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May have mistakes cause I wrote this kinda late and I was tired after my cousins party I ate to much mac and cheese 🥲 


"Oh that's Gwen" I said getting up from the couch to let her in.

"Hey Gwen come on in." I said giving her a hug and letting her inside. 

"Thanks Finney! So what kinda of double date is this?" She said smirking.

"Shut up! It's not a date" I said rolling my eyes.


"Hey Robin.....can I talk to you for a minute?" Bruce said tapping me on the shoulder.

"Uh, yeah sure what's happening?" I asked kinda nervous by his tone of voice.

"I didn't know if you noticed but, why was Finney so hesitant to take the phone from Vance? It was almost like he didn't want to hear it ring or he was scared or something." Bruce said looking down at the floor.

"I don't know I'm sure he's okay. I'll talk to him later." I said turning back to the Tv to pick a movie.

"Uh, Robin I hope you know CHILDREN are going to be here right?" Vance said leaning on the doorframe.

"One child mainly griffin does not count as multiple kids Vance. Plus he's seen a horror movie before right?" I said waving the exorcist in my hand.

"Robin, he's seen a killer high school girl who moves shit with her mind. That's not scary!" (In case your wondering Vance is talking about the movie Carrie) 

"Still counts," I said walking to the living room.

"Robin!" Griffin shouted running to give me a hug.

"Hey buddy! How have you been?" I said giving him a hug back.

"Hey griff," Vance said ruffling his hair.

(Watching the movie)

Finney grabbed my hand when a jumpscare came on screen. He tried to take his hand back I wouldn't let him. Griffin had his head buried into a pillow and Vance was clinging onto Bruce for dear life.

"You guys are such sissies! This movie isn't even scary! Are the only people not scared me and Billy?" Gwen shouted.

"Gwen don't rub it in their faces!" Billy said smacking her shoulder.

"Okay no, no, no, no, I'm turning it off." Vance said getting up from the couch and turning the tv off.

"Thank god." Finney said sighing.

"Scared much amor?" I said matching the same smirk as Gwen.

"No, you should've seen your face you looked like you were gonna cry!" He said crossing his arms.

"I was not!" I said smiling.

"Okay children! Shut up! Can I paint your nails?" Gwen said pulling out nail polish.


"Uhhh, I'd rather not" I said raising my hand.

"Oh shut it hopper let the kid do her thing!" Bruce said shoving me a little.

"Okay fine," I sighed giving into Gwen's demand. 

"I mean you drag me from Susie's to come over here! I'm painting those nails and doing hairstyles!" She said putting a hand on her hip waving the polish in her hand .

"Just hurry up so we can get this shit off!" I screamed. She started with Finney and Robin first doing blue for Finney and red for Robin.

"This is so stupid!" Finney said as Gwen finished the first hand. Doing Robins nails was a complete nightmare. The kid couldn't sit still for shit.

"Robin stop moving!" Gwen shrieked trying to get Robin to sit down.

"I'm sorry! I'm bored!" He said tossing his head back sighing.

"Here Robin" Finney said letting Robin play with his hand to keep him busy.

"I'm gonna go smoke." I said getting up from the living room floor and walking out onto porch. I pulled the door shut and took out my lighter.

"You okay?" Bruce said shutting the behind him to give us room to talk.

"Yeah I guess..." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Don't lie to me." He said leaning on the banister of the porch.

"Why do you like me?" I said banging my lighter against the porch trying to get it to work.

"Here let me see it." Bruce said taking my lighter. He got it to light and held it up to my cigarette lighting it for me.

"Answer my question." I said avoiding eye contact.

"Why wouldn't I?" He said smiling.

"No I mean! Like why me!" I was cut off by a soft kiss planted on my lips.

"Cause Vance, I love you." He said pulling away still holding my face. I grabbed his waist looking into his dark brown eyes.

"I love you too yamada" I said.

"Now let's go back inside before your kids wonder what we're doing out here." He said laughing giving me a quick peck on my face. 

"Yeah okay." I said twisting the door open.

"VANCE! Thank god! Robin just started pouring blood from his nose out of no where!" Gwen said running up to me pointing to the bathroom. I ran into the bathroom seeing the blood droplets on the floor leading to the bathroom. Finney was holding a blood soaked towel up to Robins face trying to get the blood to stop. 

"I'm fine Finn really!" Robin said trying to get the towel away from his face.

"No your not! Why are gushing blood like this anyway?" Finney said still holding the towel to Robins face.

"Here Finn, let me see." I said running the towel and running it under some water.

"Ow! It's cold!" Robin said whining.

"Yeah no shit Rob!" I said holding the towel to his face. We finished cleaning the blood off of Robins face and got it to stop pouring out of his nose and went into the living room to find Billy Griffin, and Gwen all snuggled together on the couch and Bruce bitting his nails looking at them worriedly.

"Hey love were done cleaning" 

"Oh okay, I cleaned the blood off on the floor." Bruce said running his hands through his hair.

"Can we go to bed now!" Finney said leaning on Robin.

"Yeah go ahead, I gotta talk to Vance for a sec." Bruce said dragging me out of the house and shutting the door behind him.

"What love." I said grabbing his waist.

"You scared your kids Vance!" He said laughing and holding my face in his hands.

"No they scared themselves, I gotta out of that nail appointment though." I said laughing.

"Yeah I love Gwen like a sister but her painting skills are, different." He said rolling his eyes. 


"Goodnight Amor." I said kissing Finneys forehead.

"Yeah, yeah goodnight to you to." Finney said rolling over on his side. 


"What Rob." Finney said getting agitated wanting to sleep.

"I love you." I said smiling happy I pissed him off.

"Yeah I love you too, now let me sleep!" He said wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Gladly." I said smiling to myself as played with the curls in his hair.

{Hey fruit cups I love you guys and hoping you have a great day. I just love you all so much and hope you guys are doing alright and if you aren't I'm here if you wanna talk about it. Stay safe my sweet fruit cups and I'll write some more tomorrow. ❤️🫶}

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