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"What kind of parents would leave they're 13 year old daughter home alone  for that long. They're lucky I'm nice and won't call the cops." My mother said while making Amy some food cause god knows when the last time she ate was.

"That's the thing mom they aren't parents. Here, I'm gonna go check on them." I said pulling the note out of my pocket that I had kept for her to read. I turned and walked to my room where Bruce was.

"Hey, you ok?" I said knocking on the door.

"Y-yeah..." he said opening it and moving to the side to let me in. 

"You know you're a terrible liar. Right?" I said flopping down on my bed. He just smiled and just sat down next to me resting his head on my shoulder.

"What if they come with cops and. Get your mom arrested or something, I'm telling you Vance they're fucking crazy." He said grabbing his elbow and tearing up.

"Hey, don't cry, I mean they might be crazy but that women in there is "I can kill you in five seconds" crazy" I said trying to make him feel better.

"Haha, yeah...hey Vance?" 

"Yes love?" I said looking down at him due to how short he was compared to me.

"Can I braid your hair if that's ok with you?" He said smiling.

"If makes you stop crying then yeah, sure." 

I sat on the floor of my bedroom letting Bruce braid my hair. I couldn't lie this was comforting to say the least. I brought my knees up to my face and leaned back since he was sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Your hair is really pretty." He said. I could practically hear the snicker in his voice.

"Oh, quiet dumb shit." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm serious! You should let me do this more often. I enjoy it." He said ruffling my hair slightly.

"Yeah, I enjoy it to love." I said closing my eyes leaning into his touch.

"Awww, you two hungry?" My mom said opening the door.

"Dammit woman do you knock!?" I said before I felt a yank on my hair.

"Don't talk to your mom like that!" Bruce said letting go of my hair and going to stand next to my mom.

"I love you even more Bruce," she said patting his hair.

"That hurt!" I said putting a hand over my heart.

"Oh hush Vance I love all three of you equally."

"Three?" Bruce said looking like a confused little kid.

"Yeah, three. You, Vance, and Amy!" My mom said counting on her fingers.

And going to knock on Amy's soon to be room for the next whoever long they were staying with us. Bruce looked down at the floor with a light smile on his face as my mom got Amy out of her room.

"What are you so happy about over there?" I said hitting his shoulder with my elbow slightly.

"I love your mom. I just never had that relationship with my parents, it's cute how close you two are." 

"Oh, thanks love." I said scratching the back of neck. I guess I never realized that not all kids are close with they're parents like I am with mine.

"Come on Amy, I made you some food." My mom said pushing her back slightly.

"Thanks mrs hopper!" She said giving her a hug which my mom gladly returned.


"Please honey, call me mom." Vanessa said smiling. I was glad my sister and boyfriends mom were getting along. Me and Vance decided we weren't hungry since we ate earlier.

"I'll get it." Vance said getting up from the floor where I was finishing braiding his hair. I followed him as he answered the phone hanging on the wall and heard familiar shouting. A shouting I was so used to hearing by now.

"Hello?" Vance said before being cut off.

"HOPPER! Let me speak to my son! I don't know what the heck you've done with him but put him on now!" My mothers voice demanded. I could feel her voice burning in my ears as she screamed at Vance causing him to pull the phone away from his ear holding it in pain.

"Wow not even a simple "hi"" Vance said smirking at me. He was enjoying seeing how mad he could make my mom, and to be honest I was to. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my laugh which I guess she still heard.

"Is that him! Bruce yamada get home now and where is Amy do you know how worried I was for you two!?" She said still screaming.

"Hand me the phone." I said finally deciding to stand up to my mom.

"You sure? This woman is crazy." Vance said making sure to cover the phone with his hand so my mom couldn't hear him. Either that or make sure she couldn't blow his ears out.

"Yeah, she's not gonna scream at you like that." I said holding my hand out for the phone.

"Okay love, here" he said handing me the phone and leaning against the wall as I talked to my mom. I took a deep breath before deciding to speak.

"You know mom, if you cared that much you wouldn't leave Amy alone for days at a time like you did. What if she would've gotten hurt or worse. she could've been killed or kidnapped. That goes to show how much you really care." I said finally saying what had been on my mind for years.

"Bruce I!" She said before I quickly shut her up.

"Listen mom, I was sick of this shit from day one. If you need me you'll come and get me. And Amy. Bye." I said quickly putting the phone back on the receiver before she could say anything else.

"Wow, nice job sweetheart." Vance said smiling as he looked at me with his pretty blue eyes.

"Yeah, but holy shit that felt." I said before quickly being interrupted.

"Good?" Vance said chuckling.

"Yeah, good. Awesome actually." I sighed. It did feel good to let my mom hear that after so long of holding it in.

{hey fruit cups, not me wishing I had the courage to stand up to my parents like that without being bitch slapped across the face lol. Love you fruit cups stay safe 👍💀👍♥️}

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