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"Bye Gwen!" I said waving to her as she walked away to our house.

"Bye! have fun on your date!" She said before walking inside with Griffin.

"Did she really just scream that to our whole neighborhood?" I said grabbing Robins hand and walking quickly in the direction of his house.

"Yeah Finn, "let's have fun on our date"" he said rolling his eyes joining my sister in tormenting me.

"If Gwen wasn't my sister, and you weren't my boyfriend I'd have you murdered." I said hitting him in the head.

"Aw, you might hurt my feelings." He said putting a hand over his chest dramatically.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I said rolling my eyes once more.

"Matter of fact I will have fun on this sleepover date." He said grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers.


"Thanks for dinner Mrs hopper, you make good food." Bruce said standing up from the kitchen table and throwing his bag over his shoulder.

"Hey mom I gonna walk with him home. 'Kay?" I said taking Bruce's hand. 

"Bruce? Where's my hug?" She said holding her arms out like a kid. Bruce laughed and gave her a hug before we left to walk to Bruce's house.

"I love your mom," he said with a faint smile on his face.

"Yeah, I love her too." I said putting an arm around his shoulder.


Leaves crunching under our feet we made it to my house and I noticed my parents car wasn't in the driveway.

"You wanna come inside? Amy really likes you and wants to meet you." I said taking my house key out and opening the door.

"Yeah sure, she seems like a nice kid." I let him inside and held the door open for him.

"Why thank you sweetheart." He said mocking me.

"Oh shut it asshole. It's polite." I said crossing my arms.

"Okay love, whatever you say." He said before Amy came rushing to us.

"Bruce! Is this your boyfriend I've heard so much about!" She said immediately giving Vance a hug.

"You little idiot I'm gonna kill you!" I screamed feeling my face turn red.

"Awww! You talk about me!" He said smirking while returning Amy's hug.

"I hate both of you. But yes, Amy meet Vance, Vance meet Amy, the little shit I'm gonna kill later."  I peeled Amy off of Vance and walked into the kitchen noticing a small piece of paper laying on the counter. I picked it up and immediately wish I hadn't.

"Bruce yamada, Me and your father both need a break from you two. We don't know when we'll be home so don't bother calling. Watch after Amy and make sure you and her both study." I felt like i wanted to grab my parents by they're necks. How long has Amy been by herself here? I mean I was gone for a day and a half, on weekend for that matter. 

"AMY! come here!" I shouted probably louder than I wanted to.

"Yes Bruce?" She said picking at the loose skin on her fingers being scared.

"How long have mom and dad been gone for?" I asked handing her the note.

"A day and a half...when you didn't come home they just got up and left..." she said shakily as she began crying. 

"Amy, go pack a bag." I said giving her a hug.

"What's wrong?" Vance said standing behind Amy as I looked down at my sisters tear stained face.

"Can we still move in." I said pushing Amy's back lightly telling her to go to her room.

"Of course love, but why all of a sudden?" He asked crossing his arms as he watched Amy leave to her room. I looked down at the floor feeling like it was my fault Amy was having to go through this. If I had just gone home she would have been fine. I didn't answer him and just held my hand out for him to look at the note. He took it and quickly read over it before folding it and shoving it into his pocket.

"Why are you keeping it?" I asked pointing to his pocket.

"Because." He said coldly looking out at the window of our kitchen looking livid.

"I'll be quick..." I said walking past him and to my room.


"Robin I hate this movie." I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"How!? You have terrible taste Finn, sorry not sorry."  He said smirking as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Says you." I said rolling my eyes. 

We finished the movie and got ready for bed. I was in the bathroom staring at my short sleeved shirt. I put it on reluctantly and walked back to robins room holding the arm with scars on it.

"You ok?" He asked as I slid in next to him on his bed.

"Yeah...I guess." I said beginning to pick at my scars.

"I'm proud of you Amor, I know thats hard to quit. Especially when it's a coping mechanism." He said putting his hand on top of my hair.

"Yeah, thanks Robin." I said grabbing my arm.

"Hand me that marker over there," he said pointing to his desk. I reached over and grabbed it and handed it back to him.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he took the top off and stuck it to the bottom of the marker.

"You'll see, close your eyes." He said gently taking my arm as I closed my eyes. I felt marks be made on my arms before they eventually stopped.

"Andddd, open." Robin said pulling back to admire his work. I opened my eyes and stared down at my arm smiling. He drew tiny stars on my arm where the scars were to kinda cover them.

"They look bad I know. I suck at drawing." He said putting the marker top on and setting it back on his desk.

"I love it, thanks Robin your the best. Love you." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Your welcome Amor, love you to." He said planting a small kiss on my head before we both fell asleep.

{hey fruit cups sorry for not posting yesterday. todays been absolute shit. Headaches, extra chores, shitty school, and worst of all my shitty step dad is being a bitch again so I couldn't do those chores I have to do them when he's sleeping also I have to eat while he's sleeping cause I doubt he cooked me a damn thing to eat and it seems the only people that notice or give a single shit are my friend Alex and my art teacher. In my opinion that's sad when the art teacher treats you better and knows more about you then your own parents. Also I'm currently hiding out in my room writing this because I have nothing better to do and I don't even wanna look at his bitch ass right now. Anyway I love you fruit cups stay safe ❤️}

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