{your welcome loves, I love you all so much sweet fruit cups take care and stay safe! 💗}

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